Sentences with phrase «hear about your asthma»

Hi hun, I'm sorry to hear about your asthma.

Not exact matches

Most of us have heard at least one story about a child miraculously overcoming asthma, ADHD, or behavioral problems.
«And it's something we never hear said about other medications that pregnant women take all the time for asthma, or heart disease or diabetes.
Overall, if you hear something alarming about your asthma medication, «the first step is to talk to your doctor and say «I am concerned, or «I heard this on radio.
I babysit a little boy for this family and they have a labradoodle so I am with him a lot and recently I have been dog sitting him while the family I work for is on vacation and I have been noticing that when ever he lays down he starts breathing really hard and fast and you can hear the air going through his nose every time he breathes like his nasal passage is blocked and he's trying to clear it or something and his chest moves up and down like a kid who is about to have an asthma attack and he coughs and burps a lot.
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