Sentences with phrase «healthy on their normal diet»

If your dog is happy and healthy on their normal diet, there may be no need to switch.

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Some of us have to consider health as well as taste (I use a low carb diet to maintain normal blood glucose instead of taking diabetes drugs, while at the same time I focus on foods that have a long tradition of supporting healthy populations, as well as limit processed «fake food» ingredients which are novel to the human diet).
This looks divine and ever so healthy, for those of us on normal or make believe diets I am a fan of snapper so would probably take up your suggestion and make it with that, seriously delicious!
Companies make claims of supposed benefits of the nutrients added to follow - on formula and so - called «growing - up» milks, but these have no benefits over a normal healthy diet.
It is a type of diet that focuses on organic ingredients that can provide healthier and tastier foods than the normal dietary lifestyles.
Ornish, who has built a reputation on advocating healthy living, and U.C.S.F. colleagues report in the journal Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences USA that they found the activity of more than 500 genes in the normal tissue of 30 men with low - risk prostate cancer changed after the patients began exercising regularly and eating diets heavy in fruit, veggies and whole grain (supplemented with soy, fish oil, the mineral selenium and vitamins C and E) and low in red meat and fats.
On a normal «diet,» you'd be told to replace all your meals with «healthy ones.»
Healthy people will do best on 100 - 150g per day; obesity is a heterogeneous disease and some will do best on a carb intake in that normal range, others (especially those who are more diabetic) will do best on very low - carb diets.
The only time I have heard of someone running into a problem on a healthy whole plant - food based diet is someone who has a genetic defect, where their body is not able to make all of the proteins that the bodies of normal humans make.
Watch «food Matters» and read» One Answer to Cancer» and you will realized that many healthy persons live on a very good nutritious plant based diet, and also and more importantly, where their overall health problems also mostly disappear or can stabilize to normal.
They sleep well, hydrate themselves, exercise, meditate, and have a generally healthy lifestyle but still gain weight or can't gain weight.IF sleeping, exercise etc. were the main factors in gaining weight, then wouldn't these people have gained more weight on the «normal» diet than with the so - called «healthy» 80-10-10?
I thought the feeling of being light headed was normal after being on a healthy diet but the bouts of hypoglycemia seemed to get worse the more I got into exercise and a low fat eating.
I try to eat a healthy higher fat whole foods normal calorie diet on eating days (one or two meals) and nothing on fasting days.
It may also be that the body struggles to resume normal, healthy function because of on - going mediators or perpetuators such as stressful life events (e.g. relationship or work - related challenges, financial difficulties, loss of a loved one), a poor diet or a particular nutrient deficiency, insufficient physical activity or relaxation, poor sleep quality, smoking, too much drink or other unhealthy habits.
On the whole we have a healthy balanced diet and my question is «What do you think of the fasting prior to treatmet, 7 days of strict keto high fat / low carb diet then the remaining 11 days between treatmet returning to my family's normal diet?
As a result they gained victory over their bad habits and returned to their normal body weight without fasting or suffering from hunger but on a healthy and tasty unrefined diet which doesn't require counting calories.
Then, they put the smell - deprived mice on either a normal healthy mouse diet or a high - fat junk - food mouse diet.
It is normal and natural for birds to feast on greens in the wild, so bringing them into a captive bird's diet is a great way to up your pet's intake of vitamin A and a host of other healthy nutrients.
Please note that the BUN of a pet on a meat - based diet can be higher than that of a pet on a grain - based diet and still be normal and healthy.
On the other hand, a diet of a normal amount of protein is supposed to keep your pet healthy, and the protein is not believed to cause a problem for the kidneys.
Treating fatty liver disease is dependent on the cat eating a healthy, normal diet.
Vitamin supplementation should be short term and need not continue once the pet is on a healthy diet and is producing normal cecotropes.
A rabbit on a healthy diet of grass hay and green foods should be able to maintain a normal population of bacteria without additional supplementation.
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