Sentences with phrase «healthy interpersonal relationships»

In a preliminary study, the hormone oxytocin was shown to be associated with the ability to maintain healthy interpersonal relationships and healthy psychological boundaries with other people.
They are necessary for healthy interpersonal relationships and in building effective teams.
I am passionate about helping individuals, couples and families experience joy in life that is dependent not upon circumstances, but on making good choices and learning how to develop healthy interpersonal relationships.
Other treatments focus primarily on the social and family context of sexual identity and seek to foster healthier interpersonal relationships.
By offering these therapeutic opportunities, residential treatment centers offer support as people work to achieve an improved quality of life, personal growth, and the development of healthy interpersonal relationships.
For some adults and adolescents, needs such as reducing isolation by gaining social support and learning how to sustain healthy interpersonal relationships are important objectives of treatment.
However, the assumption of the psychotherapist is that irrational behavior can be brought under rational control by re-educating the person in healthy interpersonal relationships.
FirstPlay ® Therapy is an attachment - based approach that incorporates fun interactive touch - based activities that gives children the foundation needed to build healthy interpersonal relationships.
DOI: 10.4236 / health.2014.613192 3,291 Downloads 4,717 Views Citations This article belongs to the Special Issue on Healthy Interpersonal Relationship
A primary goal of The Light Program is to stabilize an individual so that s / he may be able to return to healthy functioning, e.g. succeed at school / work, develop or maintain healthy interpersonal relationships, identify unhealthy patterns of thinking / behaving, learn effective coping skills to manage depression / anxiety.
Specific to the addiction field, he convincingly shows how relational problems, whether the cause or consequence of addictive behaviors, are best treated by developing the capacity for healthy interpersonal relationships.
This allows for the possibility of unlimited capacities including: creativity, critical thinking, multi-level development of intelligence, social consciousness, healthy interpersonal relationships and a well - rounded, emotionally - grounded human being.
The second is the ability of the firm's lawyer management to exercise good judgment and continue to make sound business decisions that will contribute positively to the firm's financial growth and to the healthy interpersonal relationships among and between the partners, the partners and the associates, and between the lawyers and the administrative support personnel.
He desires to give back to others what was given to him: freedom from the slavery of chemicals and other unhealthy immediate gratifiers, intrinsic motivation, healthy interpersonal relationships, traumatic healing, belonging, psychological peace and physical well - being.
I believe that establishing healthy boundaries and having a balanced lifestyle helps foster emotional well - being and healthy interpersonal relationships.
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