Sentences with phrase «healthy reminder»

I often use it to do a quick stretch or break from looking at the computer - just having that little healthy reminder is a great way to help you stay hydrated.
It was a really healthy reminder that my life isn't always something I'm going to be able to share through this vehicle, because sometimes I just have to be able to go enjoy it.
There came healthy reminders, though, that not everything centers on New York.
The Sport has automatic activity tracking via Google Fit, but not on - watch, nor does it provide healthy reminders like the Samsung Gear S3 does with S - Health, or even like Apple Watch does with reminders to stand or breathe or meditate.
This little kerfuffle is healthy reminder that readers (and writers) should approach these tales with a healthy dose of skepticism.
Changing the script in your head is a huge step, but Dweck's site ends with a healthy reminder that the whole point of doing so is to change not just your thoughts, but your actions as well.
In your opinion, is her message overly optimistic or a healthy reminder of time management reality?
For those folks, this study might serve as a healthy reminder that you can't learn if you can't admit that you might be wrong.
The post is a healthy reminder for the proudly brusque, but in it Olds also goes a step further, not just cautioning self - described straight shooters of the social and business costs of stepping over the line that separates directness from rudeness, but also offering three helpful tips to keep you on the right side of the divide.
It's a healthy reminder (and one that could save many a political conversation from devolving into an unproductive shouting match).
It's a healthy reminder to hold onto theology, beliefs and thoughts lightly.
But in an age dominated by technique, Hamlet is a healthy reminder that the care of souls is not a mechanical matter of input and output, and pastoral counsel is not a question of applying a handful of rules.
Matthew Boulton's new book, Life in God, serves as a healthy reminder of Calvin's emphasis on Christian formation within his broader reforming project, not merely defending the true gospel, but making disciples of that gospel as well.
The film, which is tipped for Oscar nominations, is a healthy reminder to secular audiences that the Christian faith is nothing if not lived out.
Not in the fact of delivering leaflets itself, more just that it was a healthy reminder that campaigning on the doorstep can come up against several different forms of obstruction.
«It serves as a healthy reminder that evaluations are sensitive to things other than the amount that students learn,» he says.
Our friendships give us a healthy reminder that we're in this life together, and we aren't flying solo.
As it turns out, passion is an essential element of living a fulfilled life, and the Aries new moon serves up a healthy reminder of just that.
Lately, I've been noticing more male beauty bloggers than ever before, and I think it's a healthy reminder that beauty has no gender, and that a cut crease is a cut crease, no matter who wears it.
Lately, I've been noticing more male beauty bloggers than ever before, and I think it's a healthy reminder that beauty has no gender, and that
It's difficult to take those kinds of risks and was a healthy reminder that this blog for me isn't just for style inspiration and shopping tips.
Gravity is a healthy reminder of human smallness in a vast universe, but also successfully demonstrates the phenomenal strength of the human spirit.
Or, perhaps more accurately, a year in which the South by Southwest Film Festival served up a healthy reminder of what it has really been about all along.
It's a healthy reminder that documentary «truth» is nonetheless one person's impression, and it can be as unbound as fiction.
Changes to the rear are subtle with the tweaked tail light cluster and new rectangular exhausts but are a healthy reminder of the SUV's roots.
Oh, and Escape From Camp 14, a memoir of the North Korean gulag and a healthy reminder that the premise of my book (slavery!
In fact, in A healthy reminder from Amazon: You don't buy ebooks, you rent them, Ingram takes on the story of a Scandinavian Kindle owner losing all her books to some kind of Seattle screw - up.
• When it comes to borrowing money we could all use a healthy reminder once and a while.
Seeing my mistakes play out teaches me how to be better, and it's a healthy reminder not to be afraid of losing — because in Cuphead, failure helps you progress.
Combine that with some pretty gorgeous visuals and catchy music, and you have another healthy reminder of why this series was so memorable to begin with.
Yet her work never does, a healthy reminder that Laurie Simmons, Sherrie Levine, Uta Barth, and others back in «The Pictures Generation» were not so clear - cut either.
And you will get a healthy reminder that like it or not, we are all slowly but surely decaying.
A de Kooning birthday party serves as a healthy reminder of the mess his generation already made.
Excess need not mean a loss of discipline either — just a healthy reminder now and then of the recent past.
After attending the fair's twenty - sixth edition in New York, which took place last month, writer Carlo McCormick said that «the fair's relevance today is a healthy reminder that our love of art has to do with its capacity for fun, weirdness, unpredictability, and upending hierarchies against all those cultural currents that work to limn the status quo.»
«It's time for a healthy reminder that Indiana's sidewalk and trail network is also expanding to serve a demand for non-motorized modes of transportation and recreation,» said Indiana Department of Transportation (INDOT) Commissioner Michael B. Cline.
It's a healthy reminder that not all OLED is created equal, too.
It's a healthy reminder that even a middling product can have moments of genius.
So bitcoin is a healthy reminder that we don't have to hold on to dollars or renminbi, which is subject to capital controls and loss of purchasing power.
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