Sentences with phrase «hear the heartbeat more»

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If they saw their baby's image on ultrasound or heard the heartbeat, they may have connected with their baby in a more tangible way.
Now you can enjoy your pregnancy a little more, knowing your odds of delivering a healthy baby are very good, especially if you've already seen your baby's heart beating during an ultrasound or heard the heartbeat at your doctor's office.
But it's more common to hear the heartbeat for the first time at around 12 weeks, depending on your baby's position in your uterus, your weight, and the accuracy of your due date.
The miscarriage rate for pregnancies in which a mother has heard or seen a heartbeat is lower; however, if your doctor notices that your baby's heartbeat is off by a week or more, it can indicate that a miscarriage is more likely.
Even though living in mom's womb is a noisy place, filled with the sounds of mom's heartbeat, digestion sounds, and more, hearing a human voice sounds amazing.
My son is 2 he's already been to a doctors appointment and I showed him the pictures of babies on the wall, I asked him of he wanted to takes one home and he said «NO» since I've been pregnant he seems more attached to me, he also heard the baby's heartbeat and he looked shocked, tomorrow we'll see the baby on the TV (ultrasound) to find out if it's a girl or boy!!
Some midwives even suggest that a breech presentation enables a baby to hear its mother's heartbeat more strongly and perhaps breech babies need that energy of the heart more than other babies.
Since I haven't felt sick (more on that in a bit), it's been reassuring to see the baby on the ultrasound and hear the heartbeat to know everything is progressing like it should be!
Once you hear your own heartbeat you're allowed to draw your weapon if you wish, but doing so before your foe is viewed as dishonorable and therefore will lose you some valuable points if done, yet obviously going for your gun first makes it far more likely that you'll emerge victorious.
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