Sentences with phrase «head shaking»

There are a number of reasons that can cause excessive head shaking.
The concept that a cat can open his carrier door, go in and close it behind him is often met with eye rolls and heads shaken in disbelief.
Occasionally the damage results from the ear striking a sharp edge during head shaking.
Many dogs have a knack for destroying the tape - job by head shaking, scratching, and a variety of other crafty tricks.
It can be used 2 - 3 times a week to maintain excellent ear hygiene and provide long - lasting relief from irritation and persistent head shaking.
Many times pets with underlying allergies may lead to secondary bacterial and / or yeast infections of the ears, which often result in excessive wax or discharge and thus secondary head shaking.
They cause intense itching, noted by scratching behind the ears and violent head shaking.
Sometimes dogs may have an ear infection which at its early stages may not produce any visible symptoms, or the symptoms may be mild and consist of an occasional head shake or scratching.
Even a mild yeast infection can cause excessive head shaking.
This can work both ways: if you have a lousy physique to start with then you're gonna have to put up with a lot of sympathetic looks and dissmissive head shakes as though the freaky exercises you're trying out are the very reason why you continue to remain slightly shaped like a toad.
Behavioral Itching and scratching — usually the ears, head and neck Generalized itching Frequent shaking of the head
«My husband and I paid for first class so that we'd have the extra space and could lay down with her — once we were boarded I was getting tons of eye rolls and head shakes from fellow passengers... because my baby was crying (as if I could just look at Ruby and say okay now it's time to stop),» wrote Charnas.
So, to be clear, here are some situations when head shaking in babies and young toddlers can be a sign of illness:
And the oaks just shake their heads
Dogs with head shaking syndrome as well as seizures were also given 3 to 4 drops of Cocculus 6C weekly for an additional three months.
Common signs of ear infection include head shaking, frequent scratching, foul odours, abnormal discharge, redness, and pain.
An observer, glancing about the room, could see heads shaking, tears welling up in some eyes, an angry expression here, a delighted one there.
either verbally or with an emphatic head shake ask baby questions that give her a chance to say no or yes, like «Do you want a drink?»
Nodding apparently boosted the subjects» confidence in whatever assessment they were making, positive or negative, while head shaking undermined it.
Untreated ear infections in pets leads to constant head shaking and Scratching at your pet's ears.
The Welshman was given scathing reviews in the Spanish press, and reportedly had heads shaking on the Madrid bench.
The veteran midfielder wheeled away to celebrate his first goal of the season, with Darmstadt heads shaking in disbelief.
Head shaking increases during moments of anxiety and happens frequently or lasts a long time; or
This defiance may come out as a shout or a whisper, even just a forceful head shake.
Sure, there is a little flattening, but a good head shake when you get to work fixes that.
I'm not sure if they were serious but the action was contrived and the acting was head shaking bad.
Generally head shaking breaks a blood vessel within the earflap, which bleeds and kinds a blood blister (haematoma).
With ear infection there is often head shaking, pain if the ear is touched, and a waxy discharge.
It is caused by damage to the cartilage from vigorous repeated head shaking or scratching at the ears with the back feet.
Persistent or aggressive head shaking can cause an Aural Haematoma.
Welsh terriers with atopy might chew on their paws, exhibit head shaking and ear scratching and rub their noses along the ground to relieve the itch.
Pets with ear mites will show obvious discomfort, itching, pawing, and scratching at the ear (which can lead to infection) and frequent head shaking.
Hold the earflap to straighten the canal, put a few drops of ear cleaner down the opening, and gently therapeutic massage down, holding the flap to stop quick head shaking.
Megan and I traded looks; her pursed lips slightly raised in a smile, a small head shake; my wide - mouth grin acknowledging the self - imposed absurdity.
So, how does one summarize such a mixture of some of the most stunning gaming moments in recent memory, and also some of the most frustrating and head shaking design at the same time?
Oh Merve... And to think, not that long ago I heard you complaining about how dumb some of your students are... (patronizingly sad head shake)
The Sony WF - 1000X fared slightly better thanks to a tighter seal in the ear canal, but still jostled loose after a few head shakes.
CREA needs to give its communal bureaucratic head a shake and decide whether it thinks it represents a profession or an anything - goes free - for - all bunch of fast - money hucksters.
The most common underlying causes of head shaking are ear infections, ear mites and fleas.
But just days later those cheers turned to head shaking as it was revealed Coinbase launched without the required licenses in many states.
Other signs of allergy - induced infection include heading shaking and red, waxy ears.
Excessive head shaking or scratching rips the cartilage apart.
tried feeding her during the day and got a emphatic head shake «no»: -LRB-..
Executive editor Mac Morrison climbed out, stared at the GT R hard for a good 10 seconds, and performed a little head shake.
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