Sentences with phrase «health of cells»

By controlling inflammation at the cellular level, glutathione contributes to the overall health of our cells.
One theory is that this binding interferes with the RNAs» normal functions and impairs the overall health of cells.
Pumpkins aren't just for Halloween decor — they contain fundamental nutrients for the health of your cells.
The splicing machinery is essential for the health of all cells.
Cell biologists would like to reduce the complex communication patterns traced by molecules that regulate the health of the cell to a set of signaling rules.
For example, butyrate is thought to reduce colorectal cancer risk by boosting the health of cells lining the intestines and prompting cancerous cells to self - destruct.
The maintenance of telomeres — the structures of repetitive sequences at the end of a chromatid — is essential to the health of a cell.
At a minimum, the result is an incredibly complex web of cellular signals that are constantly working together (or in opposition, as the case may be) to adjust the number and type of proteins expressed in a cell and so, ultimately, the health of the cell itself.
Oxidative stress is a major factor to consider in the health of cells in general.
«The introduction of mitochondria into damaged cells has beneficial effects on the health of cells and, in the long term, we believe that mesenchymal stem cells could even be engineered to create more effective therapies for lung disease in humans.»
The trafficking of proteins between the ER and Golgi must be tightly modulated to maintain the health of the cell and prevent diseases like cancer from taking hold.
An ambitious study in yeast shows that the health of cells depends on the highly intertwined effects of many genes, few of which can be deleted together without consequence.
Whether glycosylating proteins or lipids, or as complex polysaccharides, they are essential to the health of the cell.
The timing and frequency with which a particular protein is synthesized is crucial to maintaining the health of the cell.
These students and faculty work on a broad spectrum of research problems that share at least one of the four goals of Bio-X: to image and simulate life from molecules to mind, to restore the health of cells and tissues, to decode the genetics of health and disease, and to design therapeutic devices and molecular machines.
Studying that material, «you can tell a lot about the health of the cell,» he notes.
Fish is high in the omega - 3s that help support the health of every cell in the body.
In this module, Dr. Wahls explains how to eat to improve the health of your cells, your energy levels, and your brain functions.
In order to have a healthy productive body that thrives for years to come, you must understand that eating a healthy, balanced diet provides proper nutrients to your body will determine the health of every cell and organ in your body.
Rather than exciting mitochondria enzymes, far - infrared light (5.6 — 1000 µm) affects the health of the cells by exciting water molecules.
I focused on how we use sugar, how we use fat, what happens post-exercise as we are trying to recover and how important it is to feed the body well to improve not only our entire health, but specifically the health of the cells.
CoQ10 is a potent antioxidant involved in a diverse array of biological functions including neutralizing free radicals, helping the body produce energy, and maintaining the health of cells.
And the health of your cells determines the rate at which you're aging.
Free radicals threaten the health of every cell in the body and have been linked to health complications ranging from inflammation to cancer.
Researchers in Japan have further discovered that saunas may improve the health of cells within the heart arteries, specifically by boosting the strength of cells that form the artery lining.
It has been thoroughly researched and shown that the overall health of a body is intrinsically linked to the health of its cells and their ability to metabolize oxidation.5 When oxidative metabolism's limits are exceeded free radicals and reactive oxygen species (ROS) are created and start to build up within the body.
Even these products, however, had limits, in that they could do little to improve the health of cells that had been damaged by free radical oxidation.
Potassium is also responsible for the health of cells and blood vessels, although scientists are yet sure why.
Due to its anti-inflammatory properties, it also helps maintain the health of cell membranes.
More importantly, their analysis revealed that mitochondrial dysfunction is reversible with NAD + supplementation, enabling the life and health of cells to be prolonged at the molecular level.
Supermarket soup stocks are most often loaded with salt to give it taste, which will have a negative impact on the health of your cells.
Epigenetics shows that our emotions play a powerful role in dictating the health of our cells, and some research shows that emotions have a way of influencing the expression of certain genetic tendencies.
The quality of food that you allow to enter into your body will determine the health of every cell and organ.
My ultimate goal is to help you increase your muscle mass while decreasing your fat percentage, while improving the health of every cell in your body.
In addition to that, acai berries are known to give the skin a healthier glow and improve the health of the cells due to the high antioxidant content which in return help combat harmful free radicals.
Body Composition Analysis: we use a BIA (Bio-impedence analysis) machine to determine your percent body fat, lean muscle mass, hydration and health of cells.
Oats help you maintain the health of the cells in your colon wall, while also keeping your cholesterol levels low.
B - Vitamins are known to help maintain the health of cells, a healthy nervous system and excellent energy levels.
These fatty acids are responsible for the health of the cell membrane, which is not only what acts as the barrier to things that are harmful, but also the passageway for nutrients to cross in and out and for waste products to get in and out of the cells, says Ann Yelmokas McDermott, PHD, a nutritionist at the Jean Mayer USDA Human Nutrition Research Center on Aging at Tuffs University in Boston.
It's important to the health of our cells to eat foods that have not been genetically modified and that are chemical - free (a topic for another article).
It is responsible for the health of cell membranes, which make up a large part of your skin.
The essential fatty acids, though they are not naturally occurring in the body, are a necessity for the health of our cell membranes.
Leafy greens contain flavonoids that are rich in antioxidants that restore the health of cells.
This is often ignored, but it can have serious consequences on neurotransmitters and the overall health of your cells.
Flax seeds are high in Omega - 3s, magnesium, and antioxidants that promote the health of cells and protect them against the free radicals that can trigger inflammation in the body.
Fight ageing from the source, improve the health of your cells and improve the look of your skin.
The health of our cells and, therefore, our entire body, depends on lipid molecules (cholesterol fats) that form the bulk of the cells surface membrane area.
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