Sentences with phrase «health experiences did»

At the time, he was dealing with a lot of patients whose health experiences didn't match up with the results of large randomized clinical trials.
The person who verifies direct mental health experience does not have to be a licensed mental health provider or a clinical supervisor.

Not exact matches

Geeta Wilson, vice president of consumer experience at the health insurer Humana, says she lives in fear, as do many executives, of this «discrepancy between how we think of ourselves internally and how our customers think of us.»
There's considerable research on the 10 traumatic «adverse childhood experiences» (ACEs) that contribute to the poor mental and physical health associated with «disconnected youth» — and what should be done to address them.
Unconcerned about their personal health, they experience little stress and don't feel the need for more pleasure in their lives.
In non-science terms, the group who did interval training experienced changes that increased both the amount and the health of their mitochondria — especially the people in the older age group.
Janeczko said he was health conscious before founding NuKitchen, an online diet service, but he didn't have any experience in food service.
Since I'm no health and nutrition expert myself, I consulted someone who does have a lot of experience in those realms about what tools I could use to make healthier meals.
States that didn't expand Medicaid, such as Texas, Florida and Virginia, did not experience as much of a drop in the number of people without health insurance.
The three companies don't have much direct experience in providing health insurance or services.
We do get a lot of customer feedback to make sure that we're appropriately priced across our whole menu, and the great news is as you think about what we talked about on our brand health metric Worth What You Pay, we're making great progress on that front, but that's really generated on the yields with the 4 for $ 4, and what we need to do is make sure that the customer feels that our core and LTO items are appropriately priced for the value that we're providing, and that's not just what you put into the food, but that's what you create as the total customer experience to make sure they feel good, that it's worth what they pay.
Many scientific studies, including research by renowned psychologists Robert Emmons and Michael McCullough, have found that people who consciously focus on gratitude, experience greater emotional wellbeing and physical health than those who don't.
So while I personally wouldn't categorically state that possession does or doesn't exist, my experience tells me that people who behave in these ways are more in need of a specially - trained mental health professional than they are in need of a specially - trained priest.
My wife recently went to a doctor about some health problems she was experiencing, and it quickly became obvious to her that he did not care to hear about her symptoms, take the time to answer her question, or explain to her what was happening.
I discovered that mental health practitioners do wonder why religious delusions / hallucinations are so prominent in patients with serious mental health diagnoses, especially schizophrenia — why do the delusions / hallucinations experienced by these persons have a religious theme?
Finally, How Can one Do away with the Guilt and emotions after Committing Adultery!What Can be Done to Bring About The Lost Glory, Finances, Destiny, Health deterioration experience within the period of Committing this Sin..
If prayer worked, everyone would do it, because prayerful people would experience better health, less divorce, fewer children on drugs, greater success, lower death rates, less obesity... there would be no war or starvation or murdered babies.
In a recent interview with the Washington Post (part of their ominously titled «Voices of Power» series), Secretary of Health and Human Services Kathleen Sebelius discussed Archbishop Joseph Naumann's request that she not present herself for communion because of her public support for legalised abortion: «Well, it was one of the most painful things I have ever experienced in my life, and I am a firm believer in the separation of church and state, and I feel that my actions as a parishioner are different than my actions as a public official and that the people who elected me in Kansas had a right to expect me to uphold their rights and their beliefs even if they did not have the same religious beliefs that I had.
However, I have noticed as a result of my own experience with psychiatrists here and abroad that most of those who object to the involvement of clergy in the health field do so because of their own personal conflicts or ignorance about religion and its teachings.
Health is wealth and while I don't mind spending more money on high quality food, it has been our experience since switching to a whole foods, plant based diet that our grocery bill has drastically lowered.
I don't have your frightening health experience but like many young girls I had my own battles with food years ago.
Do you have any experience with the tapioca flours sold in health food stores?
In my work I have always experienced that those who, for health reasons or by choice, find themselves consuming gluten - free products, do so with the impression that they have to give up something in taste, in pleasure for the flavours and in the savour of food.
When I created the To Your Health Sprouted Bread recipe in 2005 it was my effort to achieve a great tasting, finely textured batter bread for home bakers who didn't have the time for yeasted breads, nor the experience, but still enjoyed great tasting bread that would be quick and easy to make.
My ultimate happy place is doing this with healthy, nourishing but delicious recipes - however most health oriented recipes seem to be paired with the use of a vitamix for either ease or to take it to the next level, so I feel a bit limited or unable to have the full experience when I don't have one to use.
I kind of love this trend, not just because kimchi doesn't require a special trip to an Asian market, but because fermented food has some amazing health benefits that more people are getting to experience.
Oh and just in the last year I have educated myself on the gut and flora info and in my experience all past specialists have never guided us to that health area (i do now have a great holistic Dr).
I experienced the same health problem a couple years ago and wanted to let you know YOU CAN DO IT.
When doing business with Essentia you not only draw on nearly a century of experience, you also draw on the total market strength of three unique companies - Proliant Meat Ingredients, Proliant Health and BHJ Ingredients.
I could easily see it being a situation where he really was experiencing post concussive syndrome, did some soul searching, and decided if he was going to risk his health playing football, he at least was going to do it someplace where he's wanted.
... where a fighter signed for a fight says the things that Hunt did they are experiencing health wise and dana did or didn't pull them.
After my own experience of postpartum anxiety and OCD, I wanted to do something to help other women in a similar situation to me by raising awareness and decreasing the stigma of maternal mental health issues.
There's prolonged, more intense pain postpartum, a longer hospital stay, readmission to the hospital, an upsetting or emotionally traumatic birth experience, less early contact and connection with the baby, depression and mental health problems, low self - esteem, relationship issues, difficulty functioning and doing usual daily activities postpartum, chronic pelvic pain from scar tissue, problems with and discontinuing breastfeeding - along with the associated risks to mom and baby of not breastfeeding.
Also, if you experience a bad bout of health at the menopause, well, do not be surprised your man leaves you (thanks to my profession, I can tell you that many men leave for that reason), because actually he also has other things to do than mothering you with this problem, same if you get seriously sick.
Prepare him for that by talking with him about the visit, ask him what is he afraid of, explain why is it important to go see the doctor (read books about doctors, watch fun informational videos about importance of health) Also, don't forget to relate to your personal experience.
A study done by Paulson, Dauber, and Leiferman (2006), discovered that mothers experiencing PPD are less likely to exhibit desirable health behaviours than mothers who are not experiencing PPD.
I would like to share my experiences in taking care of children including activities to do together, recipes to cook, good products to buy and health protection to your family.
He found that people eating non-processed foods and indigenous diets in many places around the world didn't have the health problems we experience in developed countries like the United States — and that those diets are particularly rich in fat and proteins from healthy animals and other real food sources.
While allowing a baby to cry can seem distressing, a January 2013 article on the CNN website shares that infants who are 6 months old and older do not experience any emotional, health, sleep or behavioral problems when left to self - soothe.
I have learnt that just because you haven't experienced mental health problems in the past, that doesn't mean you...
When a woman chooses not to have a drug - free birth experience, women who believe in the superiority of natural birth tend to think of her as less - than: she took the easy way out; she just doesn't get it; she probably doesn't really care about her health, or her baby's health, as much as I care about mine.
You know, I do have several years of health care experience (thats actually what scared me out of going to the hospital initially - dealing with physicians who were unethical on a regular basis).
My plan was to graduate, do my post-grad study and then go on to counsel families who've suffered a traumatic birth experience, and raise awareness for post-natal PTSD and other mental health conditions which are exacerbated by the feeling of loss of control during labour.
Health Line also pointed out that many breastfeeding women experience irregular, light, or spotty periods once they do begin to menstruate, due to the hormones their body produces to make breast milk.
I am not a doctor, and while I make a point to research and be informed on children's health issues, that simply does not compare with my son's doctor's medical training and over 30 years of experience treating children.
Actually, there are at least three other important factors that I can think of... but those have more to do with personal psychological things... experiences of family members in hospitals not being cared for properly, and family members who ARE health care professionals, each with their own set of views.
We do not yet have a solid evidence - based understanding of why this link exists, as the relationship between feeding experiences and postnatal mental health issues is likely to be complex and different for different women.
If you are experiencing the unpleasant symptoms of postpartum depression (also known as postnatal depression) don't hesitate to seek help from your health care provider.
I am sensitive to chemicals and so do not have experience with memory foam, which has chemicals in it that aren't good for my health, but sleeping on a latex mattress is amazing.
If you are experiencing depression during pregnancy or in the postpartum period, it is essential that you remind yourself that you are not to blame for how you are feeling and have done nothing wrong to cause the depression, that you are not alone because there are a growing number of health care providers who are understanding more about the nature of this disorder and because there are avenues to seek out emotional support, and finally, with the proper treatment, you will get well.
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