Sentences with phrase «health characteristics among»

A cohort study on prior social and health characteristics among fathers in Stockholm.

Not exact matches

«Veterans with PTSD had a very high sleep disorder prevalence of 16 percent, the highest among the various health conditions or other population characteristics that we examined,» said Principal Investigator and senior author James Burch, PhD, Associate Professor in the Department of Epidemiology and Biostatistics in the Arnold School of Public Health at the University of South Carhealth conditions or other population characteristics that we examined,» said Principal Investigator and senior author James Burch, PhD, Associate Professor in the Department of Epidemiology and Biostatistics in the Arnold School of Public Health at the University of South CarHealth at the University of South Carolina.
Researchers presenting the study abstract, «National Trends in Prevalence and Co-morbid Chronic Conditions among Children with Asthma, Autism Spectrum Disorder, and Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder,» looked at data from the National Survey of Children's Health data for 2003, 2007, 2011 and 2012 to spot trends surrounding these conditions by sociodemographic characteristics in the United States.
Adjusted Hazard Ratio (HR) of Cardiovascular Disease Mortality Comparing Quintile 5 With Quintile 1 of Usual Percentage of Calories From Added Sugar by Selected Characteristics Among US Adults 20 Years or Older: National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey Linked Mortality Files, 1988 - 2006
Among the recommends are the integration of the health sector within the education system; better understanding of the core mandates, constraints, and characteristics of educational systems; a focus on the growth and development of the whole child; and a systems - based, organizational development approach.
Conclusions and Clinical Relevance: Results suggest that certain characteristics, such as age, sex, health status, and lifestyle, are associated with risk of FeLV and FIV seropositivity among cats in North America.
A recent study led by Peri Ballantyne «Poverty Status of Worker Compensation Claimants with Permanent Impairments» (Critical Public Health) provides an in - depth look at the level of poverty among Ontario injured workers and families, health and social characteristics, income and employment chHealth) provides an in - depth look at the level of poverty among Ontario injured workers and families, health and social characteristics, income and employment chhealth and social characteristics, income and employment changes.
Psychologists have used social - media behavior to measure depression, ADHD, race, physical health, political orientation, and sexual orientation, among other characteristics.
Examines characteristics of children in foster care who received mental health services and details differences among children placed in and outside of their county of jurisdiction in California.
Social capital, neighbourhood characteristics and utilisation of local public health services among domestic migrants in China: a cross-sectional study
A similar relationship was noted in the Western Australian Aboriginal Child Health Survey where an independent association between the number of dietary indicators met and a child's odds of experiencing emotional or behavioural problems was demonstrated.5 Other research with Australian adolescents has also demonstrated an association between dietary quality and mental health, even after controlling for socioeconomic status and a range of individual and family - level characteristics.41, 42 It appears that a more detailed exploration of the link between diet and mental health among Aboriginal children is warrHealth Survey where an independent association between the number of dietary indicators met and a child's odds of experiencing emotional or behavioural problems was demonstrated.5 Other research with Australian adolescents has also demonstrated an association between dietary quality and mental health, even after controlling for socioeconomic status and a range of individual and family - level characteristics.41, 42 It appears that a more detailed exploration of the link between diet and mental health among Aboriginal children is warrhealth, even after controlling for socioeconomic status and a range of individual and family - level characteristics.41, 42 It appears that a more detailed exploration of the link between diet and mental health among Aboriginal children is warrhealth among Aboriginal children is warranted.
Data Mining Project: In and Out - of - County Foster Care Placements and Receipt of Mental Health Services (PDF - 1157 KB) California Child Welfare Council, Out - of - County Mental Health Services Workgroup, & Data Linkage and Information Sharing Committee (2011) Examines characteristics of children in foster care who received mental health services and details differences among children placed in and outside of their county of jurisdiction in CalifHealth Services (PDF - 1157 KB) California Child Welfare Council, Out - of - County Mental Health Services Workgroup, & Data Linkage and Information Sharing Committee (2011) Examines characteristics of children in foster care who received mental health services and details differences among children placed in and outside of their county of jurisdiction in CalifHealth Services Workgroup, & Data Linkage and Information Sharing Committee (2011) Examines characteristics of children in foster care who received mental health services and details differences among children placed in and outside of their county of jurisdiction in Califhealth services and details differences among children placed in and outside of their county of jurisdiction in California.
OBJECTIVE: The purpose of this study was to examine the performance characteristics and validity of the Patient Health Questionnaire - 9 Item (PHQ - 9) as a screening tool for depression among adolescents.
2 Comparison of demographic and other characteristics for smokers and non-smokers among 302 pregnant Australian Indigenous women attending the Mums and Babies program at the Townsville Aboriginal and Islander Health Service between 1 November 2005 and 31 October 2007
High frequency of physical aggression (PA) is the central feature of severe conduct disorder1 and is associated with a wide range of social, mental, and physical health problems.2 - 4 The origin of PA problems can be traced back to early childhood, and studies have specifically shown that maternal characteristics, especially low levels of education, are among the best predictors of high PA from early childhood to adolescence.5 - 9
This study was undertaken to explore characteristics of cases which appeared to meet Gardner's criteria, to search for commonalities among the cases, and to alert mental health professional to this infrequent but serious outcome in children after divorce.
A skill that requires even more attention among family therapists in healthcare settings is learning how to «serve as a leader in writing, submitting, and implementing grants or contracts on BPSS and relational health and health care» (Knowledge / Abilities / Personal Characteristics 4.4 c; AAMFT, 2018).
Given the critical importance of treatment adherence to the long - term survival of individuals with CF, and given the characteristic decrease in treatment adherence observed across the adolescent period (Quittner et al., 2000; Ricker et al., 1998), the current findings offer promising avenues for future research on both the benefits and risks of peer relationships for youth with CF. Furthermore, health - related quality of life increasingly has been recognized as a critical element of patient and family - reported outcomes among youth with chronic illness (Quittner et al., 2008), and the current findings continue to build on this growing body of literature for youth with CF.
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