Sentences with phrase «healthy adjustment»

The research suggests that an infant's microbiome makes healthy adjustments no matter how he or she came into the world.
This 3 - part parent training program was created to advance the competence of adoptive parents and the long - term healthy adjustment of adopted children.
During family separation, parents are often overwhelmed by the number of decisions that need to be made to ensure their child's healthy adjustment during this trying time.
This 3 - part parent training program was created to enhance the competence of adoptive parents, and by extension advance the long - term healthy adjustment of adopted children.
He works with many children, parents, and families who are experiencing divorce and works towards helping them to achieve healthy adjustment and growth.
In your daily routine, you can make incremental healthy adjustments, such as switching to a standing desk or cooking more meals at home.
Learning about herbs and the ways they can support you will inspire you to make healthy adjustments to your habits.
It also boosts your immune system, normalizes blood pressure and makes a hundred other healthy adjustments in your mind, body and spirit.
His substantive interests center on identifying factors that promote healthy adjustment for families and children following stressful life events, (e.g. changes in family structure, socioeconomic status, physical and / or emotional health, acculturation, and immigration status), taking into consideration the cultural contexts in which families operate.
Enhance your understanding of your children's needs and help you guide them toward a positive healthy adjustment.
Pelvic floor therapy can help you make healthy adjustments as your belly grows and your gait changes — like keeping your weight in your heels or pulling in your lower ribs while untucking your pelvis.
Consistently healthy adjustment was also associated with positive and warm relationships with parents.
The author of this article shows how irrational beliefs can be disputed and replaced with alternative mind - sets that foster healthy adjustment.
Periods of breath awareness in the reclining poses will allow you to examine each of these key habits and to make healthy adjustments in your breathing.
Healthy adjustment of children without long - term psychological damage requires that divorced parents restructure their lives in ways that allow children to continue their relationships with both parents.
«Louise works with individuals, couples and families to help them improve their relationships and make healthy adjustments to change.
While it remains to be seen what the full effects of these two recent events will be, over time they are likely to prove to be healthy adjustments.
This seems to me healthy adjustment to local circumstances.
Not everyone, however, has a healthy adjustment to these emotions, and in a more neurotic person, the hostility can become strange and destructive.
Named for the number of students and faculty at our most hard - hit high school, Save the 2,008 is a simple toolkit for some overdue renovations — six healthy adjustments — in how we school our teens.
It educates about the predictable stresses of each stage of development, and offers guidelines and hands - on exercises for achieving a healthy adjustment in each stage of family life.
It sounds as if her absence interrupted a healthy adjustment to school and triggered a pattern it would be good to break as soon as possible.
While both are necessary to a healthy adjustment to the altitude and its oxygen levels, constantly peeing and panting — which causes you to exhale more water vapor than usual — can cause dehydration.
With a little research and some healthy adjustments, you can create recipes from around the world.
New York based Art Advisor, Lisa Schiff, comments on the healthy adjustments during Sotheby's contemporary sale.
To insure more responsible parenting and to promote the healthy adjustment and growth of a child each parent should recognize and address a child's basic needs:
To insure more responsible parenting and to promote the healthy adjustment and growth of the child, each parent should recognize and address the child's basic needs.
The success of your separation will depend on your effort, your consistency, how well you stick to your plan and how well you make healthy adjustments that are best for your children.
«Dr. Drutman has provided a comprehensive list of actions too often taken by divorcing parents that dramatically reduce the likelihood that their children will make healthy adjustments.
Factors that contribute to children's healthy adjustment and well - being include the parents» commitment to separating acute marital problems from ongoing parental responsibilities and creating a cooperative climate in which each parent supports and encourages the children's relationship with the other parent.
You certainly want to help your children navigate this change in your family while minimizing their stress and supporting their healthy adjustment.
The Relationship study will follow the original study participants into young adulthood (ages 21 - 28) to further our understanding of the pathways to healthy adjustment and the prevention of sexual risk - taking, drug use, and child welfare and adult corrections involvement.
Gain critical new communication and coordination skills with your soon - to - be-ex-spouse and ensure a healthy adjustment for your kids.
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