Sentences with phrase «healthy divorce»

When she talks about how to structure healthy divorces, many people in her audience immediately wonder, Can divorces be good?
You can have a more emotionally healthy divorce where both of you feel the outcome was fair and you were treated with respect.
Donna Moore is a collaborative divorce therapist who specializes in healthy divorce recovery for adults and children.
The notion of having a healthy divorce can surprise some people and upset others.
The number of collaboratively trained professionals included on a team depends on the level of cooperation between the parties, their willingness and ability to commit to a healthy divorce, and the complexity (emotional and financial) of the case.
The Collaborative Family Law Group of San Diego believes a healthy divorce is possible where respect, honesty, and family relationships are at the center of the process.
If you find it difficult to employ these strategies and keep a clear head by yourself, you can also enlist the aid of a licensed psychologist, suggests the APA in its article «Healthy Divorce: How to Make Your Split as Smooth as Possible.»
Episode Overview Certified divorce coach Kira Wilson Gould reflects on developing a healthy divorce story and how it can transform not only your divorce, but your family and your life.
She shares how to define your divorce story, how to move on from an unhealthy divorce story, and what a healthy divorce story looks like....
If you have any questions about divorce mediation, the My Healthy Divorce program and your options, or wish to schedule your divorce mediation consult, please contact us at (610) 410-5444.
As an integral part of the Center's My Healthy Divorce mediation program, she guides divorcing or separating couples in the creation of their own parenting plan, and is always focused on the best interests of children.
In the parenting session of Main Line Family Law Center's My Healthy Divorce ® Mediation Program, our parenting mediator will assist you both in achieving a legally - binding parenting plan which will resolve all issues involving both legal and physical custody of your children.
My Healthy Divorce ® mediation program is a peaceful divorce mediation process with a focus is on the entire family's best interests every step of the way with complete legal and financial guidance, along with parenting and emotional support available throughout.
Pursuing a healthy divorce helps the children and it is better for finances, but ultimately the person it is best for is you.
Bob, 41, who is divorcing a partner with substance abuse issues, is still determined to have the healthiest divorce possible.
Be ready for that awkward «we need to end this» conversation by coming with a few things: a firm sense of what's making you feel angry, hurt, or disappointed; what you're really looking for; and what was good about the relationship as well as the qualities you respect and admire in your partner, says Lois Gold, a retired therapist and author of The Healthy Divorce.
Experience and research has helped us identify some of the basic elements of a successful and healthy divorce.
Backlogged courts, bloated legal fees, and scores of unsatisfied litigants should inspire spouses considering divorce to remember the Ben and Jen approach: Pass on aggressive legal representation in court, and instead, enter divorce mediation, where you can still receive legal advice, but have a healthier divorce, protect your children from emotional harm, and ensure that you never step foot in a courtroom.
A healthy divorce includes a healthy family and your children will gain the greatest benefit from your efforts as co-parents.
There are many factors that contribute to hesitance to move forward but, fortunately, there are several strategies to support the reluctant spouse in pursuing a healthy divorce.
The key to a healthy divorce in many cases is the Cooperative Divorce or a divorce that avoids the high conflict of «out of control divorce,» and focuses on the emotional and financial wellbeing of the parties and the children.
As in 1992, in The Healthy Divorce, Lois Gold again provides a powerful antidote to the self - defeating stereotype of the hostile divorce, and provides tools offering hope and healing.
Book Review: The Healthy Divorce: Keys to Ending Your Marriage While Preserving your Emotional Well - Being (04/10/09) This book is an updated version of «Between Love and Hate: A Guide to Civilized Divorce,» originally published in 1992.
The Healthy Divorce is a wonderful book.
The Healthy Divorce: Keys to Ending Your Marriage While Preserving Your Emotional Well - Being by Lois Gold
We help spouses in Arizona have a healthier divorce, without ever setting foot in a courtroom.
- We help spouses in Arizona have a healthier divorce, without ever setting foot in a courtroom.
As another way of supporting divorcing clients with children, Main Line Family Law Center now offers streaming access to the compelling documentary SPLIT, Divorce Through Kids» Eyes, as part of preparation for parenting and custody mediation in My Healthy Divorce (™) mediation program.
The Center's My Healthy Divorce team of professionals - divorce attorney - mediator, parenting mediator, and divorce and life coaches will also be on hand at the luncheon to answer individual questions.
Main Line Family Law Center opened its doors this December 2011, with its healthy divorce program, in an effort to support the increasing number of couples seeking a positive way to end their marriage without spending away their life savings.
About Site - Welcome to The Healthy Divorce Blog, your source for everything related to having a healthy divorce.
Adina Laver, the Center's divorce and relationship coach offering free guidebook, The Essential Guide to a Healthy Divorce.
Could a healthy divorce also be better for your former spouse?
A heavier focus on intake and check - in, mediation readiness, and how clients define and value fairness, have helped to strengthen the My Healthy Divorce ® Mediation Program model, offsetting the power imbalance that inevitably surfaces in a mediation process.
There are a lot of terms for having a low - conflict divorce - a good divorce, conscious uncoupling or a healthy divorce.
Free legal consultations, volunteer trainings on the mediation process and appropriate referral, and «healthy divorce» workshops will be offered.
People going through a divorce understand why a healthy divorce is better for children and finances.
This will help them advise their employees, clients, family and friends about this healthier divorce alternative.
The Collaborative Divorce process depends on the level of cooperation between the parties, their willingness and ability to commit to a healthy divorce, and the complexity (emotional and financial) of the case.
Divorce mediation can facilitate a healthy divorce.
A fair divorce, one where both spouses are treated fairly and are satisfied with the outcome, is a healthy divorce.
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