Sentences with phrase «heard people share»

I have heard people share on their faith in satin.
People pass by our garden all the time on foot, and it is a joy to hear people share how our garden reminds them of their childhood.

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After hearing me talk about it to other people at our table, the executives asked me to share my innovation with the group the next day.
«We've heard from people that they are worried about sharing information with apps, and they want more control over their data,» a Facebook press release said.
«We are hearing loud and clear from people that they are valuing vacation experiences more than ever as an opportunity to spend truly meaningful down time with family and friends and they want to be able to have shared experiences that are genuinely fun and memorable,» said the spokesperson.
«Most people will tell you Goldman makes almost all its money on trading - I hear it all the time,» said Rick Scott, who trades in Goldman shares as chief investment officer at L&S Advisors, an investment firm with $ 500 million in assets under management.
To me, a transparent culture is one where employees are given meaningful insights that build trust with senior leadership and an environment exists where people can give honest and direct feedback, knowing it will be heard and shared with the right people.
«Not only are people hearing about new movies on Twitter, they are using it to make a decision about what to see, then sharing their experience with friends.»
Some pride themselves on being approachable and easily accessible, yet they don't really hear the ideas that people share with them.
«I also took advantage of the fact that I was widely admired in my and their community, which disabled them from sharing their story and brought hardship to them when they tried because people who look up to me didn't want to hear it.
«With online publicity, you need to reach out and find people that are enthusiastic about your type of business and are willing to share it with their readers, who come to them specifically to hear about their tastes and opinions on that specific subject matter,» McLean says.
He said: «We have also heard that some people don't understand how their personal information is used and worry that it is shared in ways they don't want.
«We've heard young people share how they didn't even know about a particular career path,» said Baltimore Mayor Stephanie Rawlings - Blake.
As a finance professor and investor, I sometimes chuckle when I hear people complain that their company does not have a profit - sharing...
You hear people talk about buying shares of a risky solar panel startup; a new social media network; some mining stock that could hit pay dirt.
It's so neat to hear your use case here, and yes, my sense is that many people share a similar workflow as you've described!
That's what you'll hear from even the common person walking the street who has never held a share.
You hear people saying something like, «Stock market crash is when someone invests in stonother person once told me that «you can say that there is a stock market crash if people are no longer interested in buying shares».
In a 2014 news release announcing new restrictions to its developer policies, a Facebook executive wrote, «We've heard from people that they are often surprised when a friend shares their information with an app.»
wow thank you for sharing that!sadly stories like this are all to common and its ironic to hear church leaders acting all confused why so many young people are leaving organized religion in vast numbers.
When I post a strong statement about providing safe places for people to share their experiences, to be heard and even believed, the furious correspondences I get overwhelm me.
I also hear of religious people seeking to discriminate against others that don't share their religion, primarily atheists, and often Muslims too.
I would encourage anybody who cares about people, to somehow find a way to hear voices of those that don't share your journey.
Why are millennials and many others leaving the churches — Here is another reason Revelation 18:4 And I heard another voice out of heaven say: «Get out of her, my people, if YOU do not want to share with her in her sins, and if YOU do not want to receive part of her plagues.
«The God who made the world and everything in it is the Lord of heaven and earth and does not live in temples built by human hands «Acts 17:24 «Then I heard another voice from heaven say: ««Come out of her, my people,» so that you will not share in her sins, so that you will not receive any of her plagues;» Revelation 18:4
Revelation 18:4 Then I heard another voice from heaven say: Come out of her, my people so that you will not share in her sins, so that you will not receive any of her plagues.
It's been an honor for me to provide a space where people, mostly women it seems, can share their experiences, be heard, and even be believed.
Specifically, it's far less common to hear about how a student who finds their way to or from Christianity, Islam, or Judaism (or even Atheism for that matter) while attending a university.Taking classes and sharing experiences alongside classmates from varying backgrounds can cause even the most religious or nonreligious person to inspect, analyze, and even question their beliefs.
May we embrace our weakness, may we ask our God for His strength, may our attitude, beliefs and centre lead us to share good news once again with people who desperately need to hear it.
And it looks like World Vision has deliberately left us time to talk with people and hear their stories so we can share them with you.
I can't tell you how many times I have heard on the radio, or have read in books, or have listened to people share their testimony, and the way they present the Gospel is completely unscriptural!
In the next two posts in this series we will discuss getting to know other people by spending time and sharing space with them, and getting to know them by hearing and knowing their stories.
«We will, indeed, attempt to provide for those in physical need, but we will also point people to the crucified and risen Lord Jesus... To all who wish to hear we will share the hope of eternal life and the forgiveness of sins through repentance toward God and faith in the Lord Jesus Christ.»
I was just sharing last night how a woman at my last church was talking about unconditional love in the face of her grandkids opening presents, but when she didn't hear the tried and true message from the previous pastor (who by the way was one of architects of the church's mission to «love God and love people unconditionally) that was a problem.
When abuse of animals is widespread, when the bellowing of thirsty animals in cattle cars is heard and ignored, when cruelty still prevails in many slaughterhouses, when animals are clumsily and painfully butchered in our kitchens, when brutish people inflict unimaginable torments upon animals and when some animals are exposed to the cruel games of children, all of us share in the guilt.7
But it's my prayer that more of the Church in the West would sit up and notice that this is a divine opportunity to share the good news with people who wouldn't otherwise hear it.
He said: «I've heard so many stories of people who have had their own religious faith come back to life or have come to faith through simply that sharing with a neighbour [about] doing some voluntary work or [their role] in the workplace.
I hear the current debate about the 1 % vs the 99 % and everybody giving their fair share, and how to balance the budget, and so on, and I just think that no matter what, nothing will change until people from the top to the bottom become less greedy.
So I'm sending out an alert: even though this seems difficult for some people to understand, when space is given for a person to share their experiences and be heard and even believed, this does not necessarily mean I am taking sides.
The more I share my experiences of being an indigenous Christian, the more I hear other people say the same — that we are participants in a world we don't quite belong to — which is the very experience of Jesus, from the day he was born.
Democracy as an ideal might be said to be the attempt to accord to every person the possibility of finding his rightful share in the social good through an order in which his interests and claims will have a fair hearing, and through a political process in which whatever power he can legitimately muster will be able to make itself felt.
He knew that hers would be invisible stones, the kind she'd grip tighter each time she saw the man who once shared her bed but not her public humiliation, each time she heard the whispers of her neighbors or the loud, pretentious prayers of the men who had grabbed her and surrounded her and threatened to kill her, each time she heard rumors that the person who saved her would himself be put to death.
The witness of the Spirit does not erase individuality but affirms it by drawing together all sorts of people to share what they have heard God say to them.
It's a perspective that I have even heard from people who share my Christian worldview.
It is what you probably hear about most, but there is a sense of shared humanity that binds people together in search for the highest level of humanity and togetherness.
Paul blessings as i shared with Christine it is a personal relationship with Jesus when Jesus called his disciples he said follow me not the church not man.I belong to 2 churchs and i keep in touch with a couple indirectly and minister from time to time they are all different styles and different doctrines and in each of them i have people i care about they are family to me brothers and sisters in the Lord and i can go there and feel at home we sing and worship the Lord and hear the word together its awesome.I used to feel that i did nt fit in now i can fit in anywhere because where we go he goes with us.There is unity in Christ even though we may differ in doctrine.brentnz
I love hearing about people's travels, so I thought I'd give you the chance to share a little about your own.
And again, you don't necessarily need to share all of these in your evangelism, but you should try to determine through prayer, through reliance upon the Holy Spirit, and through listening to the questions and objections of the person where they are at and what they need to hear.
Brené Brown says we should only share with people who have earned the right to hear our story.
The goal of sharing the gospel, of course, is to draw a person closer to Jesus, whether they are already a «Christian» or not, for Christians need to hear gospel truths just as much as so - called «non-Christians.»
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