Sentences with phrase «heads in the sand on»

You make the mistake of thinking I have my head in the sand on this.
A lot of people are putting their head in the sand on this one, but the writing is on the wall....
Fortunately, many U.S. communities seem to be demonstrating an increased awareness of the dangers of putting our collective heads in the sand on the issue of health and learning.
«We can not afford to bury our head in the sand on climate change,» she said.
If you've still got your head in the sand on this one, consider this your kick in the rump.
«On any issue there's people who have their head in the sand on both sides — the world is coming to an end tomorrow or there's no problem,» he said.
The principles have achieved scale, years ago, in Sweden before there was even such a thing as PH. NA has its collective head in the sand on this.
Obama appears to have stuck his head in the sand on this issue (not to mention others).
So don't worry I am not sticking my head in the sand on your position.

Not exact matches

As a potential home buyer, I won't blame you if all you want to do is stick your head in the sand (on some sunny, non-Canadian beach somewhere) and hide.
They do not in fact bury their heads in the sand as the old wives» tale tells it, but the fact that most of us believe that myth to be true only makes a stronger point: if the move you choose is to burrow in deeper to protect the current nest on which you rest, the odds are high that you're leaving yourself a sitting duck (or ostrich, as it were).
Nearly 50 years later, problems like rising global temperatures, melting Arctic sea ice, and the demographics putting pressure on food production and resources like forests, can make you want to scream or bury your head in the sand.
On this issue too it seems their heads are also firmly planted in the tar sands.
I am sticking my head in the sand... know I lost out on so much over these last good years, but don't even know where to start.
You could whack them on the rear end as much as you want, but they'll still keep their heads in the sand.
That lasted until April 18, 2000 when Reed was forced out in a boardroom coup, leaving Weill the sole Chairman and CEO and on his way to becoming a billionaire from the lavish stock option grants he received from his head - in - the - sand Board of Directors.
3) admitting you believe existence to be meaningless at its core, meaningless throughout, and yet we are supposed to fabricate meaning & «just get on with it»... not only is that utterly self - contradictory but it sounds like you saying: «yep, just live life with your head in the sand
«Isn't the simplest touch of a child's arm on the face more important, isn't the good meal, the brush against a thigh, a hand held during a movie, a swim in the sea, aren't those things of equal importance as the sands of time come rushing down on our heads burying ambition and love, good and evil, breath, blood, brains, waste, memory, alike in the oblivion?»
You never did comment on how you think the Vatican Bank is doing, head in the sand Bill.
It's tempting to want to stick your head in the sand and pretend things will get better on their own.
You can keep your head buried in the sand, but humanity is moving on.
Maybe it's time you pulled your heads out of the sand and started basing your beliefs on reality instead of what old men in funny costumes tell you.
Andrew Forrest could be heading back to the High Court after losing the latest round in the battle over sand mining on his Minderoo cattle s...
As a Chilean Arsenal fan, I feel that Wengers keeps his head stuck in the sand... Alexis is tired of putting 110 % on each training and match and geting nothing in return.
Instead he burys he head in the sand and preys on the fanatics of his philosophy no different than those who are fanatics of Michael Jackson.
If we are waiting on the sale of Sanchez I expect it to be dragged out the entire window, instead of taking the bull by the horns and making a decision, I feel Wenger will once again bury his head in the sand hoping that Sanchez will one day sign a new contract.
This blog is just rediculious you guys keep burring your head in the sand and relying on past experiences from both players and couch you all need to wake up and call a spade a spade stop talking about wenger invincibles and Ozil time at Real Madrid it's stupid please judge each based on current performances
You don't move mountains on forums, but at the same time is it so hard to have a conversation and exchange of views about a common interest with people who can do better than bury their heads in the sand and blame luck, karma, star sign alignment?
All isn't well in English football and I'm not sticking my head in the sand, putting my fingers in my ears and belting out Jerusalem to block out any negatives, but we need to focus on actual reasons rather than fashions.
At least i do nt stick my head in the sand i as questions on what i see.
This is no reflection on the actor but of my head buried in the sand status.
If your child is about to hit another child on the head with his / her sand shovel, quickly move in, pick your child up and say, «Shovels are for digging, not for hitting.»
If we have our head in the sand, we will never notice what is really going on and therefore we will be unlikely able to affect it.
«Any politician on either side of the aisle that says things are going really well in New York has their head in the sand.
«We're not going to stick our head in the sand and not not take on the tough fights.»
Mr Hammond added that the government was committed to «doing what is right for Britain, not burying your head in the sand and ploughing on regardless as the last government all - too - often did».
Clegg's failure to fall on his sword after three poor election results in quick succession is now reinforcing the message that, far from being a party that listens, the leadership is now burying its head in the sand.
WHITE PLAINS, NY — County Executive Robert P. Astorino invites you and your family to grab some pails and shovels and head over to the second annual Sand Castle Competition on Saturday, August 1, at Glen Island Park in New Rochelle.
Instead of sticking our heads in the sand and burying Britain in more and more debt, I am proud that Liberal Democrats in Government remain committed to an agenda that is reducing the deficit, supporting those who work hard and want to get on in life and ensuring that we can deliver a stronger economy in a fairer society.»
The Fresh Meadows Democrat, who is competing for a newly - created congressional seat in Queens, accused his opponents, Assemblywoman Grace Meng of Flushing and City councilwoman Elizabeth Crowley of Middle Village, of «sticking their heads in the sand» on the issue.
Labour will not win the next election if it buries its head in the sand and denies that it will be decided in the centre ground, Lord Mandelson says on Monday in an interview ahead of the 20th anniversary of Tony Blair's election as Labour leader.
There has been a constant narrative on here this past month, between gloating Tories and Lib Dems with their heads in the sand.
«Alarmist» suggests someone sticking his / her head in the sand and ignoring the data in order to justify a pre-conceived irrational notion (human influence on climate will lead us to certain disaster unless immediate action is taken).
«Denier» suggests someone sticking his / her head in the sand and ignoring the data in order to justify a pre-conceived irrational notion (there can be no human influence on our climate so no action is required).
And the vegans seem to be the most aligned with environmental demands, while the Paleo folks bury their heads in the sand and try to pretend we're not living in the 21st century on a planet of 7 billion people.
Some people find headache relief in this pose when they place a weight, such as a sand bag, on the head, with one end on the forehead and the other draped over the top of the head onto the floor.
Depending on what dating site you met through there is usually some lines drawn in the sand and you have a general idea of where the night is headed.
Wreckage of the doomed cruise ship MV Lyubov Orlova which went missing at sea in 2013 and was plagued by rats may have been found buried in sand on a beach Accused Genovese mob boss Eugene «Rooster» O'Nofrio has given up on plea talks and is headed to trial for racketeering, his lawyer confirmed on Thursday.
Throughout the film, Sorrentino packs in numerous surrealistic touches, from the sight of a nun buried up to her neck in sand (accompanied by an aural assault on the soundtrack) to a grotesque glimpse of Rizzo with a potato poultice around his head to the jarring sight of Geremia's village, built by Mussolini on an Italian swampland.
«We believe in Taika as a filmmaker, and we felt like this was a movie where we can make it on our scale and the right way... He doesn't have to sand off the edges, doesn't have to change the humor,» said Matthew Greenfield, who heads up production for Fox Searchlight with David Greenbaum.
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