Sentences with phrase «hearing your baby struggle»

Watching and hearing your baby struggle may be difficult, but in the end, it's important to let them figure it out on their own.
To see and hear your baby struggle to breathe when he has colds is heartbreaking.

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As someone who struggled to have a baby, it's sometimes hard to hear, but I admire the honesty.
It's good to hear that you're feeling better — thanks for your honesty about your struggle with something that too many women are silent about or brush off as «baby blues».
But I also heard from other women, moms who live in other parts of the world that aren't as progressive as the United States, moms who are struggling with the shame and stigma of giving birth to a baby with Down Syndrome.
If your baby struggles with reflux, you may have heard friends and family members suggest adding cereal to his bottle as a way to thicken the milk and help it say down.
I frequently hear and have witnessed repeatedly the following; pain relief following birth, more rapid initiation of a milk supply and an increase in supply when capsules are increased or reintroduced after the initial «milk coming in», better weight gain in babies whose mothers are consuming placenta capsules, markedly faster cessation of postpartum bleeding and more rapid return of the uterus to pre-pregnancy size, hormonal balance resulting in a decrease or completely non existent «baby blues», even moms who have struggled with moderate postpartum depression (many of which required medication) after past pregnancies seem to sail through reporting the difference feels like night and day!
Hearing stories from moms who successfully nursed while you are struggling with a low milk supply is frustrating, but there are ways to boost your milk supply and ensure that your baby gets plenty to drink.
The last thing a struggling parent needs to hear is how easy breastfeeding was for you or how they should continue doing something that is harmful for them or their baby.
You've probably heard of some couple who struggled with fertility for year, but then had no struggles after their first baby arrived.
What we hear over and over again from women just like you is how heart - wrenching and devastating not being able to conceive the baby of your dreams is, how you didn't know it would be this hard, and how you feel so painfully alone in your struggle.
Beyonce is refusing to let herself go now she's pregnant because she's heard too many horror stories about new mums struggling to lose the baby...
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