Sentences with phrase «hear about another mass»

It's a trend one would rather see, than hear about another mass credentials breach.
The very worst have been around Australia, and you will hear about the mass killing of coral from our second guest, Mark Eakin of Coral Reef Watch.
Rep. Debbie Wasserman Schultz said she heard about the mass shooting at Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School not from her staff, but from her...
Rep. Debbie Wasserman Schultz said she heard about the mass shooting at Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School not from her staff, but from her ninth - grade daughter.

Not exact matches

So, when I heard some negative backlash about Chris - calling him «a hate - filled killer,» «coward,» or «mass murdering [sic] sniper» - I had to share my experience.
So, when I hear people (who never met Chris) call him a mass - murderer or a coward or a hate - filled killer, I can't help but think about those incidents in Fallujah, in which he willingly put himself in grave danger trying to save lives.
Almost 80 per cent of Western Australians have doubts about the mass media according to a recent study by the School of Marketing at Curtin Business School.More than two - thirds (77 per cent) of respondents said they had at some time heard or read a...
The number of new currencies is growing, driving the mass popularity not only of the most famous currencies like Bitcoin, but also of those you haven't heard about just a couple of years ago.
I was glad to see Kevin White's piece on the effects of microphones on the Mass in the recent issue of First Things («Drop the Mic,» December 2012), for microphones have been on my mind lately as I hear homilies at Masses several times a week and as I reflect on and teach about mission, liturgy, and preaching in various contexts for the Year of Faith.
I asked how do deaf people hear god and what about mass hysteria and you laugh about clouds.
... It would be difficult for a Catholic attending mass to avoid reading or hearing about this battle.
If you've read about fertility, you've probably heard that a woman's body mass index (BMI) at the time of conception, and indeed throughout the entire pregnancy, is an important factor not only in successfully getting pregnant but also in maintaining fetal health.
There may indeed be a greater scepticism about mass immigration than we are used to hearing from senior Labour figures, but it is tied to a broader recognition of how fast and dramatic changes can destabilise and unsettle communities.
Well, it's time we heard more from Hans Blix, who was at the time supposedly the person they were trusting to make the decision about whether or not the weapons of mass destruction were real.
«A lot of people instinctively when they hear the government say something about security, the memories of 45 minutes, weapons of mass destruction and all the rest come to mind, they say: «They are at it again,»» Kennedy said.
Shareholder resolutions will not educate and inspire masses of people to speak up and act for a climate - safe energy transition because few hear about them.
«We hear a lot about mass - assaying machines run by robots and how new recruits will need to know about this.
Hey Scooby ive heard you talk about a low dairy diet is milk not a good protien source for some one trying to gain lean mass??
Another one of those common misconceptions you may hear about training is how you need to do high reps with a low weight in order to increase muscle mass.
and alot of them are intermediate to advanced techniques... which are dangerous for beginers and older ppl... scooby always explains the health and safety issues brilliantly... unless you have had a back injury at the gym u wont realise the shocking pain... also on mikes sales pitch about the 100 first ppl to sign up i swear i heard one of the testimony's of his clients say he put on 30 pounds of muscle mass in 12 weeks...????? 12 weeks?????
You don't hear very much about isometric exercises these days, which is a shame as they can be a very effective tool to help you build both strength and muscle mass — provided you know how to use them to achieve each of those particular goals.
You have to learn up about lean mass though because if you start a program that helps you hear, your weight will not react like you think.
Despite extremely loud gunfire and the echoes that ensue in a such a large, abandoned warehouse, Vern can still be heard over all of it complaining about his bullet wounds, as if he's the only one shot, his stupid makeshift cardboard armor and just a mass amount of random grumbling in a hard - to - place accent making him all the more frustrating for the other characters and even funnier for the audience.
As for the first news reports heard in the film — accounts of an epidemic of «mass murder by unidentified assassins» — who could have watched Night of the Living Dead after August 1969 without imagining that the broadcaster was somehow talking about the Manson family?
But Shandre Delaney, a 57 - year - old protester from Pittsburgh, said she was more interested in hearing about Hillary Clinton's policy proposals to demilitarize police departments and end mass incarceration.
Ultimately, Facing History and Ourselves hopes to create a society of thoughtful citizens who think deeply about the way they live — when they are riding the subway to work as much as when they hear about incidents of mass violence that demand a global response.
Ubuntu may be popular with the tech crowd, the general mass hasn't heard about it or care.
I'd like to hear your thoughts about a critical - mass point where one book begins to sell another, both sequels and backlist.
You may have heard by now about the Kindle book, The Pedophile's Guide to Love and Pleasure, that was posted on Amazon, greeted with mass outrage, and subsequently removed by Amazon.
Anytime I speak to owners who are reclaiming their lost pets about a mass (or masses) that we noticed on their pets, the most common response I hear is, «Our vet said it was nothing.»
So yeah, we probably won't find out a lot about it unless they've been sneaky as a ninja in working on it, but we'll hear as much as Square thinks it will take to sate the masses.
I consider myself more of a 360 fan and was really really hyped for mass effect when i first heard about it.
There were huge masses of people who bought ArmaII on steam sale hearing the «wonderful stories» of DayZ, without hearing the nightmare complaints about... every major aspect.
Personally, when I think about those toiling, vulnerable masses who are going to suffer the worst consequences of a warming world, I find it offensive to hear a comfortable, white American say, «We are going to do OK.»
And we didn't hear anything about mass transit outlined anywhere in the economic bailout.
Don't hear much about Ozone lately from mass media.
By now, you've likely heard about «Accelerated modern human — induced species losses: Entering the sixth mass extinction.»
Instead, we hear about «ethics», and «facts», much of which are appeals to authority and emotion, rather than attempts to generate positive mass movements.
I've heard some of the most ridiculous claims by climate change advocates about how we're all going to be dead in a decade or two, how we'll see the oceans rise to cover almost all the land masses and other extreme nonsense.
In the past mass actions like the Accutane case were heard about largely via word of mouth.
To hear all about Adam's journey, including how he signed up more than 400 people to a mass tort case, received a referral for a $ 100,000 personal injury claim from another personal injury lawyer and why he decided to start his personal injury law firm right out of law school, you'll have to tune in!
It seems like one of the nicest things about being a celebrity, aside from the fame and the money and the prestige, is the ability to test new features before the unwashed masses ever hear of them.
Then you can forget everything you heard bad about Alcatel's Android skin and applications, as the DTEK60 uses Blackberry's all - in - one hub and mass of security extras on top of a fairly stock Android application set.
Packed inside were the thoughts and prayers we heard so much about — the ones from people willing to do something after 17 people died in Parkland, but not willing to do enough to stop future mass shootings.
We should learn more about this device, including its (hopefully) «mass appeal» price in the next few months, and we've reached out to Fitbit for comment and will update if we hear back.
Family member Barbara Kumbatovich, of Long Island, N.Y., said she heard media reports about the mass shooting in Florida but had no idea the suspect was the son of her recently deceased sister - in - law, Lynda.
Have you heard about the Cambridge Analytica controversy, better known by mass media as the Facebook data leaks?
Job search communications is about positioning yourself to be seen and heard, not about blending in with the masses.
Besides, I heard a lot of people who said they would move to Canada if Trump gets elected but I have yet to read a news article about a mass exodus of Americans moving to Canada yet.
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