Sentences with phrase «heal brokenness»

Helping parents and their children heal brokenness and rebuild relationships is very rewarding, and I've had the honor of facilitating that healing no matter how minor or severe the problem might have seemed.
I work with couples to identify wounds, to heal brokenness, and to resolve issues.
We need to release our expectations that the government will flawlessly solve all our problems and heal our brokenness.
«l4 Relevant churches have a three - pronged mission: to heal brokenness, to nurture growth, and to equip (train, coach, educate, inspire) change / growth agents to help individuals and to create a more humanizing society.
There were, of course, always problems in such communities, and Jesus frequently tried to heal the brokenness and pain that was present in the community.
Forgiveness is the glue that heals relationships and enables us to seek to reunite the separated, to heal brokenness.
The gospel we must shout from the housetops is that Jesus loves all of us, no matter our condition, and that His forgiveness can heal our brokenness j lee grady
God's calling to us is to heal brokenness, to reunite the separated, whatever the cause of separation, wherever it appears.
What would that child have to do to make you choose to be separated from him / her for eternity — when you had the power to heal their brokenness and restore him / her to wholeness and loving relationship with you and the rest of humanity — and eternity to wait for them to respond to your love?
We all do things, big and small, that hurt our fellow human beings; and we are all in need of a savior to heal the brokenness from which this pain flows.
They travel with her in the landscape of Calvin's doctrine and assess whether his dramatic account can make sense of their specific experiences of gender oppression and also convey an empowering grace that heals their brokenness.
The immense mental health contributions of organized religion will be released only as increasing numbers of churches and temples become centers of healing and growth — centers for healing the brokenness of individuals and relationships, and settings where persons find stimulation for lifelong growth toward their fullest humanity.
As is true of all long - term intrapsychic, nonsystemic approaches to therapy, psychoanalysis has little relevance to the task of healing the brokenness of the masses of humankind.
What has happened in the 1960s is a rapid shift of attention from healing the brokenness at the bottom of the cliff to trying to build preventive fences at the top.

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Faith gives us courage to face the brokenness of life and heal from the losses we've suffered.
Jesus didn't give the woman at the well or the gay centurion with a slave lover a sermon he loved & helped their brokenness & put them on the path to healing.
How do you know the way forward that lets you heal, that lets you flourish, the way that takes your brokenness — and makes wholeness?
Hart clearly and succinctly narrates the story of how the deep brokenness of race in America has shaped our churches today and orients us in the direction that we will need to go in order to find God's healing.
Do you react to language about brokenness and healing in the context of homosexuality positively or negatively, and why do you think that is?
I'm also affiliated with the Jewish Renewal movement, and in Renewal, we frequently use Hasidic metaphors — which in turn draw on kabbalistic metaphors — of raising up the sparks of divinity in creation in order to heal creation's brokenness.
For someone that is dealing with brokenness in their own life, what's the best approach to speaking healing into their life?
... Accordingly, New Thought supports the cleansing of perceptions, the neutralization of all perception of disconnectedness, brokenness and separation, which in turn results in the healing of conditions....
The preamble of the proposal adopted in January includes what might be called, without disrespect, ecumenical boilerplate: CCT will foster «relationships where our differences can be better understood, our commonalities better affirmed, and our brokenness healed by God.»
Are we willing to stand in faith, engaged in the brokenness that is shredding the world, and proclaim that God is still God, even when life doesn't change and hurts refuse to heal?
Milkmaid Mama with «This is About Brokenness and Unity» «How do we heal the church?
Am I giving my life to bring hope and healing to the places where I see brokenness?
It is only when I am not afraid to recognize my own brokenness, to say, «Turn us again, Lord God of hosts, cause thy face to shine and we shall be whole» — that the broken bones may begin to heal, and to rejoice.
The heart of the Gospel story is the assertion that God saw our brokenness and pain and sin and would not look away, instead sending His Son to die for us and heal the world.
I want my brokenness healed.
In that confrontation, renewal can be found, and at least in a fragmentary way, the power of reconciliation overcoming alienation, the healing of brokenness, the experience of release from guilt, anxiety and despair.
Today, my mission is to help survivors of domestic violence reclaim their power, forgive themselves, repair their brokenness, heal their soul, and discover their magic.
This earnest, well - acted melodrama has compassion for all of its characters, who include gay men and the Christians dedicated to healing them of their «brokenness».
Jennifer Ailee's story of hope that turned to disappointment, brokenness that led to healing and redemption is wrapped in an easy reading story that keeps you interested throughout the book.
«If government is broken, we are part of that brokenness and must engage in healing ourselves too.»
What you have written about in this post is what we find in our classes, «Chained No More... A Journey of Healing for the Adult Children of Divorce / Childhood Brokenness».
Christian counseling for teens utilizes a two - pronged approach toward healing, encompassing both a spiritual core component and focusing on the symptoms of human brokenness.
She works to discover the beauty and brokenness within their stories with the healing hope that they would accept and honor who they are and experience more freedom, kindness, comfort, and connection.
Attachment brokenness is healed through re-experiencing the attachment - building interactions that were not provided (or were insufficiently provided) during the first years of life, such as eye contact made when a baby is fed and swaddled.
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