Sentences with phrase «health power»

During my play time, I found very few health power ups.
Each oil holds their own special health powers and bring their spectacular flavor.
It has also shown to enhance immune system strength and lower cholesterol, which only adds more health power to you.
Also include in your estate planning a financial power of attorney, health power of attorney and advance medical directive, so you know that someone you've designated will have a say in what happens (or you'll have left directions) in case a debilitating issue prevents you from making decisions for yourself.
There's a lot to say about kale and its incredible health powers, but the things that I always need to underline are its unique nutritional profile and its the way it lowers the risk for cancer.
The voxel - style graphics and destructible environments are nice, and though the gameplay essentially boils down to «stay alive as long as you can», it does a good job of introducing tension through sparsely scattered health power ups and endlessly spawning foes.
A couple of flax eggs for super plant health power, dates for always perfect, natural sweetness and an almost caramel - y flavor, and some almond milk to bring the batter together.
But before you dive head - first into the nearest heart - shaped box of candy this Valentine's Day, here's what you need to know about choosing chocolates with the most health power.
Take the power and responsibility of your health into your own hands.Make whatever lifestyle changes you need to make to regain your health
And how can you properly harness all its kickass health power?
As you play through the levels, you can try to collect health power - ups that restore your shields or weapons ones that make your cannon shoot faster.
This will consume 1 bar of your energy or power level - Power up will charge your energy and power level - The higher your power level the more damage you deal so be sure to stay powered up - Teleporting is done by tapping the block button right before getting hit by a physical or energy attack - «Over the limit» is a big power up that lets you charge your power level past your maximum by sacrificing your health
And when times get tough, which even on the normal difficulty they do, Arteus can be the key to distracting enemies and giving you a chance to find health power - ups.
One mode allows for the drops of different weapons and health power ups to keep you in the game longer, whereas the other merely throws you in with a jetpack and a prayer.
There's a lot to say about kale and its incredible health powers, but the things that I always need to underline are its unique nutritional profile and its the way it lowers the risk for cancer.
One fight might have meteorites randomly striking the arena, another might scatter health power - ups during the fight.
And this belief in the health power of expensive foods may lead people to some other surprising conclusions.
Every time you sprinkle your meals with herbs or spices to boost their flavor you are also supercharging the health powers of your food without adding a single calorie.
This health powering citrus fruit is an effective remedy to treat several species of Candida fungal infections, improving oral health (31).
This health powering citrus fruit is an effective remedy to treat several species of Candida fungal infections, improving oral health -LRB-
Finally the game's sound effects manage to solidly convey everything you do on screen from eating a health power up to walking on different surfaces to using your various weapons.
The Intex terminals make a return as well, which means players will once again be able to upgrade weapons and health power - ups, purchase ammo, etc., just like before.
The result is a game that feels sloppy, as you hobble through levels, trying to minimize damage from enemies that are nearly impossible to hit consistently, until you get a health power - up or complete the stage.
As for that mention of the Japanese version of the game, Hardcore Gaming 101 notes that this iteration of the game features an easier difficulty level, increased frequency of health power - ups, a different scoring system, and the ability to jump while holding a melee weapon.
On the harder difficulties, the game can be really unfair, more often than not, I was offered a health power up, only to have it immediately taken away by an enemy spawning behind me.
You have only three hearts of life to complete each level with no health power ups in sight.
Health power - ups only restore a fraction of your life bar, while enemies can take about a quarter of your health.
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