Sentences with phrase «health delivery system»

«This study goes a long way towards bringing data to these debates and shows that people are not likely to make inappropriate demands of health delivery systems if they are properly informed about the limitations of genetic tests.»
Dr. Brownlee served for eight years as Planning, Evaluation and Applied Research Coordinator for the Project for Strengthening Health Delivery Systems in Africa (a 20 - country project), for ten years as Senior Technical Advisor for Program Development, Evaluation and Research at Wellstart International, and taught at UCSD for sixteen years.
He continued, «I need your support and understanding to give this nation a first class health delivery system that the people of Ghana deserve, and we are going to do so with your active support and participation.
The Oneida County Department of Mental Health provides planning, oversight, support, monitoring and review of the Oneida County Adult Mental Health Delivery System.
USA Assist Global Travel Medical Platinum This international medical and emergency medical evacuation plan is for travelers on longer trips and going into countries with a costlier health delivery system.
We support actions by physicians and hospitals within their workplaces to adopt sustainable practices and reduce the carbon footprint of the health delivery system.
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