Sentences with phrase «hear the take of»

«It will be interesting to hear the take of officials from the Trump administration this year,» Saikawa says.

Not exact matches

Thanks to Malcolm Gladwell's best seller Outliers, pretty much everyone has heard that it takes 10,000 hours of practice or more to make a master.
The flight took off at 6:18 p.m., and Gremminger said she heard the dog bark a couple of times.
With the dam broken and decades worth of accusations of sexual harassment and abuse finally flooding out, we're hearing more and more apologies from powerful creeps who took advantage of and dehumanized the women around them.
In addition to claims he didn't know what clingfilm was — and was heard «shrieking» at the site of kitchen staff using it to wrap up cold cuts — and that he takes truckloads of possessions, including his own toilet seat, with him on royal trips, Tom Bower's «Rebel Prince» includes a number of claims about Charles» extravagant travel habits.
And that takes me to Frederick Ludwig Hoffman, a great practitioner of counting who few people have ever heard of today — but who ought to be well remembered.
It's been a pleasure to hear from many of you since I took over Term Sheet.
The financial crisis and poor Australian dollar is just two of a thousand excuses I have heard them use over the years to avoid taking responsibility, and justify in their own minds that the collapse of this company has nothing to do with the underhanded practices and their own poor management.
You can hear Merlo's take on his company's transformation here, and Aetna CEO Mark Bertolini's view of the rapidly changing health care marketplace here.
«He was asked during the hearing about communications between Russia and the Trump campaign — not about meetings he took as a senator and a member of the Armed Services Committee,» she said in a statement.
«This is the happiest news I have heard in my life,» a resident of Khan Sheikhoun, where the chemical attack took place, told reporter Richard Hall.
Everywhere you turn, it seems, those at the helm of various companies can be heard complaining about the amount of time it takes to find someone right for job X or for position Y.
Many of these posts were written anonymously, so take them with a grain of salt, but we've only included sentiments that seemed to be reoccurring or that we have heard from our own sources.
In a random sampling of public opinion taken by the Forum Poll ™ among 1155 Canadians 18 years of age and older who had heard of Blackberry Ltd, fully three quarters agree the survival of Blackberry is important to the Canadian economy (75 %) and as many as one half agree strongly (50 %).
«None of them were willing to take on the role of attack dog, unlike the famous example of Arlen Specter in the Clarence Thomas hearings, or Trey Gowdy in the Benghazi hearings, or in the 9/11 Commission.
By now you've probably heard that Mark Zuckerberg plans to take two months off following the birth of his baby girl.
Robert Chapman Jr., a hedge - fund manager in California, took a potshot at his former friend, observing, «I've heard it said that yoga is Dan's form of paying penance for what he does while outside the home, whether it be the office or elsewhere.
So next time you hear some trader blame «blackout periods» for why the market dropped, take it with a grain of salt.
In any case, it's generally a good investment of the modest amount of time it takes to pay attention and be polite unless the people pitching haven't done their homework, don't appreciate or want to hear about the magnitude or difficulty of what they're setting out to do, or just aren't really prepared to effectively present and defend their ideas.
It's likely you haven't heard of Mainstreet Equity Corp, a Calgary - based business that takes beaten down apartment buildings in Western Canada, fixes them up and then rents them out.
In a separate hearing on ICOs in Congress last week, Mike Lempres, chief legal and risk officer for cryptocurrency exchange Coinbase, said the company does not trade ICO tokens because it «can not take the risk of inadvertently trading an asset that is later found to be a security.»
Even though Tripathi had never heard of it before, in March 1998 he left his prestigious post behind and took a new job with the fast - growing little company.
Eventually, we'll all get used to it, Martin says — especially since many of the tasks AI will take over are the business equivalent of household drudgery: «You never hear anyone complain about the invention of the dishwasher.»
For those who are more into music than me, these headphones have a really cool «smart» feature I haven't taken full advantage of just yet: They can adjust how they sound so they're unique to your hearing.
To highlight this, I've gathered seven pieces of advice I hear all the time, and why you shouldn't take them too literally:
You have heard criticism of the ideas in the video, with Stephen Gordon, Andrew Coyne, Alex Usher and many others taking issues with all or part of it.
Powell in statements throughout the year, culminating with his recent Senate confirmation hearing, has been clear he sees little risk of inflation that would prompt the Fed to raise rates faster than expected, and takes weak wage growth as a sign that sidelined workers remain to be drawn into jobs.
A decision on whether to simply hear the case is expected to take upwards of six months.
When Kip Tindell, CEO of The Container Store, first heard Herb Kelleher's words more than 40 years ago he was, in his own words, «completely taken by it.»
«That's really Carl's vision of the future, and our hopes are that Rick can hear what he has to say and take that to heart, because otherwise there's not going to be anybody left to live on the planet,» Nicotero said.
Stereotypes of women's behavior can dominate perceptions, and as a woman in a male - dominated, STEM - related field, I've learned how to take a seat at the table and deliver my message so that it's heard and respected.»
«It is not their intent to disrupt operations, but to make their voices heard and have their concerns of wage theft, safety, and working conditions to be taken seriously,» SEIU Local 1 spokesperson Izabel Miltko - Ivkovich told CNN Money.
Turns out, 67 percent of employees said that they've either never heard anything from their employers about taking time off or if they had they were mixed or negative messages.
It takes a second or two, but you can hear, in those words, the brutal poetry of pugilism.
«You may have heard a manager say, «I should leave more often,» upon returning from a holiday break — because the team took needed risks or thought «out of the box,» with great results,» said Taylor.
Reuters writer Valerie Volcovici reported on Wednesday that the news agency heard of the order to take down the website from two agency employees who were defying the gag order.
The House of Commons ethics committee held hearings this week to take a closer look at the breach that involves Facebook and, allegedly, the political consultancy firm Cambridge Analytica.
And we've heard of some interesting business, but this one may take the cake: A dairy farmer is turning cow poop into power.
In college, whenever Iraq or Afghanistan came up, I missed out on a lot of opportunities for personal growth because I was in too big of a hurry to toot my own horn to my civilian peers, rather than take the time to hear what they had to say on the topic.
CNBC's Jackie DeAngelis takes a look at what to watch for when the former Exxon CEO testifies at his confirmation hearing for secretary of State.
It took me almost a decade of hearing no before — finally!
He also took issue with the size of the hearing, adding that Michigan Supreme Court Judge Joan Larsen, nominated for the 6th US Circuit Court of Appeals, «got off fairly easy» with Barrett taking most of the heat.
Everyone uses all their senses in decision making and each one can be taken advantage of to increase your sales., including hearing.
They take a lot of heat as a generation, and I sympathize, because I remember that back in the 1990s, we GenXers heard a lot of the same crap.
«The Republican Senate refuses to hold hearings on [Supreme Court nominee] Judge Garland, refuses to fund the President's request for Zika aid and takes the most days off of any Senate since 1956, but thinks Facebook hearings are a matter of urgent national interest,» Jentleson said.
Ashton Kutcher gave an emotional speech on modern slavery to the Senate Foreign Relations Committee at a hearing that took place ahead of Shine a Light on Slavery Day.
Residents can pre-game at Hardywood Park Craft Brewery's annual Brewdependence Day, where they'll be serving up 14 food trucks, live music, and of course, beer; hear a recitation of The Declaration of Independence; and get their picture taken with Thomas Jefferson and George Washington role - players.
Fine explains, «as a former interior designer who never took a business course and didn't know what Ruby on Rails was a year ago, it's sometimes surreal when I hear words like «agile process» come out of my mouth, or the never ending string of VC and MBA terms that we now use to discuss the «health» of the business».
Ever do a double take when you hear the person standing in front of you ask for the Pizza Sub at Subway or a Quesarito at Chipotle?
«Our concern is reinforced by hearing that the Department has not taken steps to re-prioritise its work - despite it now being responsible for 68 of the 300 - plus work streams that departments need to complete.
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