Sentences with phrase «healthy cell structure»

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Instead, IsoLove re-hydrates tissue to normal, healthy levels, and helps maintain the integrity of the vaginal cell structure and ecosystem.
She demonstrated that early experience leads to lasting changes in the molecular structure of the brain and discovered a gene involved in the spread of brain cancer cells into healthy brain tissue.
The six proteins from Large T comprise a «helicase» that mimics the structure of the healthy cells» helicases.
«Regulator of chromosome structure crucial to healthy brain function and nerve development: Cohesin protein identified as key to control of chromosome structure underlying nerve cell network formation.»
In patients with colitis, inflammatory T cells in the lower intestines mistake the molecular structures of food or healthy gut bacteria for dangerous pathogens that must be destroyed.
Fresh insights into the structures that contain our genetic material could explain how the body's cells stay healthy.
After being fed the modified potatoes, all but one of the 20 healthy adult volunteers had an increase in the number of antibody - secreting cells, and six of them had started secreting into the digestive system more antibodies that recognize the Norwalk virus structure.
In healthy cells, telomeres protect the chromosome by tucking away any overhanging ends of DNA strands to form a lasso - like structure known as a T - loop.
If we can show that this anomaly doesn't occur in healthy cells, we will be able to think about exploring these structures as possible therapeutic targets.»
The key lies in double - stranded RNAs, a type of structure not normally found in a healthy cell.
This compound increases the healthy fats in cell membranes, and in other cellular structures.
Your bones» matrix is broken down during your daily activities, and, if you're healthy, collagen cells (the building blocks of bone tissue) are filled in to restore and strengthen our skeletal structure through a process called remodelling.
The brain is largely made up of fat, and the fats we eat directly affect its structure and function, providing insulation around nerve cells, supporting neurotransmitter production, and helping maintain healthy communication between neurons.
Toxins can damage DNA structures and healthy cells.
Sodium helps your cell membranes maintain a healthy structure and allows certain molecules to be transported in and out of the cells.
When the cells are healthy, they are able to support the structure of the skin.
Vital minerals to support proper composition of body fluids, formation of red blook cells, bone structure support and to help maintain healthy nerve function.
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