Sentences with phrase «heap of something»

The 1989 car was much better, and in Monaco he finally scored his first points, and a whole heap of them to boot - he was fourth at the end, having qualified an excellent ninth.
I hope you bought heaps of it because there would be so many things you could do with it!!
I used to work in a bakery where we made heaps of them (the chocolate and the pumpkin ones were my favorites), so I know my whoops.
A week later, there are now heaps of them.
I sautéed the peppers with onions and garlic in some EVOO then put a generous heap of them over a perfectly cooked pork chop.
It's not selfcontradictory to suppose that he has been peeling potatoes forever, and has by now amassed an infinitely large heap of them.
I may be biased towards these though as I've been eating heaps of them lately Audrey @ Unconventional Baker recently posted... Almond, Rosemary, & Pine Cake
There are heaps of them left, which may indicate the Dick Smith brand stylus never really caught on.
I grow heaps of it — it's like mint, comes up in profusion!
While we may have heaps of it gushing toward our baby, if we're not getting pleasure from our partner, we can often begin to feel resentful and angry toward them.
Rhubarb season is much too short, and so I tend to go into panic mode and buy heaps of it while i can.
I've always been a pasta salad fan, I was the weird kid scooping heaps of it onto my plate instead of the main course I'm so totally jealous of your pretty porch!
Fiction is much harder to promote than non-fiction, and for every author whose name has been successfully promoted, there are several for whom promotion (sometimes heaps of it) has simply failed to capture the public's imagination.
Secretly, I'm not the best traveller, even though I've done heaps of it.
My best friend was just asking me for some good kale recipes because they joined a new farmers co-op and keep getting heaps of it.
You may either make a minimal profit or you may make heaps of it, but real estate investing has something for all since it is considered as one of the safest modes of investment.
A week later, there are now heaps of them.
in a country with «whites» being the dominant ethnicity, it only stands to reason that there are gonna be a heap of»em that are just plain «ol fvcking retarded (no offence to the retarded ok).
Looks beautiful and tastes even better I have packed a heap of it away in the freezer for future lunches and will definitely be making this again.
Tiny little newborn outfits are absolutely adorable and it's so tempting to buy a heap of them at one go.
As you probably already know, Gerri (our recipe inventor and Chef extraordinaire) is always experimenting in the kitchen, so we go through a heap of it.
These photos are from latest trip down south so stay tuned for some super-belated travel posts because I have a heap of them coming up.
There are always so many amazing brands and products that I am so so so grateful to try throughout the year, so this is one chance I get to share a heap of them with you at once.
While one may assume all people would go for the models or athletic bodied women, then drops a heap of them who just -LSB-...]
While one may assume all people would go for the models or athletic bodied women, then drops a heap of them who just can't get enough of plus size women.
Every single character (and there are heaps of them) is perfectly performed, and each so unique.
The typical Charlie Clay Montandon sermon, preached at night in lantern light, under a tent or under the stars, emphasized hell, fire, damnation, ashes (heaps of them), and the serpent.
Well, good news my French friend, because Sony just talked a whole heap of them, and the Quit or Continue gang are here to pick threw all the announcements.
What's here is fantastic to play, and there's heaps of it.
For the last half - dozen years, Takahashi has made a name for herself in Europe by taking stuff other people don't want — heaps and heaps of it — and organizing it into sprawling «art walks» at galleries, museums and commercial sites.
Heaps of them.
Lest we be too cynical about this being «a heap of all I could find», the NYT, BBC and CNET Australia all offered comments, generally enthusiastic.
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