Sentences with phrase «healthy microbes»

"Healthy microbes" refers to beneficial microorganisms in our body or the environment that are good for our health. These tiny organisms help maintain a balanced and strong immune system, aidin proper digestion, and may protect against harmful bacteria. Full definition
It turns out that opening a window and increasing natural airflow in your indoor space has been shown to improve the diversity of healthy microbes in your space.
Whenever your digestive tract has the proper balance of healthy microbes, they will produce vitamin B12!
The sugar source found in the coconut water, fructose, provides a beneficial food source for healthy microbes in the gut.
So by just eating fiber, you are producing more healthy microbes in your gut to keep you healthy.
The goal was to banish C. difficile by overpowering it with healthy microbes so that balance could be restored.
Amid the trillions of microbes that live in the intestines, scientists have found a few species that seem to play a key role in keeping us healthy
Healthy microbes such as lactobacillus strains produce GABA naturally as a byproduct of metabolizing the amino acids L - glutamine and glutamic acid.
But the research, published in the July 13 Journal of Neuroscience, hints that poop pills laden with healthy microbes could one day be part of post-stroke therapy.
Probiotics are different in that they contain live organisms, usually specific strains of bacteria that directly add to the population of healthy microbes in your gut.
To make this recipe gut friendly, I've popped in my special dinosaur powder, AKA Love Your Gut powder which gently cleanses and sweeps away plaque built up in your gut over time, resulting in reduced bloating and the perfect environment for healthy microbes to flourish.
The chia and flax seeds provide tons of high quality soluble and insoluble fiber as well as lignans that helps to feed the healthy microbes we want to populate our digestive system.
Hager and Ghannoum propose that giving Crohn's disease patients antifungal drugs and then adding beneficial fungi, such as S. cerevisiae, could create a healthier microbe balance in the gut.
The healthy microbe community in the sample then begins to take over and populate the patient's gut, restoring a balanced microbiome.
Analysis of tribe with ancient lifestyle suggests that our conceptions of «healthy microbes» are simplistic
And the mice with the healthy microbes displayed denser bones and more muscle than the malnourished mice.
You can also make your own kefir — it's a cheap and easy way to rehab and strengthen your microbiome that gives you more diversity in healthy microbes than yogurt does.
Use probiotics: Live, «friendly» bacteria that bolster your gut's population of healthy microbes.
In addition to a diet strong in prebiotic fiber, you can help support a healthy gut environment by using supplemental probiotics: Live, «friendly» bacteria that bolster your gut's population of healthy microbes.
The Bravo Yogurt also contains molecules of activating factors that motivate the macrophages so they can transport these healthy microbes into the brain through the lymphatic system.
It does things like helps detox the body, it's rich in healthy microbes (good for our tummies), reduces risk of cancer and heart disease, blood pressure and cholesterol, and is even a source of protein!
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