Sentences with phrase «health of one's spine»

The health of your spine is a serious matter that affects the functioning of your whole body and it should not be taken lightly — if your current job or training routine requires you to put too much stress on certain parts of your back, it's best to take a step back and focus on healing and revitalizing your overloaded muscles before it gets too late.
But even if you're trying your best to protect your back from too much stress, there are a few common mistakes that might slip through the cracks and affect the health of your spine over a longer period of time, especially if you're working with very heavy weights.
Such positioning does little for your appearance or the health of your spine.
No matter which approach you choose, just keep in mind that when you're old, the size of your muscles won't matter to you anymore, but the health of your spine and joints definitely will.
This is a great exercise to improve the health of your spine.
● Twists — Improve posture, shoulder - mobility, respiration, digestion, elimination, and health of spine and nervous system.
It is true that the action of the TA depends heavily on a co-contraction of our multifidi, pelvic floor, and many other accessory muscles (inner thighs and hip external rotators) to truly offer stability, but this co-contraction is extremely important to the health of our spine.
In fact, it's critical to the health of the spine (and thus the body) to warm it up every day, even a couple times a day, and especially at the start of the day.
Plus twisting postures aid digestion and help to relieve lower back pain, while improving the health of the spine.
The health of your spine is key to the health of your whole body.
They'll counteract the computer - hunch, improve the health of your spine, build your arms and work your core muscles better than weighted crunches.
Olga further discusses the benefits of backbends for releasing low back tension and enhancing the health of the spine.
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