Sentences with phrase «head knowledge»

Faith has little or nothing to do with head knowledge and everything to do with heart knowledge.
We have discussed that personal finance is 80 percent behavior and 20 percent head knowledge.
There is a difference between head knowledge and heart knowledge.
It sounded easy enough and as head knowledge it is.
When my first child was born, I felt better prepared for breastfeeding her because I had all sorts of head knowledge.
In the gray area lies the woman who is filled with head knowledge about God but desperately wants to feel God in her relationships with the people around her.
I may have strongly stated the case for social action, but this is only because for too many years, I have been too focused on head knowledge and learning the Bible and theology, and I feel that finally, my theology is starting to result in practice.
Beliefs access head knowledge, and will usually start arguments.
It's just a plea from an ordinary believer who longs for the word of God — not for mere head knowledge (I've been there, done that)-- but for the sustenance it brings and for the way it can reveal the God who can change me into the image of Jesus Christ and who can make that image permeate every facet of my being so that the gospel transforms how I live my life.
The Wolfpack works best when the subjects are being let out into the world to experience things for the first time, displaying how their massive knowledge of cinema has drilled unbelievable visions of the outside world into their heads
«My individual goal was to translate this model from head knowledge to embodied knowledge.
You are full of head Knowledge and lack any hint of the Holy Spirt.
He says finance is «20 percent head knowledge and 80 percent behavior.»
Surely by now you'd think we see the craziness and madness of the «Black Fridays» but the cartoon is a funny if not realistic reminder that we have a long ways to go and that head knowledge is not to be confused with heart knowledge.
It is conventional to distinguish between theological schools that focus on the education of ministers by attending to the «heart knowledge» of God that people have through their Christian experience, through their piety or spirituality, and theological schools that focus on the education of Christian intellectuals by attending to the «head knowledge» of God that people have through critical intellectual inquiry.
The great thing about studying theology is that all that head knowledge has a way of running down and soaking into your heart.
The qualities which we are seeking to develop do not depend on «head knowledge» of different traditions, or even on experience of various forms of cooking or music, but on a slow but solid growth in character, or — may I say it?
I am not sure that we need more «head knowledge» as evangelicals as much as we need to put into practice what we already know to be true!
Spiritual living is more than head knowledge and mental reasoning; love and peace go beyond the mind into a spiritual dimension, which we often experience as feelings or a deep intuitive «knowing.»
There's no problem with going to classes, and head knowledge is good, but a true to life work environment with a firm Christian foundation?
Head knowledge may impress our readers, but it will not transform them.
Dave says personal finance is 80 % behavior and 20 % head knowledge.
However, many times more than head knowledge is necessary.
However, many times more than head knowledge is -LSB-...]
Head knowledge is one thing, but applied knowledge is the most important thing!
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