Sentences with phrase «heard expressions»

You've probably heard expressions that encourage you to tackle your biggest problem first.
So, when should the board know that the CEO is in talks or has heard expressions of interest related to selling the company?
We've all heard the expression, «People leave managers, not companies.»
Odds are you've heard the expression, «The honeymoon is over,» in both contexts.
You've heard the expression a bad apple spoils the bunch.
You've probably heard the expression «feeling like a mushroom,» which is to say feeling kept in the dark, left uninformed and fed a bunch of sh — .
You've heard the expression «If you keep doing the same things, you're going to get the same results».
We've likely all heard the expression, «Can't see the forest for the trees.»
You've probably heard the expression «Get with the program!»
The author of this article may be well meaning... have you heard the expression «throwing the baby out with the bath water»?
Have you heard the expression «Pie In The Sky»?
You've heard the expression «There are no atheists in foxholes.»
She had never heard the expression.
When I hear the expression, «God is in control,» I tend to think about the Asian tsunami that killed hundreds of thousands in 2004, the countless women who have been raped in the Congo over the last few days, and the many children who will die of hunger and preventable disease this year.
«Let it go» Do you ever hear expressions in day to day life that you can not hear without bursting into a song that has the phrase in it.
David, «But have you heard the expression «follow the money»?
But have you heard the expression «follow the money»?
I'm sure you've heard the expression «eat the rainbow», and that's easy to do when you're starting with a bright orange potato.
What's to love: Have you heard the expression «eat fat, get thin»?
I've never heard this expression before...
Heard the expression God is a Gooner?
Ever heard the expression on and off the pitch?
You've heard the expression the house always wins?
Most people have heard the expression «the house always wins,» but they may not understand the inner - workings of the sportsbook.
We hear the expression «target market» lots when reading marketing tips.
You have probably heard the expression that says to never wake a sleeping baby, but this is not always true.
Ever heard the expression, «You can't exercise your way out of a bad diet»?
Ever heard the expression, «smooth as a baby's bottom?»
We've all heard the expression, when Mama's not happy, nobody's happy.
I often hear the expression «far - right extremist» to identify a person who goes on a killing spree based on his / her political beliefs.
Don't we hear the expression of anger from the ordinary Ghanaian who now has to pay 15 per cent higher in transport fares?
You've heard the expression «Don't shoot the messenger?»
Introduction Have you ever heard the expression, «solid as a rock»?
What goes through your mind when you hear expressions like «It cost him an arm and a leg?»
You'll also hear the expression «peakers».
We often hear the expression «feeling blue» or «green with envy.»
We've all heard the expression «a moment on the lips, forever on the hips,» and unfortunately this (silly) saying about what we eat hits home for a lot of women.
We've all heard the expression, «Where there's a will, there's a way.»
Have you ever heard the expression «Bought the hat and got a t - shirt», in a NEGATIVE sense?
Have you ever heard this expression, «Your muscle don't grow while your working out... they grow when you are resting.»
You've heard the expression «firing on all cylinders.»
We've all heard the expression: «You are what you Eat!»
«Never leave a man behind» is a commonly heard expression.
We've all heard the expression «you are what you eat,» and your skin is no exception.
Yes, we've heard this expression so many times.
We've all heard the expression «when it rains, it pours» but in Chicago it's more like «when it snows, it snowstorm's for days...»
We've all heard the expression «the dog days of summer,» but when are they really?
We have all heard this expression before, «a picture is worth a thousand words.»
Just about everyone has heard the expression «age is just a number» but nowhere is that more true than here at Local Mature.
You've probably heard the expression, «you catch more flies with honey.»
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