Sentences with phrase «head direction cells»

In mammals, head direction cells don't form a ring, but they do act in concert, he says.
Rudiments of place cells, head direction cells, and grid cells already existed when the pups made their first movements out of the nest.
The scientists zoomed in on the ellipsoid body, a donut - shaped structure in the middle of the fly's brain where they suspected the insect equivalent of head direction cells might reside.
If cells in the ellipsoid body operate like head direction cells in humans, they should stay on track even in the dark.
The fly's ellipsoid body cells may be similar to the head direction cells of mammals, Seelig and Vivek suggest.

Not exact matches

Chromosomes in older eggs simply don't have enough of this protein, and that causes the chromosomes to do some unscripted acrobatics: Rather than heading off in the right direction toward two separate cells, they might both wind up attaching to one cell or another.
In the adult brain, space and orientation are represented by an elaborate hippocampal - parahippocampal circuit consisting of head - direction cells, place cells, and grid cells.
Head - direction cells in the pre - and parasubiculum have adultlike properties from the beginning.
Instead, neurons known as «head direction» cells are found in many brain regions.
Border cells are relatively sparse, making up less than 10 % of the local cell population, but can be found in all layers of the medial entorhinal cortex as well as the adjacent parasubiculum, often intermingled with head - direction cells and grid cells.
The Hippocampal Formation contains several types of cells which code for different aspects of space: the animal's current location within the environment, its heading direction, the distance over which it travels in a particular direction, and the location of environmental boundaries.
Another question, says Edvard Moser, is how grid cells interact with other neurons (such as head - direction cells) that also play a role in navigation: «How is that information put together?
Sure, the Lane Departure Warning system will beep incessantly at you as 4200 lbs of sheet metal and dead cattle wander gently from one side of the lane to the other, but as long as nothing unexpected arises (say, a curve, or for that matter, a curb), you'll meander along quite gracefully, outwardly no different from the hordes of cell - phone - addicted commuters heading the same direction.
Splinter Cell franchise producer Basil Iwanyk recently spoke about the direction the film adaptation will be heading during an interview with Collider.
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