Sentences with phrase «health lesson»

A good health teacher should have excellent interpersonal skills and the ability to design, implement, evaluate and coordinate effective health lessons.
The following global health lesson plan introduces students to journalist Rob Tinworth's The Life Equation project.
This global health lesson plan for history teachers, humanities teachers, science teachers and English teachers introduces students to Roger Thurow's book The First 1,000 Days, which analyzes the...
«Global health lessons from Thailand's successful liver fluke elimination campaign.»
Both of the heart health lesson plans described above are NGSS - aligned to help teachers meet the following Next Generation Science Standards Performance Expectation:
In her tenure with Zest Quest she also served as a Wellness Coach, teaching health lessons to kindergarten through fifth grade and supervising the entire schools wellness program.
Dr. Ruth MacPete explains how a popular children's book about a flatulent dog can teach some valuable health lessons.
Coordinate your conversations with the health lessons and sex education your child receives in school.
A trip to the grocery store can quickly become a math or a health lesson.
Circle of Foods This activity helps teachers get to know their students while providing insight into healthful eating habits as a lead - in to health lessons!
PHYSICAL EDUCATION AND HEALTH: Health The health lesson presented in this story is a lesson of mental health.
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