Sentences with phrase «health costs»

Families who are struggling or in transition, may find it difficult to afford the rising health costs of an aging parent.
The budget projects $ 48 million in health costs for the coming year.
Lots has been written about the increased health costs for public service employees, so we're not going to get too far in the weeds here.
At the same time, the evidence for large - scale public health costs from continued coal use is there.
Improving child development and reducing health costs results in economic gains for individual families as well as at the national level.
And the health system, i.e. the taxpayer, ultimately pays via increased health costs from formula use.
The longer you live, the greater the impact may be of rising health costs.
Due to longer lives and higher health costs, boomers reserve estates for their own use rather than willing it to heirs.
And it's costly to governments through increased health costs.
But instead, let's ask the question will the exchanges lower health costs throughout the health care system?
It's easy to see how much poor employee health costs you in dollars.
The new standards will annually prevent as many as 15,000 premature deaths and reduce health costs by $ 118 billion.
A cost offset was seen for major depression in specialty mental health costs, but not in medical care costs.
There are two stories in the headlines today that both look poised to cut health costs.
In this case, the father is facing significant health costs in parenting a potentially disabled child and a grieving toddler.
But now premiums are based on the average health costs of sick people.
For them, were unexpected health costs an issue for not dipping into their retirement savings?
One is that people are, in fact, willing to pay more in premiums than their expected health costs for the peace of mind.
Improving child development and reducing health costs through breastfeeding results in economic gains for individual families as well as at the national level.
Major illnesses are not the only factor that can bring about excessive health costs.
It essentially compares the mean cost of employer - sponsored coverage to median household wages to get a sense of how big a burden health costs come out to be.
The data do not include health costs for other school employees and retirees, which can be quite substantial.
The company's coverage has to meet minimum benefits, covering both specific services and 60 % of employee overall health costs; otherwise, additional penalties will be imposed.
Everything cost money but good health costs less than poor health.
Related health costs now currently amount to over $ 54 billion a year.
I basically had a small one based on my anticipated health costs for the year and used it all each year.
Policy - makers are in the process of evaluating the economic value of antibiotics to the livestock industry versus the potential health cost of increasing antimicrobial resistance.
I have worked with people in the 55 - 67 age group who had plenty of passive income investments making them millionaires but were scared to retire because of possible health costs and bankruptcy.
It protected beneficiaries from financial shocks from catastrophic health costs and it increased their peace of mind.
The study also compared health costs for babies during the first year of life.
That includes items like ending the 18 - a energy tax, dealing with out - of - network health costs, and preventing another minimum wage increase.
But other education sources questioned the findings, saying it's no surprise that charter schools have lower pension and health costs because they are newer schools with a younger teaching staff.
How much longer can the company sustain such health costs without help?
Easy access to human biological samples and respective detailed clinical information is pivotal to the progress of medical knowledge, contributing to minimize direct and indirect health costs and improve the quality of life.
With a host of other monthly health costs, this clause means she could find herself without extended coverage in the future.
As you can see, since this couple is anticipating the major health costs of pregnancy and delivery, they are best off with the platinum plan in this scenario.
Ironically, the cuts may well increase government health costs in the long run as emergency care generally costs much more than the preventive care which is being eliminated.
Other than the immediate health costs, victims might need extended treatments and rehabilitation, as well as the emotional demands of remaining unable to go to work.
You may be the picture of health with minimal health costs now, but illness or injury can strike even the healthiest, most careful person.
-- We could reduce health costs significantly if we just lived healthier.
You will need to plan for current health costs and long term assisted living when you can't live alone.
Feeling anxious and stressed at work can cause negative physical and emotional health effects for employees, resulting in lost productivity and higher health costs.
That has a public health cost — lack of exercise is far more dangerous than biking without a helmet.
If those forecasts prove true, job creation will slow and provinces will struggle to raise enough revenue to cover rising health costs.
Although babies born less than a month premature don't usually face significant health costs, he says that the difference is meaningful when averaged over a large population.
When healthy people get health insurance, they have to pay premiums based on the average health costs of everyone, including sick people.
We are in financial distress due to health costs from past and at present.
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