Sentences with phrase «health of ecosystems»

Our sustainable forest management creates new fiber supplies to meet future needs and also ensures attention to environmental and biodiversity objectives for the long - term health of the ecosystems in which we operate.
It came away believing that to ensure the long - term health of the ecosystem, it has to give users confidence in how their app privacy is handled.
This approach also has other huge benefits — it helps to restore the overall health of ecosystems in other ways, and organic agriculture has been shown to be more productive than «conventional» agriculture under the conditions of drought which AGW is already making more common.
Dennison, for her part, covers and preserves the dead material with resin, transforming it into an intricate object that raises questions about the deteriorating health of the ecosystem.
It is hoped that with this kind of analysis of feasible environmental targets can be put in place without jeopardizing the performance of the economy or industry while ensuring continual improvements in environmental health of ecosystems.
Because the effects of armoring are cumulative, it follows that reducing the number of bulkheads and seawalls throughout Puget Sound would improve the overall health of the ecosystem.
He hopes to contribute to a future where our decision - making focuses on the long - term health of ecosystems and communities, and accounts for the integral role of Indigenous laws and governance in that process.
The wellbeing of individual animals is a function of the health of the ecosystem, and the ecosystem has value in and through the myriads of individuals that make it up.
For them what is important is the health of ecosystems.
Certainly the health of ecosystems is of extreme importance for all of us.
This principle points out that the health of individuals and communities can not be separated from the health of ecosystems - healthy soils produce healthy crops that foster the health of animals and people.
The role of Organic Agriculture, whether in farming, processing, distribution, or consumption, is to sustain and enhance the health of ecosystems and organisms from the smallest in the soil to human beings.
Providing a wide range of plant and animal life, in wild and cultivated areas — which protect biodiversity and the health of the ecosystem — allows farms to be fully integrated into the natural world.
Bat species are critical to the health of ecosystems and disease studies must be conducted with conservation as a integral component,» he continued.
It turns out sound can register a lot about the health of an ecosystem, too.
That means that creatures you can't see might be even more important to the health of an ecosystem, and to its balance of power, than the ones you can see.
The organic (carbon - containing) compounds they studied in that patch of Colorado forest play a key role in atmospheric chemical processes that can affect air quality, the health of the ecosystem, and the climate itself.
Fungi are essential to the health of ecosystems, plants and animals.
Strandings have been much more common in the past few decades and we think it's an indication of the health of our ecosystem,» she said.
These species have also long been used to study the health of ecosystems, as indicators of biodiversity.
But creating the park is just the first step: the entire area is in need of preservation measures to ensure the long - term health of its ecosystems.
With the need to evaluate atmospheric conditions, bioindicators — organisms whose response to environmental changes indicates the health of an ecosystem — have attracted considerable attention.
Not just for gourmands, truffles play essential roles in the health of ecosystems.
According to Dr. Biju Kumar, one of the study's authors, the discovery of this crab is very important in the context of conservation of the Western Ghats Biodiversity Hotpot as they can serve as ecological indicators, reflecting the health of the ecosystem.
For Duffy, that encounter with the porcupinefish (Diodon hystrix) brought to life a concept that had long been simmering in the back of his head: that the health of an ecosystem may depend not only on the number of species present, but also on the diversity of their traits.
Removing top predators like white sharks from ecosystems causes a cascade of bad consequences for the health of the ecosystems and local economies.
The vegetation at the surface of the bogs is important for maintaining the health of the ecosystem and protecting the peat that lies beneath from decomposing, he said.
Ecologists are increasingly looking at how richness of traits — rather than number of species — helps set the health of ecosystems
Microbes exist in nearly every place on Earth, where they are essential to the health of those ecosystems.
They'll integrate the practices they gained from EcoMOBILE to act as scientists do, making changes to strengthen the health of ecosystems.
DOT works with many other Federal agencies to promote the health of ecosystems, habitats, and native species.
More important, they reveal how the health of a food chain determines the health of an ecosystem.
We've said before that the size of a platform means almost nothing about the health of that ecosystem.
Overall, raptors are very cool birds who are important in the wild for the health of ecosystems and the balance of life in the wild.
Its main purpose is to circulate water and maintain the overall health of the ecosystem.
But we also should connect the web of the issues within the overpopulation problem with larger, more comprehensive issues connected with human rights, the health of our ecosystems, the loss of natural habitat and the imbalances of nature we are experiencing across the planet, the introduction of non-native plants, the use of croplands for «livestock» raising, the human overpopulation problem, and so on.
By naming the turtles we can begin to study them more closely, keep track of their health and population dynamics and relate that data to the health of the ecosystem.
The health of the ecosystem is improving, and although there will still be challenges ahead, the long term outlook is very hopeful.
Artist Statement «Wolves, like all predators are vital to the health of any ecosystem.
Amid nonstop work tracking developments at the climate talks in Paris, I had to slip in a note about the Planetary Health Alliance, an important new initiative aimed at mixing disciplines in ways that can bolster human health by considering its relationship to the health of ecosystems.
This finding further expands the viral host range and implies a possible deeper impact on the health of our ecosystem.
The new course will also be six sessions, with sessions exploring food systems — from how agriculture contributes to climate change and how climate change affects global food supply, to food justice and food politics issues, to the health of our bodies and the health of ecosystems.
Planetary health is a simple, but powerful concept: The health of human beings fundamentally depends on the health of ecosystems.
These beautiful and enigmatic animals are «the thermometers of the health of these ecosystems
The green movements's primary commitment is to the health of ecosystems and the concomitant health of human societies (in the long term, there's no distinction).
If that wasn't enough, expanding industries such as offshore oil drilling, renewable energy, shipping, and aquaculture threaten to crowd our oceans and degrade the health of the ecosystem.
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