Sentences with phrase «health food trends»

So if you're looking to mix things up, check out our list of the biggest health food trends of 2017 — and tips on how to navigate their claims.
A sacred ingredient that was used in spiritual ceremonies and art dating back to the 7th millennium BC, it's far more than just the latest health food trend.
Consumer demand has driven some of the biggest health food trends over recent years, including chia seeds in 2012, the year of quinoa in 2013 and the rise in popularity of avocados in 2015.
Adaptogens, collagen and some extra souped - up bone broth... Behold our list of the most popular health food trends of 2017 — and what's really worth the hype.
From several health conscious fads like juice cleanses to shake / smoothie diets - the health world has witnessed several health food trends that have come and gone.
It's not known when exactly the grain - free pet food craze began, but like many pet trends that mimic human health food trends, the rise of grain - free kibble seems to be mirroring the spike in grain - and gluten - free products for people.
Health food trends for pets are mimicking today's human food trends and, in fact, all natural pet foods currently make up 40 per cent of all pet food sold nationwide.
And the latest health food trends are a fun way to keep your diet fresh and exciting, says Keri Glassman, MS, RD, CDN, founder of Nutritious Life.
Green smoothies are the number one health food trend of 2016 and it's no surprise.
Are collagen and gelatin another health food trend, or are they sticking around?
There is effectively no health food trend I will not try — that includes bullet coffee and chia pet consumption.
No longer relegated to a random aisle in a retro toy store, chia seeds have taken off as a health food trend due to their high omega 3 and 6 fatty acid content, as well as other potential disease - prevention qualities.
In the recent years, the health food trends have been pushing their focus on whole grains such as oats, brown rice, wild rice and quinoa but the super grain barley has not got the attention it deserves.
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