Sentences with phrase «healthy example for your children»

It reminds you that you want to be a healthy example for your children.
Set a healthy example for your children by eating healthy yourself!

Not exact matches

For example, children's services — always a strong category — had segments that shrank (luxuries such as after - school enrichment programs), while other segments were as healthy as ever, including tutoring and child care.
However one feels personally about sm.u.t, I hope we can all agree that is the healthiest example of it... As for the «won't somebody think of the children
Start building healthy habits with children by teaching them about the foods they're eating and making the journey fun (taking the #VegOut2018 challenge, for example!)
Close family members are the biggest role models for children to set an example for healthy living according to new research from the British Nutrition Foundation.
For example, if loving the child's mother isn't part of the equation, that dad can at least work on respecting her, cooperating with her, and giving his children access to other people who are modeling healthy relationships.
For example, every time your child plays nicely with his friend, praise his healthy choices.
For example, they explained that eliminating lead in food would not only lead to children having more healthy lives, but would also save society billions of dollars every year in earnings and medical expenses that result from the effects of lead poisoning.
I realize that geekery is generally overtaking our culture, however I'm not always sure that this is compatible with the kind of parental examples that make for healthy children.
Tom Beardshaw, from Fathers Direct, the national centre for information on Fatherhood, explains that by cooking with their children dads can play an essential part in their healthy development, «All too often it is Dads who set a bad example when it comes to the way they eat.
It is one example of Nemours» commitment to healthy growth for the whole child and for children everywhere.
For example, I've already explained how strong attachments are an important part of healthy child development and that separation anxiety is a sign that your child has developed that strong bond.
4) Predict The Future: For example, say to the child, «We are going to the supermarket to buy healthy groceries and one candy bar which you are allowed to pick out for yourself&raquFor example, say to the child, «We are going to the supermarket to buy healthy groceries and one candy bar which you are allowed to pick out for yourself&raqufor yourself».
When parents make physical fitness, healthy food, and positive attitudes about weight and body image a priority, they set a good example for their children to follow.
What a wonderful, healthy example you're setting for your children.
Participating children had higher rates of high - school completion, lower rates of grade retention and special education placement, and a lower rate of juvenile arrests.32 Another example showing more intensive programming has larger impacts is the Healthy Steps evaluation showing significantly better child language outcomes when the program was initiated prenatally through 24 months.33 These studies suggest that a more intensive intervention involving the child directly may be required for larger effects to be seen.
While I saw good guidelines relating to, for example, learning another's «love language» for healthy communication or concern for protecting the sexual innocence of children, I was troubled at the overall tenor in its approach to parenting.
For example, a health impact assessment conducted by the Kids» Safe and Healthful Foods Project found that when schools implement healthier standards for snack and a la carte foods, students are more likely to purchase a school meal — a change that improves children's diets and school budgets at the same time, because schools earn reimbursements for meal salFor example, a health impact assessment conducted by the Kids» Safe and Healthful Foods Project found that when schools implement healthier standards for snack and a la carte foods, students are more likely to purchase a school meal — a change that improves children's diets and school budgets at the same time, because schools earn reimbursements for meal salfor snack and a la carte foods, students are more likely to purchase a school meal — a change that improves children's diets and school budgets at the same time, because schools earn reimbursements for meal salfor meal sales.
That's why it's important for parents to model healthy eating habits, regular exercise, and other healthy lifestyle habits to set examples that their children can follow.
If your child was underweight, for example, it may be a good sign that she's increased her usual curve, and if she was overweight, a drop in her curve in response to eating healthier foods would also be very positive.
Step stools that allow the child to reach the sink for handwashing and tooth brushing, low shelves in the closet for clothing so that children can be actively involved in every stage of the dressing process, and healthy snacks in a low cabinet so that the child can help themselves when hungry are all examples of ways that this can be done.
Examples include: tighter supervision and international regulation of the food supply; an international code of food marketing to protect children's health; regulating food nutritional quality in schools along with programmes to encourage healthy food preferences; taxes on unhealthy products such as sweetened drinks and subsidies on healthier foods for low - income families such as vouchers for fruit and vegetable boxes; and mandatory food labelling as an incentive for industry to produce more nutritional products.
For example, the British zoologist Richard Dawkins has written that: «Gullibility of the kind exploited by astrologers, evangelists, and other charlatans may be normal and healthy in a child, but it is unhealthy and reprehensive in an adult» (Skeptical Enquirer, vol 19, no 1, p35).
With healthy eating, for example, some fear that prizes will prevent children from developing their own motivation to eat things that are good for them.
For example, researchers found that healthy bone marrow stromal cells, which give rise to bone, could strengthen bones and prevent fractures when injected into three children with the bone - weakening disease osteogenesis imperfecta.
For example, making healthy side dishes and beverages the default accompaniments in kids» meals in restaurants can increase children's exposure to these items.
Maybe this isn't such a bad thing when it comes to jam (or when we find ourselves in a toy store with small children for example), but when we're trying to be healthier and improve our diets, too many options can be confusing, misleading and overwhelming to the point of paralysis.
For example, if my child's risk of Down syndrome is 1 in 100 (the risks are 1:1,400 for women in their 20s), then I still have a 99 % chance of a healthy pregnancy, rigFor example, if my child's risk of Down syndrome is 1 in 100 (the risks are 1:1,400 for women in their 20s), then I still have a 99 % chance of a healthy pregnancy, rigfor women in their 20s), then I still have a 99 % chance of a healthy pregnancy, right?
For example, a beautiful life purpose for parents is to provide their children with happy childhood and teenage years while empowering them to grow up to be happy, joyful, healthy and confident adulFor example, a beautiful life purpose for parents is to provide their children with happy childhood and teenage years while empowering them to grow up to be happy, joyful, healthy and confident adulfor parents is to provide their children with happy childhood and teenage years while empowering them to grow up to be happy, joyful, healthy and confident adults.
Parents ought to set a good example of healthy communication and enduring love for their children, but, unfortunately, that's not always the case.
For example, a child struggling to make friends could become more socially adept or a child dealing with perfectionism might begin to set more realistic, healthy goals.
For example, one study measured blood pressure, heart rate, and behavioral distress in healthy children aged 3 to 6 at two different doctor visits for routine physicaFor example, one study measured blood pressure, heart rate, and behavioral distress in healthy children aged 3 to 6 at two different doctor visits for routine physicafor routine physicals.
For example, when you take your pet to the veterinarian to be spayed or neutered, explain to your child how the operation not only reduces pet overpopulation but can also make your pet healthier, calmer, and more affectionate.
Encouraging men to establish healthy lifestyle habits also sets a good example for children once they're older.
It can help to focus on the basics — for example, offering your child regular healthy snacks and meals, making time for her to exercise or play outside, and encouraging a good night's sleep.
See, for example, Janet Currie, «Healthy, Wealthy, and Wise: Socioeconomic Status, Poor Health in Childhood, and Human Capital Development,» Journal of Economic Literature 47, no. 1 (2009): 87 — 122; and Janet Currie and others, «Child Health and Young Adult Outcomes,» Journal of Human Resources, forthcoming.
Feeling angry and managing your anger in positive and healthy ways can also give you the chance to set a good example for your children.
Traditionally, many researchers defined family stability in terms of factors related to family structure (for example, single parenthood).3 Specifically addressing the experiences of foster children, other scholars have defined stability as limited movement from home to home.4 However, exploring the various family processes that pertain to stability may be a more useful means of understanding the specific characteristics of family stability that support healthy child development.
Parents» engagement in these activities was higher than that reported in the National Survey of Early Childhood Health (NSECH) 6 and the Commonwealth Fund Survey of Parents with Young Children (CWF).4 For example, more Healthy Steps parents read to their children daily or showed their children picture books (Healthy Steps, 68 %; NSECH, 52 %; CWF, 48 %) and had the same bedtime (Healthy Steps, 77 %; NSECHChildren (CWF).4 For example, more Healthy Steps parents read to their children daily or showed their children picture books (Healthy Steps, 68 %; NSECH, 52 %; CWF, 48 %) and had the same bedtime (Healthy Steps, 77 %; NSECHchildren daily or showed their children picture books (Healthy Steps, 68 %; NSECH, 52 %; CWF, 48 %) and had the same bedtime (Healthy Steps, 77 %; NSECHchildren picture books (Healthy Steps, 68 %; NSECH, 52 %; CWF, 48 %) and had the same bedtime (Healthy Steps, 77 %; NSECH, 68 %).
For example, you might present medical records, letters of reference or psychological evaluations attesting to your ability to maintain a healthy relationship with your child.
For example, Early Head Start provides daily contact with low - income families through center - based programs or weekly contact through home - based programs.32 The Infant Health and Development Program provided an average of 67 home visits in children's first 3 years of life.33 In contrast, the average Healthy Steps family made 11 well - child visits and received less than 2 home visits within their child's first 2.5 years.
The Dads Make a Difference program of Healthy Families San Angelo is one example of a program that has successfully engaged young fathers through home visits and other supportive services to help them gain the skills they need to provide emotional and financial support for their children.
Couples who are committed to divorcing with respect and dignity are not only setting a good example for their children during the divorce process, but are better able to keep their family strong and healthy after it is over.
The widespread absence of attention to the mother - child relationship in the treatment of depression in women with young children is another striking example of the gap between science and practice that could be reduced by targeted pediatric advocacy.97 Extensive research has demonstrated the extent to which maternal depression compromises the contingent reciprocity between a mother and her young child that is essential for healthy cognitive, linguistic, social, and emotional development.98 Despite that well - documented observation, the treatment of depression in women with young children is typically viewed as an adult mental health service and rarely includes an explicit focus on the mother - child relationship.
For example, seeing your child listening empathetically as a result of your practice or modeling with him is preparing him for a life of healthy relationshiFor example, seeing your child listening empathetically as a result of your practice or modeling with him is preparing him for a life of healthy relationshifor a life of healthy relationships.
Dr. Lane Strathearn, Director of Developmental and Behavioral Pediatrics and Physician Director at the University of Iowa's Center for Disabilities and Development, presents information regarding research conducted in the Attachment and Neurodevelopment Lab, discusses how face - to - face parent - infant interaction promotes healthy social and emotional development, explains the mechanisms through which adverse childhood experiences may adversely impact child development, and explores some specific examples of parental psychopathology and potential effects on parenting capacity.
Children generally develop healthy, secure attachments to mothers who competently and regularly respond to the child's needs by, for example, feeding the child when the child cries.
Research suggests that early targeted interventions aimed at increasing parental sensitivity and promoting attachment may be effective in promoting healthy child development (see, for example, Lieberman 1999; Schore 2001; Van Ijzendoorn 1995), and in preventing emotional maltreatment (Barlow 2010).
While a genetic basis for the findings is possible, altered parenting likely has a significant mediating role.15 For example, a recent meta - analysis found that maternal depression and psychological distress were associated with increased negative and coercive parenting behaviors and disengagement from the child.36 A father may then attenuate the influence of a mother's depression with increased caring behavior directed to the children.37, 38 Alternatively, a healthy father may offer support directly to the affected mother.14 Future work may explicate these mechanisms by examining specific measures of mothers» and fathers» role functionifor the findings is possible, altered parenting likely has a significant mediating role.15 For example, a recent meta - analysis found that maternal depression and psychological distress were associated with increased negative and coercive parenting behaviors and disengagement from the child.36 A father may then attenuate the influence of a mother's depression with increased caring behavior directed to the children.37, 38 Alternatively, a healthy father may offer support directly to the affected mother.14 Future work may explicate these mechanisms by examining specific measures of mothers» and fathers» role functioniFor example, a recent meta - analysis found that maternal depression and psychological distress were associated with increased negative and coercive parenting behaviors and disengagement from the child.36 A father may then attenuate the influence of a mother's depression with increased caring behavior directed to the children.37, 38 Alternatively, a healthy father may offer support directly to the affected mother.14 Future work may explicate these mechanisms by examining specific measures of mothers» and fathers» role functioning.
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