Sentences with phrase «healing process when»

This study gives hope for a natural healing process when it comes to tooth decay.
Homeopathy is based on the principle of similars — that «like cures like,» or substances that would cause symptoms in large doses, may stimulate the body's natural healing processes when given in a diluted dose.

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Sometimes at the moment when marriage is contracted, a person was not a believer; but it is also possible that a conversion process took place in his life, through which he experienced a sanatio ex posteriori [a «healing» or validation after the fact] of what was a serious defect of consent at the moment when it was given.
It's more difficult to think about the process of healing when healing seems impossible.
When discussing Christ's transforming effect upon humanity, Wheeler implies that, for both evangelicals and process theists, the essence of any such transformation «will not involve merely a perfecting of our intrinsic capabilities, but an overcoming of human hostility to God's aims, a healing of human deformation consequent to that hostility, and a reuniting of humanity with the God from whom we are estranged.»
It broke our hearts, but he began the healing process for the church about 6 months later, when he came and apologized to the church, asked for forgiveness, and made no excusses.
It's so hard when you're having terrible die off (bacteria, yeast, and parasites begin to die off as you starve them and heal your gut - it's a painful, but very beneficial process).
«We all understand that intrinsically, but when you're really sick, the role of food in the healing process is critical.
I only began shaking off this inferiority complex in the past few years, when I started giving more priority to writing, and in the process I began healing.
When we were sick, my mom used herbs or just a comforting hand to support the natural healing process.
Ask your nurse when you can start this very important and exciting process, and empower yourself and your baby with the healing power of touch.
You are more likely to improve your diet and drink more fluid when breastfeeding, which can also help the healing process.
So many factors influence the decrease of libido, like when our hoohaas are in the process of healing itself, or when we're breastfeeding our babies.
Hand in Hand parenting calls this Staylistening, it's based on the research that crying is a healing process, and that when we cry, we actually release the stress hormone, cortisol from our body.
I knew from my own experience that crying was a healing process and when I read about it in the Aware Baby, I realised it was natural for babies to cry too.
When the dressing is off, ask the nurse to explain what to expect in terms of the normal healing process, and what signs of infection to watch for.
When we are talking about healing childhood illness and behavioral issues, we want to move away from the foods known to cause these problems, especially meat and dairy, wheat and glutinous grains, eggs, and processed and refined foods.
He said: «When you come out of a defeat, you need time to heal, and, so, in the aftermath of the defeat, you will have disagreement as to who caused that defeat and that will lead to quarrels amongst you but you've gone through that process we called catharsis, you must put your differences behind and start to look forward the next battle.
It's a night when we can begin the process that is necessary to heal the divisions in our party, to unite this party, to make this into a truly powerful and united opposition and get us ready once more to win back the trust of the British people.»
«As I said last December, when I urged Carl Paladino to resign from the School Board, clearly the process of healing and bringing people together needs to begin,» Brown said Thursday in response to Elia's ruling.
The University of Manchester researchers say their groundbreaking work — using synchrotron - imaging techniques — sheds new light, literally, on the healing process that took place when these magnificent animals were still alive.
When skin is wounded, a repair process is instigated to breach the gap, and ancient and modern approaches to promoting wound healing have saved countless lives (Sun et al., p. 941).
When the team added TGF - β1 to cells lacking FOX01, the cells behaved normally and produced the proper suite of molecules needed for healing, indicating that FOX01 acts upstream of TGF - β1 in the signaling pathway triggered during the healing process.
This inflammation is important in the normal healing process, affecting tissue growth and blood flow changes that allow the tissue to heal; when the inflammation subsides, skin cells start growing to cover the wound and help the tissue knit together.
When stem cells are used to regenerate bone tissue, many wind up migrating away from the repair site, which disrupts the healing process.
However, cosmetic concerns, especially when the burns affect regions such as the face, neck, and hands, as well as the need to improve the grafting process and enhance wound healing have prompted the search for new approaches.
When it comes to chronic health challenges, the healing process is very much like unraveling the layers of an onion.
When, you have a chronic disease like diabetes, or the wear and tear on your body is high from trauma (think a wound or an ACL tear) or overuse (think tennis elbow), your immune system is activated and you have lots of oxidants being made as part of the healing process.
The resting period after a workout is vital at this stage — the healing process needs to take effect when you aren't lifting weights or extensively using your muscles.
«When inflammation persists beyond its intended borders and purpose, however, the immune system mistakenly attacks normal cells, and the process that ordinarily heals becomes destructive.
Muscle growth is all about the process of healingwhen we lift weights, our muscles incur microscopic damage in their fibres and connective tissue, making them fatigued and sore.
This study shows that the scars of people recovering from surgery heal faster when Manuka honey is part of the post-operative process than when it's not, and other research points to medical - grade Manuka honey as a powerful antibacterial agent, one that has «bactericidal activity against antibiotic - resistant bacteria» that pose a danger to humans.
There's no place for blame, shame, or guilt when it comes to the healing process.
From there, the healing process takes effect when specialised cells (called satellite cells — nothing to do with TVs) begin fusing together and attach to the damaged tissue.
But, when doing everything «right» is still not enough to improve your autoimmune symptoms, it makes sense to consult a qualified practitioner who can order functional testing and guide you through the healing process.
When I eliminated gluten, the clouds parted and my healing process could finally begin.
But when you think about the process as getting healthy to lose weight, weight loss will come much more easily and naturally as you start to heal your body from within.
We all have a self - healing process that kicks in when something goes wrong and yoga helps us to focus on it and activate it.
The body is constantly trying to heal itself from ailments and, when these processes become blocked for one reason or another, disease symptoms begin to manifest.
Sometimes pets need to go on a healing diet, especially when they are developing the same chronic health conditions we are, from eating processed pet food and foods that are not natural to them.
So when you have diabetics using capsaicin cream for their neuropathy, they feel better — the pain signal is gone — but they are inhibiting the healing process.
And, every morning of our smoking life, that healing process started until bam, our first cigarette, reinjuring our lungs with every puff, just like we can reinjure our arteries with every bite, when all we had to do all along — the miracle cure — is just stop re-damaging ourselves, get out of the way, and let our bodies» natural healing process bring us back towards health.
Just like we can re-injure our arteries with every bite, when all we had to do all along — the miracle cure, was to just stand back, get out of the way, stop re-damaging ourselves, and let our bodies» natural healing processes bring us back towards health.
First Do No Harm (Primum Non Nocere) Naturopathic medicine follows three principles to avoid harming the patient: 1) utilize methods and medicinal substances which minimize the risk of harmful side effects; 2) avoid, when possible, the harmful suppression of symptoms; 3) acknowledge and respect the individual's healing process, using the least force necessary to diagnose and treat illness.
Furthermore, being on a very restrictive diet when we don't need to be can put us at risk for adrenal fatigue and nutrient deficiencies, inhibiting the healing process.
Along with these natural remedies, I would like to stress the power that these remedies have on your body when your mind and your thoughts are aligned with the healing process.
When we were sick, my mom used herbs or just a comforting hand to support the natural healing process.
• Utilize methods and medicinal substances which minimize the risk of harmful side effects, using the least force necessary to diagnose and treat; • Avoid when possible the harmful suppression of symptoms; • Acknowledge, respect and work with the individual's self - healing process.
Just like when we hurt our skin there is redness, heat, pain and swelling, a similar healing process takes place inside our body too.
When you make small punctures in the skin, it responds by becoming inflamed and will produce collagen as part of the healing process.
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