Sentences with phrase «healthy stool»

She had a very healthy stool when I picked her up from the breeder, so I am hoping to get her back to that state!
Generally, high - fiber foods are good for the digestive system and important for forming healthy stools.
It helps her to maintain healthy stools, and with a long haired cat that is extremely important!
Ingredients such as ground bone are found in commercially available raw foods and help to create healthy stools and naturally express anal glands.
This results in digestive waste being moving through the digestive tract more quickly with less time spent in the colon where healthy stool is formed.
My dogs have very healthy stools, and we never have digestive problems.
A team led by University of Minnesota immunologist and gastroenterologist Alexander Khoruts has recently demonstrated spectacular success with fecal transplants, which introduce healthy stool microbes into a diseased bowel.
must have healthy stools similar to Type 2, 3 and 4 in the Bristol stool chart below (no constipation or diarrhea)
Moreover, healthy stool might treat a range of other disorders, from Crohn's disease to constipation.
Another benefit of high fiber consumption is that it can help with bowel regularity and healthy stool.
(But this does explain why Ann Louise thinks a healthy stool should be two feet in length with a diameter about the size of a half dollar.
A plant - based diet produces the healthiest stools, and leads to consistently larger bowel movements.
A healthy stool is a medium to light brown in color, with an S - shape, soft and smooth, formed into one long shape, about 18 inches long and 1 or 2 inches in diameter, with a natural and not repulsive smell, with uniform texture, which also quietly and gently dives into the toilet water.
Undigested food remnants should comprise very little of a healthy stool.
The fibre contained in Wellness dog food ensures a healthy digestive system which absorbs nutrients and produces a healthy stool consistency.
Clear eyes, soft coats, high energy and healthy stools.
In most cases, dry diets ensure firmer, healthier stools - which is also better for those who are doing the poop scooping!
Food should activate high - energy levels as well as develop shiny coats and a healthy stool consistency.
The best thing I like about this bag is that it gives her the healthiest stools out of any other brand I have tried.
It may be a stinky subject, but if you pup is producing a healthy stool and goes regularly with ease the food is probably just right.
If your dog produces firm, healthy stool, is active and fit, and has a healthy appetite, then your dog food is probably working just fine.
Helps with both diarrhea and constipation - Your cat will have a healthy stool daily, removing all toxins from its body
A healthy stool looks like a tootsie roll; if it's small, hard and dry, or if the cat spends a lot of time in the box, strains excessively, or cries as he's defecating, it's time to jump on the problem.
Used as toppers or mixers with other dry kibble, many customers report that their pets have increased energy, a shinier coat, and healthier stool.
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