Sentences with phrase «healthy body they desire»

Joe lost over 150 pounds and went on to become a health coach, helping others to develop a positive self image and create the healthy body they desire.

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Sure, I still «wan't» chocolate, but now I desire to eat a chocolate dessert that is a healthier alternative that will nourish my body, and my tastebuds!
Whatever your reason is for desiring to quickly prepare a meal, there are easy healthy recipes available to keep your body satisfied and lively.
Improved synergistic formulations (e.g. synbiotics) and designed systems for delivery of healthy ingredients and bioactives to the desired sites in the body, enabled by micro - and nano - encapsulation technology, for higher bio-efficacy.
Some of the ideas on this list may seem difficult, but your efforts will be rewarded if you stick to your desire have a healthier, cleaner body.
In fact, by recognizing how a different weight would be healthier for you, you're showing your body how much you love it and demonstrating your desire to do right by it.
But perhaps your chronically stressful lifestyle, a well - known obstacle on the path to a fitter and healthier body, prevents you from losing the desired amount of fat?
If you desire to raise holistically healthy families — nurturing the minds, bodies, and souls of your children — join the Intoxicated on Life community to receive Biblically grounded encouragement, fused with solid research, and practical experience.
We believe that everybody desires a well - toned, muscular and healthy body.
Workout and sticking to a healthy diet can help you to build muscles but they are not enough if you want to get the body that you desire.
She now eats as much as she desires until she feels full, and maintains a healthy body weight.
While it is perfectly normal to desire a healthier body, it's also very important to recognize the signs of negative body image creating problems with emotional health and day to day activities.
If you have no qualms about lying, cheating, and exploiting people's deepest - seated desires to build fitter, healthier bodies, however, then selling supplements might be for you!
I encourage you to not let past or current desires dictate what you are capable of in order to accomplish your goal of a thinner waistline or a leaner, healthier body!
Rather you started last year or 2013 is your «year of change», make a pact for a healthier you and make 2013 the year that you finally achieved that lean, hard body you always desired.
When we eat foods that make us feel amazing, our bodies will naturally settle at their desired (and healthy) weight.
The Queen of Vocals admits that she has no desire to have a perfect body — and her real motivation was to live a healthy and long life for her family and son.
People desire a slim fit body which is flexible and healthy.
Our passion for healthy and happy living gave us a desire to assist our customers in creating cleanses that they can depend on for a renewed mind and body.
But back to the microscopic level, for me, Kombucha is a symbol of my conscious desire to invite healthy bacteria and yeast into my body.
With a passion for nutrition and the desire to make healthy choices for her body, juicing was a natural choice for Annie, who was already making various adjustments to her diet to combat eczema.
Those who experience this condition have an overwhelming desire to amputate an otherwise healthy limb or limbs, due to some impairment of a region in the brain that makes the limb feel alien, «an estranged body part [that] becomes an object of obsession.»
She says she is driven by a desire to learn exactly how the healthy animal body works and how disease is caused.
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