Sentences with phrase «health gap»

Conversely, such an approach could also harness the contribution closing the mental health gap could make to closing the many Indigenous disadvantage gaps.
There are myriad factors that are likely feeding into this public health gap, including big geographic and socioeconomic disparities in access to medical care and the sky - high cost of American medicine.
Hartman said beyondblue will be continuing its participation in the Close the Gap campaign steering committee, and advocating for mental health and suicide prevention measures that work to close the mental health gap between Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people and non-Indigenous people.
as well as the leaders of Health Gap, National Nurses United, National Peoples Action, Demos and Vocal to announce the introduction of the Inclusive Prosperity Act of 2013 (H.R. 1579).
The recurring themes were better health outcomes for Aboriginal people and finally closing the Aboriginal health gap by 2030.
«The reality is that men won't or can't use health services as we would expect them to, and the general health gap for men widens the HIV prevention and care gap.»
However, it also shows that concerning health gaps remain between Indigenous and non-Indigenous Australians.
Reconciliation for us at the Heart Foundation is a critical step in closing the heart health gap as our mission states;
Despite widespread recognition of the oral health gap between Indigenous and non-Indigenous Australians, progress in addressing the underlying issues of cultural safety and cultural competence among providers has been slow.
Close the Gap Day is a day to acknowledge the critical role Aboriginal medical services and health professionals must play in turning around the significant health gap between Aboriginal and... Read More
We aim to close the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander health gap through the implementation of a human rights based approach set out in the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Commissioner's Social Justice Report 2005.
Mental health conditions, substance abuse and suicide have been estimated to account for as much as 22 per cent of the overall health gap between Indigenous and non-Indigenous Australians.
A big part of our second RAP is the launch of our cultural awareness training package, which I believe will help staff gain a better understanding of why it is important that we work with Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander communities across Australia, to address the health disparities and help close the heart health gap.
«This year's rankings are a call to action to see how these persistent health gaps play out locally, take an honest look at their root causes, and work together to give everyone a fair shot at a healthier life.»
The Vancity study says more financial literacy courses can help women bridge financial health gaps and it urges governments to diversify vocational interests among girls and women, while companies are encouraged to develop and stick with equal pay policies.
«Closing the mental health gap requires the re-thinking of conventional models and assumptions across the mental health system,» she said.
Mental health conditions, substance abuse and suicide have been estimated to account for as much as 22 per cent of the overall health gap measured in Disability Adjusted Life Years, yet this is not reflected in current policy.
WHO Mental Health Gap Action Programme (mhGAP) Intervention Guide: a systematic review of evidence from low and middle - income countries
«Aboriginal Community Controlled Health Organisations are major contributors to closing the appalling health gap between Aboriginal and non-Aboriginal Australians by providing culturally appropriate primary health care to Aboriginal people,» Mr Mohamed said.
Ensuring all health care providers are equipped with the knowledge and skills — both clinical and cultural — to provide effective, accessible and culturally appropriate services to Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islanders is essential in order to reduce the current health gap that exists between our Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander population and non-Indigenous Australians.
Despite widespread recognition of the oral health gap between Indigenous and non-Indigenous Australians, progress in addressing the underlying issues of cultural safety and cultural competen... Read more
The review reported a significant mental health gap between Australia's Indigenous and non-Indigenous people, with higher levels of psychological distress, hospitalisation for mental illness and death from intentional self - harm.
Clearly, this is an inadequate on both a practical and symbolic level to address the multiple factors that contribute to the significant health gap between the health and life expectancy of Indigenous and non-Indigenous Australians.
As discussed in its 2013 Shadow Report, the Campaign Steering Committee supports an overarching goal to close the mental health gap between Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people and the non-Indigenous population through the implementation of the Health Plan and other strategic documents.
Tarun has worked in health for 30 years, focusing on public health research, policy and practice in the prevention of common chronic diseases and addressing Aboriginal health gaps.
The organization created a first - of - its - kind proposal to address the challenges in North Minnesota with a goal of «closing the food and health gap and becoming a model for similar efforts nationwide.»
This approach might help bridge the health gap we see between formula - and breast - fed infants.»
«The prospect of savings to the massive pensions bill should be an incentive for all wings of government to work together to prioritise closing the health gap
He unveiled a two - pronged approach to narrowing the health gap; by improving access to primary care and focusing on prevention as much as treatment.
Column two: the health gap — blacks» health in the United States is demonstrably poorer than whites».
We found that the prevalence of cardiovascular disease in people with severe mental illness (SMI) was higher in more recent studies, which suggests that our efforts so far have been unsuccessful in reducing the health gap between people with SMI and the general population.
The latest news on this front [UPDATED on Wednesday] comes in a dispatch from the United Nations by my friend and colleague Neil MacFarquhar: Health Gap: Differences in income and spending on health care have created a gap of as much as 40 years in the life expectancy between the wealthy and the impoverished, according to a new report on primary health care by the World Health Organization.
But green space can provide more than solace — according to a new report by the British medical journal The Lancet, it has quantifiable benefits that can help close the «health gap» between rich and poor.
According to the BBC, Studies also show that access to a local park bridges the health gap between the rich and the poor.
Dr Tim Senior's first crowdfunded Wonky Health column looked at why co-payments will increase the health gap and Dr Justin Coleman added his voice to the debate, pointing out that not touching the primary care bucket of money is an evidence - based way to improve health outcomes and save long - term dollars — no matter what country you come from.
Australia's health gaps — including those between rich and poor, between Indigenous and non-Indigenous Australians, and between the major cities and everywhere else — are starkly... Read more
Such a partnership at the national level is critical because there is currently no overarching dedicated strategic response to closing the mental health gap that both pulls together all the causal threads and recognises mental health as a potential «circuit breaker» in so many areas of disadvantage.
There is no obligation to join the Baby Basket program but with demand continuing to stretch Apunipima's resources to breaking point, it suggests another part of the health gap is gradually being closed.
Because of this, we advocate for the placing of mental health at the centre of the COAG Closing the Gap Agenda and we support the recommendations of the National Mental Health Commission's 2012 Report Card for a national target to close the Indigenous mental health gap and dedicated national Indigenous mental health plan to be included there.
In a climate of economic restraint the contribution a more equitable and effective use of mainstream mental health resources and funding can make to closing the mental health gap, including through service - delivery partnerships between Aboriginal Community Controlled Health Services and Medicare Locals, must be explored.
Employers need to recognise that this role is vital to closing the health gap.
The most important issue in terms of maximising health outcomes is closing the health gap for Australia's First Peoples.
It causes one in 5 deaths and accounts for one - sixth of the health gap between Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples and other Australians.
The First Peoples of Canada and Australia have much in common — country - level similarities; comparable epidemiological characteristics and cultural diversity, both internally and vis - à - vis their respective non-indigenous populations; colonial histories; and significant challenges to not only close the health gap, but achieve wellness.
Smoking is estimated to cause one in five Indigenous deaths and accounts for one - sixth of the health gap.
Allowing people to «offend, insult, humiliate or intimidate another person or another group of people» based on race can potentially cause harm and thus widen the health gap between Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples and non-Indigenous Australians.
However, in some more positive news, SEARCH (the Study of Environment on Aboriginal Resilience and Child Health), a unique partnership study into the health and wellbeing of urban Aboriginal children and their families in NSW, is set to continue its work as a platform to close the Indigenous health gap, after receiving a five - year NHMRC grant for more than $ 2.8 million.
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