Sentences with phrase «head tilts as»

Her eyes narrowed, her head tilting as she looked him over.
A small head tilt as you lean in will emphasize your undivided attention.
Get your dog's attention and say «do you wan na...» and watch for the head tilt as they're waiting for that magic phrase «go for a walk?»
It's important not to ignore this type of head tilt as the underlying problem may become worse over time and cause permanent damage.

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According to the report, Amazon's patent describes the process as using a phone or computer to «prompt the user to perform certain actions, motions, or gestures, such as to smile, blink, or tilt his or her head
Transactions would require users to perform certain actions, such as a smile, blink or tilting of the head.
Try leaning in towards the person who is speaking and tilt your head slightly as you listen to them speak.
One of the features Apple is exploring is the ability to take a picture and then change the depth of the photograph or the depth of specific objects in the picture later; another would isolate an object in the image, such as a person's head, and allow it to be tilted 180 degrees.
The bottom line: Even after the recent outperformance, EM hard currency debt is a fixed income asset class worth tilting toward as we head into 2016.
As I read through portions of this blog, there are other flags that cause me to tilt my head and go, «Hmm.
Mayweather tilts his head forward towards me as he explains.
There is nothing so horrifying as having your baby tilt his or her head back far enough to stretch the skin tight, revealing a bathtub ring of encrusted crud.
head tilted back slightly, pushing in across shoulders so chin and lower jaw make first contact (not nose) while mouth still wide open, keep baby uncurled (means tongue nearer breast) lower lip is aimed as far from nipple as possible so baby's tongue draws in maximum amount of breast tissue
Do not hold the back of babies head with your palm, as it tilts the head into a forward position and will result in a poor latch.
When babies come to the breast, they tilt their heads back as they open their mouths wide, like a yawn, and stick their tongues out.
Keeping their head tilted, move away to allow the air to come, the chest should fall as this happens.
Yoga poses such as pelvic tilts may also encourage baby to progress into a head - down position needed for birth.
Turn him onto his side with his chest towards you, head tilted slightly back, at the same level as your breast.
As a baby's head grows, the tube tilts, and the steeper angle makes it easier to ventilate the middle ear.
Don't restrict the back of their head from tilting back (you can't open your mouth as wide if your head is tilted forwards and neither can they)
As for photos, previous studies suggest a genuine smile and a slight head tilt will boost your appeal.
In those last dinosaur days, any skygazing T. rex might have tilted its head in curiosity as a strange, new star grew dozens of times brighter than the sun.
As a result, the skull tilts forward — which could increase the risk of head injuries.
TrackPlot, a custom software tool developed by Ware, translated the tags» data into a three - dimensional ribbon that illustrated the whales» paths as they repeatedly dove to the bottom of the ocean, rolled onto their sides, tilted their heads down, and feasted on sand lance, a favorite food that is abundant there.
Researchers, including a team from Children's National Health System, have identified head circumference and head tilting reflex as two reliable biomarkers in the identification of autism spectrum disorders (ASD) in children that are between 9 and 12 months of age.
«We will continue looking at the efficacy of the head circumference and head tilting reflex as a screening tool for these disorders,» said Andrea Gropman, MD, a contributor to the study and Division Chief of Neurogenetics at Children's National.
This study looked at the use of head circumference and head tilting reflex as two biomarkers that can be used during well - baby visits by primary care providers.
This study looked at the use of head circumference and head tilting reflex as two biomarkers that can be used during their well - baby visits by their primary care providers.
American signers raise their eyebrows and keep their heads tilted back throughout the topic, while Israeli signers typically squint their eyes and move their heads forward and downward as they sign the topic.
Protect yourself Tilting your head backward into a sink while shampooing can alter blood flow to the brain, but researchers at the University of Medicine and Dentistry of New Jersey reported that using a support, such as a towel, minimizes the problem.
As you tilt your torso back rest the back of your head on the wall.
Inhale and drop your navel down toward your mat as you tilt your head and tailbone toward one another.
Try not to have an extreme forward head tilt / shift («Smartphone neck» or «reader's neck») as I have in this video.
Tilt the head backward as much as possible.
Now tilt your head back as far as you can and pause briefly and relax and return to the start position.
Step 3: Lock out your arms overhead seeking to move your head as little as possible (don't tilt your neck).
Brace your core and draw your shoulder blades back and down as you tilt your head to one side.
If your chin and hyoid bone are jutting forward or your head is tilting back, your entire core — internal structures such as your organs — will push forward into your abdominal wall.
Tilt your head and remember to breathe as you pour or squirt water into one nostril.
Also, as with the pulldowns, most people simply don't have the necessary shoulder flexibility to get a straight line on the movement - they must tilt their head forward to get the bar behind it, adding greatly to the possibility of injury.
Avoid tilting your head up or down — move it forward as if it were sliding on a straight path.
When doing dumbell shoulders presses, tilt the dumbells in towards your head throughout the movement as though you're pouring water on your head with a pitcher.
On an exhalation press your feet into the floor and your thighs against the wall more firmly, tilt the top rim of your pelvis away from the wall, press your hands down, lift your chest as high as you can, and let your head hang completely back.
Make styling easy by splitting your hair into sections and curling one side at a time, tilting your head as you style.
Look in the mirror and tilt your head down to see where shadows fall, and then just conceal that area, tapping to blend as you go.
You know when you sat down as a kid to take your yearbook photos, and the entire experience felt forced, and you were given «tilt your head this way» instructions that just didn't make any sense?
When speaking with your date or as they are introducing themselves, tilt your head slightly to one side to show interest and engagement.
The study described pride as «head tilted up, expanded chest, and arms raised above head in fists» and happiness as «smiling broadly.»
On a deep blue background Timothee Chalamet and Armie Hammer as Elio and Oliver are neck to neck, their heads tilted back as if to gaze at an impossibly azure sky.
You can buy that the gentle whirs of Ava's head tilts and the light whooshes of the complex's glass doors are Nathan's own delicate flourishes rather than strictly being Garland's, in part thanks to an inspired, unsettled performance by Isaac, who plays Nathan as the kind of handsome bro who knows he can get away with sporting ugly,»90s - derived wire frames.
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