Sentences with phrase «hearing world»

This offers the ideal listening experience but it can sometimes be important to hear the world around you.
This suggests that other cultures hear the world differently, he adds.
The foolish man builds on sand and the fall will be heard world wide as a Mighty crash.
Your baby now sees and hears the world almost as well as you do.
I prefer to be able to hear the world around me when I'm running, so these «headphones» are what I use to help with that.
Did you forget the part of every tribe, tongue and nation must hear the world of God before the end will come?
Jewish slang is a phenomena heard the world over.
My hope is that a few of you who are out there Hear the world on your terms with Bose Hearphones.
Every year tens of thousands of people head to Omaha to hear the world famous investor and his No. 2 Charlie Munger answer questions all day about the economy, investing, politics, and life.
We'll play some of the most exciting music there is, and nothing beats hearing a world - class symphony orchestra playing at the top of their game.
July 22, 2014 • Hear the world premiere of a piece by Samuel Adams — son of composer John Adams — and watch the orchestra's signature encore, from Gershwin's Porgy and Bess.
Hear the World Cafe interview with the curator.
It's a shame so many of the challenges were taken out, but it is good to hear that World Tour overall is easier.
~ I'm still chugging through Helsinki University Professor Antero JÃ $ rvinen's review in Finnish to see if it's a two - Finnish - thumbs - up or down, but readers seem to be enjoying hearing world - class scientists» damning judgments of Mann rendered into Finnish, so here's a couple more:
It's also not very sexy getting your boyfriend to pop over and syringe your ears on his way to the airport — he headed to Tokyo last night for work — but it's sooooo blissful not to be struggling to hear the world through a muffled haze.
While some of its jump - scare tactics are less innovative than others, the movie does wring a good deal of tension out of Regan's inability to hear the world around her especially.
«Everyone wants to hear the world differently, and we just want to give them the tools to be able to do that,» Kraft says.
There are confections that grace our cookie trays each and every year and if they are missing, the cries can be heard the world over.
Hear the world on your terms with Bose Hearphones.
I had never heard the world «chuffed» before making friends from Australia.
Sad to hear the world has lost the ledge do that was David Bowie.
Vibes earplugs have a partnership with the Hear the World Foundation, and proceeds from each purchase will help fund hearing aids, surgeries and hearing programs.
I once had the flu and thought the world was coming to and end, then again I heard the world was coming to an end on May 32nd 2012.
My experience is that many of the deaf are acquisitive to a degree unknown in the hearing world.
You heard the world religion and just couldn't hold back.
What comes to mind when you hear the world truffle?
Open became her first word and a portal to the hearing world.
«Many people rely heavily on friends and family to translate for them or they simply end up being cut off from the hearing world.
For those who can not make a voice call, texting and video, in particular, have not only opened them up to the hearing world and to each other, but also allowed them to use American Sign Language (ASL), often their native language.
Deaf and hard of hearing individuals can sometimes find it difficult to make friends and date in the hearing world.
Johansson, straying about as far from «Avengers» territory as possible, provides an extraordinary window into an alien being; through her eyes, we see and hear the world as someone not from here would.
Viewers may initially feel as though they're hearing the world's tiniest violin concerto as Rachel bemoans the fact that her highly paid, prestigious work bores her, but Bell, whose comic timing and Diane - Keaton - meets - Buster - Keaton charm ought to have secured her a bigger acting gig by now, doesn't condescend to her character's malaise.
Lachman also shot these portions on long lenses and overcranked slightly to help remove Ben from the objective experience of the hearing world and provide a sense of isolation and unease.
We hear the world the way she does.
For me, as a hearing person who grew up in a hearing world, I'm not ever going to fully understand that.
As the fake Dana chops and changes his identity and the real Dana fights to be understood in a hearing world, readers will question how we define our own identity and how others perceive us by the identity we display.
Fans of Chef Nobu's cuisine will be pleased to hear the world's largest Nobu restaurant is just downstairs.
If I had a nickel for every time I heard a World of Warcraft player make the earnest argument that Horde / Alliance players are all children / crybabies / bullies / perverts / genetically inferior, I could fund my own MMO (it would basically be a hybrid of The Secret World and SWTOR, but high fantasy).
Each year, more than a million and a half visitors journey there from all parts of the world to hear world - class opera and chamber music, and to purchase art as they bask in the high desert mountain sun.
The Chinati Foundation offered the oppurtunity to hear world - renowned photographer Hiroshi Sugimoto speak on his work, as well as historian Arie Gartog speak on the work of sculptor Jean Arp.
«The prize allows me to produce and conceive a work using materials and technologies previously unavailable to me, and in doing so enables me to deepen my exploration of the most contemporary ways of seeing and hearing world,» Abu Hamdan said of his win in a statement.
Hear the world - premiere commission from the Grammy - nominated composer Magnus Lindberg and performed by the New York Philharmonic as Carnegie Hall opens for its 125th season.
I heard a World Bank bod talking last year; they've shifted to a green growth strategy, away from «sustainable development».
He endured cochlear implant surgery and was able to join the hearing world.
But if you need to have a conversation or want to stay safe when walking outside, just double - tap the button on the right earbud — this move activates «transparency mode,» which uses the mics to allow you to hear the world around you.
Though their design is thinner and lighter, The Headphone earbuds look strikingly similar to The Dash, carved in black plastic with vented microphone slots which allow you to hear the world around you, even while pumping tunes.
Press and hold on the earbuds to activate audio pass through mode, and the microphones on the earbuds will let you hear the world around you.
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