Sentences with phrase «hearing about their classmates»

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But when we ask people how did they hear about Figure 1 in our user interviews, they'd say «my med school classmate showed it to me,» or doctors who hear about it from residence and med students.
I remember one moment very vividly: I was in the bathroom when I heard a few of my classmates complaining about having to go to class and discussing how many more points they needed to pass the course.
Specifically, it's far less common to hear about how a student who finds their way to or from Christianity, Islam, or Judaism (or even Atheism for that matter) while attending a university.Taking classes and sharing experiences alongside classmates from varying backgrounds can cause even the most religious or nonreligious person to inspect, analyze, and even question their beliefs.
If they don't hear about the event from you, then they are likely to hear about it from classmates.
hearing all about her school and classmates makes me feel old!
He eavesdrops into nearby conversations, hearing only negative things about himself, but even those poisonous remarks by classmates may be his imagination.
After hearing about a former classmate who's recently landed a lucrative job with his college degree, Dean begins to regret never aspiring to better opportunities.
Once a murder victim has been discovered, you will have a certain amount of time to investigate the crime scene and to take notes on the condition of the body and the surrounding areas as well as to take any statements from your other classmates about where they were at the time of the murder and if the saw or heard anything that might help with the investigation.
After a classmate heard about the icon and brought it to the school's attention, the student was immediately suspended for a week and then, after a hearing, suspended for a semester.
If, in fact, a law school was responsible, it would be entirely possible for a large class, upon hearing from a classmate about the voting, to all vote in a short period of time.
That's one of the bullet points that I've been trying to bring up a lot, and I'm glad you said it that way, because that's really the gist of all of this, is that no matter how somebody hears about you, whether it's someone that you know from your family, or friends, or classmates, all the traditional relationships that we have, those people and the people that they're referring to you are now also online.
I had to hide behind desks and hold the hands of my classmates, shaking and praying, hearing the gunshots outside of my door,» said Mei - Ling Ho - Shing, a senior at Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School, telling the 28 other panelists about her experience inside the school as Nikolas Cruz shot and killed 17 of her schoolmates and school staff.
I haven't yet heard from Boss about Classmate 2, but given that we all graduated from the same program around the same time, I'd be surprised if he didn't ask me which candidate I thought would be a better fit.
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