Sentences with phrase «healthy cultures for»

These fats have nourished healthy cultures for millennia.
Homemade root beer is made with herbs, spices and healthy cultures for a probiotic rich, health - boosting treat without the harmful ingredients of store
Other topics include: cronyism, recognizing that good advocates may not make the best managers, investing in managers, the importance of creating a healthy culture for remote staff, having generous benefits packages which include paid time off, higher pay, paying interns, organizational transparency, and more.
As part of the core business of a school, we offer opportunities for SLTs and Governors to reflect on their unique context and to consider together how policies, practices and behaviours might further enhance an emotionally healthy culture for the whole school.

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Providing an opportunity for employees to safely share when they've seen these things — in a way that is both healthy and helpful for everyone — can counteract a workplace culture that accepts unethical behaviour.»
The review panel praised CP for making «great strides» to developing a «healthy safety culture
You can collect anonymous feedback to gauge employee happiness, gather actionable, real - time data to help build a healthy culture and foster an environment of appreciation with «Cheers for Peers» messages.
The 50 Best Workplaces for Recent College Graduates also reinforce how important a healthy culture can be.
I believe that managers must like the people who work for them to ensure a healthy culture.
Despite ongoing business challenges and employment issues that are clearly ripe for improvement, according to the American Psychological Association some employers have seized the opportunity to create a healthy culture where employees and the organization can thrive.
Three key leadership skills are identified for creating a healthy culture within a team:
In a business with a healthy Culture, you might see behaviours of Respect and Accountability, or of Reward and Recognition; in all cases like this staff want to work there and so will inevitably push harder for greater results.
In this roundtable post, we asked animal advocates at different organizations to offer their advice for promoting healthy work cultures.
Managers and directors set the tone for the rest of the organization, and having a discussion about healthy work culture will be worthless if the person leading it works 60 - hour weeks, takes no vacations, disrespects others, and thinks the discussion does not apply to them.
We are looking for a team player who will make positive contributions to our healthy culture and our organizational objectives.
I suspected I'd get a little pushback from fellow Christians who hold a complementarian perspective on gender, (a position that requires women to submit to male leadership in the home and church, and often appeals to «biblical womanhood» for support), but I had hoped — perhaps naively — that the book would generate a vigorous, healthy debate about things like the Greco Roman household codes found in the epistles of Peter and Paul, about the meaning of the Hebrew word ezer or the Greek word for deacon, about the Paul's line of argumentation in 1 Timothy 2 and 1 Corinthians 11, about our hermeneutical presuppositions and how they are influenced by our own culture, and about what we really mean when we talk about «biblical womanhood» — all issues I address quite seriously in the book, but which have yet to be engaged by complementarian critics.
, I am without any hesitation asked for financial support, more support and even more support (OK, I accept that may sometimes be culture — but is not healthy...) and any friendly response from me is cultivated and I suddenly find myself fundraising... — if I would be allowed to spend $ 100K I would rather spend this NOT on evangelism by a Westerner, but also NOT on a local evangelist, but on quality leadership / bible college training for African leaders.
Abortions in cases of deformity, etc., are a very small fraction of the total and, because they introduce special factors, do not cast light on the direction of our culture as do abortions of healthy pre-borns performed for convenience.
They may need to discover and to re-tell a unifying story of the country Of course, this runs against the academic grain, which nurtures what it believes to be a healthy contempt for the nation (let alone its historic spiritual culture) and a self - protecting indifference to the local community In America, where unbalanced individuality and unbalanced diversity seem sacred, the wildness of history is blowing at cyclone force, and the ability to cope with it seems to be a dying art.
This culture of openness and honesty is healthy — both for individual believers and for the Church as a whole — and healthiness honors God.
Atheism is profoundly healthy, especially for modern cultures.
Community or cooperation need to be seen for what they are, essential to our healthy existence; on the other hand, contrast of cultures and types, which bring freshness and variety, needs also to be seen for what it is, as the way in which human life is delivered from monotonous sameness and dull repetition of pattern.
I know how easy it can be to give into their constant requests for sugary snacks or chocolate, but maintaining a culture of real - food variety; continually exposing your youngsters to different colours, textures and flavours of real, unprocessed, fresh of wholefoods is bound to build a long term appreciation and openness to healthy food.
Rich Indian cuisine and home cooking culture offers various kinds of healthy whole wheat breads, easy to make and healthy for you.
And traditional cultures value coconut for its tremendous medicinal power — and they are remarkably healthy as a result.
The new yogurt is rich in protein, calcium, and contains five live cultures making for a healthy snack.
Different cultures have been drinking kombucha for thousands of years, but its popularity in the U.S. has recently exploded as more people recognize the importance of a healthy diet and lifestyle.
Omega - 3s you've no doubt heard are good for you, as people from cultures with more fish in their diets tend to be healthier.
Cultured Coconut Yogurt speaks for itself; tasty, rich and mega healthy; a true super food if I ever saw one.
It's everything you to need for healthy, organic cultured foods in one place.
Their first book, The Art of Eating Well, solidified the Hemsley + Hemsley name as a go - to for all foodstuffs related to making healthier choices, without perpetuating a culture of deprivation.
For guidance, I turn to Jessica Bihuniak, assistant professor of clinical nutrition at NYU's Steinhardt School of Culture, Education, and Human Development, who — in her infinite patience — was willing to not only help me map out my hypothetical healthy Hudson game plan but harshly judge the results.
Gelatin containing broth has been used in healthy traditional cultures for thousands of years as a diet staple.
Botswana will send no women, for people in that African nation struggle simply to eat and stay healthy, and in Setswana culture playing sports is mostly a male prerogative.
One of the NFLs stronger arguments could be that the prejudice against concussions is actually a symptom of participation trophy culture where everyone gets a healthy brain - by coddling our kids mental health we're actualy doing them a disservice and leaving them ill - equipped for the real world when their brains eventually stop working altogether.
With better facilities for sports and related activities for the pupils, it is expected that a culture of being healthy and active would be promoted among all age groups of students.
This workshop examines the tension that parents, students, and teachers often experience over issues such as homework, grades, and the culture of competition, and offers tools for creating a healthier school climate.
Perhaps that is true for some, but I believe if we can find an effective means to deliver and share positive, healthy, beautiful images and messages about birth, we can begin to unravel this culture of fear.
Proponents argue that sleeping with an infant is a time - honored custom, practiced in other cultures for centuries, and claim many benefits, including healthier self - esteem for children who sleep with their parents as babies.
I realize that geekery is generally overtaking our culture, however I'm not always sure that this is compatible with the kind of parental examples that make for healthy children.
As we empower women and shift culture and policies that support healthy families, the hope is that some day, the need for lactation specialists becomes an anomaly.
This isn't to say I'd be thrilled to join other pumping moms in a communal Mothers» Room, but if work culture continues to skimp on providing supportive environments for raising a healthy family, including flex time, paid leave, subsidized quality care and just the basic humanity that allows us to see each other as more than just workers boosting a bottom line, I'd take the company of other moms like me so I wouldn't feel so alone as a working parent.
As part of this inspectors will look for evidence of a culture of exercise and healthy eating.
Eating out even while your kids are infants will hopefully begin to instill in them an appreciation for food, culture, and a healthy lifestyle.
For us, the entire school culture supports healthy food.
Mothers across the world eat the foods that are part of their culture, and most can provide healthy breast milk for their children.
Learn how to create a culture of bicycling and walking in your neighborhood to provide more opportunities for healthy activities … 7fHty
Incorporating nutrition education, school gardens, and farm - to - school initiatives into the classroom curriculum and school culture can go a long way in creating demand for healthier food choices among the students.
TIME, the blame for mother guilt does not lie with attachment parenting or with any other type of parenting philosophy or culture — the complexity and balancing act of motherhood, encompassing mommy guilt or even typical healthy doubt as we navigate our way, existed before attachment parenting resurfaced.
We are alert to the loss of birth culture and the potential for loss of healthy racial identity.
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