Sentences with phrase «healing experience of»

Nichols, M. & May, J. (September 2008) «Family Attachment Narrative Therapy: Healing the Experience of Early Childhood Maltreatment.
Nina is a Level II EMDR practitioner and when appropriate offers this theory and practice as a tool for healing the experience of trauma.
Whether you go through the process and listen in with others or just find a quiet space in your own home to sit and make the Ah tone, please consider joining this powerful sound healing experience of elevating the frequency of love on the planet.
My desire is to help women become more than conquerors through the healing experience of childbirth!
When you are prayed for for healing your experience of God is through someone else's experience and your experience is the result of theirs.

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Certainly, some of it had to do with the fact that I was a more confident second - time mom, but, mostly, I think it was the luxury of time — to heal completely, to get my postpartum sh*t together, to get to know my son, and to revel in the experience of caring for what I knew was my last baby.
However, I do believe that time spent reflecting, bringing awareness and healing to those challenging moments in our life, especially in the presence of a skilled guide, can speed up the process by which we can alchemize the life turmoil we've experienced into superpowers in our leadership and business.
Dumas attributed her focus on pills to her time in the US Abroad, she ended up finding something valuable in her experience of being forced to slow down and heal.
Widely used by doctors and physical therapists to control pain and stimulate healing by passing electrical current through affected areas, the devices cost thousands of dollars and can be tricky to use, but Rahimi experienced immediate, lasting relief the first time he used it.
Mr. Garrity's legal experience, his love of the arts, and his commitment to the Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School have prepared him to lead Shine MDS, Inc., and face the challenges of a community in need of healing.
Beatriz will bring to the foundation her diverse experience in healthcare and community service, along with her acknowledgement of the healing properties of art and music.
«Most Aboriginal communities have been (and are) going through a process of cultural revival and reclamation as a means of healing from this experience.
I have a couple of young adults in my church that were so excited to know that God could actually HEAL THE SICK and had never really experienced it... they drove all night to florida from Brantford Ontario for 1 day and then back (this was between school and their summer classes).
No matter what aspect of sexual struggles you're experiencing in your marriage, there's hope for healing (much more on this in Choosing Marriage chapter 8: «Sex Marks the Spot»).
Sometimes at the moment when marriage is contracted, a person was not a believer; but it is also possible that a conversion process took place in his life, through which he experienced a sanatio ex posteriori [a «healing» or validation after the fact] of what was a serious defect of consent at the moment when it was given.
On the recommendation of a friend, mother and daughter experienced their first charismatic healing service in the rented ballroom of a Holiday Inn in Laurel, Maryland.
The Vision document has four main elements: equipping children academically and emotionally for the world; providing places of healing for children who have mental health problems or who've suffered bad experiences; providing a welcoming place for all rather than just Christians, and; upholding the dignity and respect of each individual, who is made by God.
«One of the reasons the charismatic movement is expanding... apart from salvation, we experience healing, miracles.
So, with this incredible promise of healing why are our churches still so outnumbered by those who are hurting and defeated compared to those who are experiencing hope and some measure of health?
The latter is a subtle, supremist dogmatic domineering movement dressed in religious garb while the amazing former is the recognition and practice of Spirit, Love, heavenliness, harmony, Principle, human rights and the positive healing reform of finite human nature and its suffering experience by establishing the fact that «now are we the sons of God.»
We go back to heal our past with Jesus, to experience His love intimately and recover all parts of our hearts with Him.
you are right, one can only speak of their experience, and I know God heals regardless of the disease.
Lebanese church leaders Camille and Stefan are seeing hundreds of Syrian refugees arrive destitute on their church doorstep, turn to Christ, experience miraculous healings and even express gratitude for their trauma — because it has enabled them to discover a God of love
So to have someone who can finally speak from experience and explain to me that most of them don't understand their own doctrine, but it's still not an excuse because it's a damaging and false doctrine that the Bible clearly contradicts — is incredibly helpful and healing to my soul.
I could share personal experiences of prayers of healing that have manifested, and those that haven't.
In Christ, by the power of participation in his Spirit, we can experience healing of our fear, guilt, or shame.
She wrote a story out of her heart — a story about three women with different experiences and backgrounds — a story that could start a profoundly needed and healing conversation.
Dr. Sheri Keffer experienced the devastation of sexual betrayal first - hand and invites you to discover the healing you can have after this trauma.
They travel with her in the landscape of Calvin's doctrine and assess whether his dramatic account can make sense of their specific experiences of gender oppression and also convey an empowering grace that heals their brokenness.
I have found this to work for victims and survivors as well with the enabling of healing and freeing from fear, to have a voice which is then conducive to the establishment of healthy boundaries and therefore prevention of similar experiences of abuse.
That mountain top experience of 100 % healing from abuse is not for us in this not - yet - fully - here Kingdom of God in which we currently reside.
This is perhaps mitigated as she links the experience of illness to scenes from Christ's ministry in order to draw out the strength that can come from a prayerful and humble attitude where even today the sick can receive Christ's healing touch and regain a true sense of self.
When we remember who the real actor is, we feel humbled; but we also experience, like Gregory, a sense of relief: itis Jesus, not we, who leads his flock, heals the wounds of sin, and raises up the people to divine union.
Then she contemplates the healing ministry of Christ, who also experienced and dealt with such feelings in his encounters with others.
It was a raw and beautiful experience of healing and grace.
While this was not my personal experience, I do know a couple of individuals who have personally experienced God's healing from different neurological or psychological disorders.
It can be an experience of being close to another person with safety; as each partner learns to risk being more caring and more honest in sharing his feelings with the other, healing of the wounds of the spirit takes place.
Experience has shown that some persons respond to one approach who do not respond to the other, and vice versa, while others benefit from a combination of counseling and healing services.
For them, such healing is the necessary and decisive proof of the revolutionary power of Christianity to transform human experience as a whole.
But the purpose of this healing is not human improvement so much as it is the renewed God - experience it makes possible.
Most AG members have personally experienced these gifts: 65 percent claim to pray in tongues; 61 percent have personally experienced divine healing as a result of prayer; 55 percent regularly receive definite answers to specific prayer requests; 32 percent say they are regularly «led by God» to perform specific acts; and nearly 30 percent believe they have been used by God to prophesy.
The new reality which broke into human experience in the person of Jesus becomes more distinct not through new conceptions about a transcendent reality, but through the growing experience of the power of that reality to bring transformation and healing in daily life.
doesn't mean some of us won't experience total healing from some sin here on earth... you don't want to see it so i won't argue w / you about it but MD is a bully... peace.
Seemingly paranormal experiences, including miracles, healing, prophecy, discernment of spirits, words of knowledge and glossolalia, are accepted as bona fide Christian experiences.
The longing to belong in some ultimate sense, to feel an at - homeness in the universe is satisfied for many in worship which reawakens the awareness of «the mystical unity which underlies all human life» (Cyril Richardson) This experience is energizing, feeding, and healing; it overcomes the sense of cosmic loneliness, the feeling expressed by a mental hospital patient: «I'm an orphan in the universe.»
Field education should be offered in lively churches (which have a mental health program) where small groups of students are supervised by experienced clergymen (with faculty status) who are themselves instruments of growth and healing.
Nor are they given any tools to begin the process of experiencing healing for themselves.
At the same time, I share the concern of Healing Through Remembering, a highly respected group in Belfast that fears that viewers of the programs who are still dealing with personal ills from the social trauma of the Troubles will have their experiences revived with no way to find closure and release.
In this situation they are seeking and finding in Pentecostalism an experience of the Divine which helps them to put their lives together, heals their wounds, and gives them hope for the future.»
Through the experience of self - in - relation, participants find liberation and the healing power of a community empowered by the Spirit.
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