Sentences with phrase «hears things differently»

He recognizes that every one hears things differently and must watch what he says.
Cate Blanchett is hearing things differently thanks to an ear - popping experience on a recent flight to Los Angeles.The Australian actress experienced...
(so even if you think you've told it before, retell it, people hear things differently the next time around)
«They hear things differently and can help you translate your internships, jobs, extracurricular, and educational experiences into important skills for a potential job.»
In addition to that, though, it is important to learn how to better ask your partner to both give and hear things differently.

Not exact matches

I just remember that when I listened to the tapes, I heard a few things I would have worded differently.
«Unless you mean that when you meet someone from a culture you have heard dangerous things about you should treat them differently until they prove they are worthy of trust... and which I think is really impossible to do and be fair for a majority of people...»
It's interesting that Pope Francis» people pick and choose what they like to hear and they ignore — you know he'll say something that is kind of paradigm - shifting in terms of getting people to think differently, but people don't read the full context of what he says about family and about life issues, about a lot of things.
Republican lawmakers viewed things differently and the hearing took on the air of partisan bickering.
But he added: «The sad thing for Labour is that stories like the «revenge reshuffle» — about who might hear the words (Alan Sugar - style) «you're fired» — tend to drown out our attacks on the Conservative government, or they can overshadow announcements about the positive things Labour would do differently in government.»
«Sometimes, you have to do things differently in departmental meetings if you want to be heard,» Williams advised when asked to identify issues specific to being a woman in academia.
While I loved hearing what everyone had to say, I inevitably ended up choosing differently from what the majority voted on for all three things.
Several of the things she teaches are how to quickly learn to speak so a man can hear, and listen so he'll speak (that alone will transform your love life); how the «Energy Exchange» between men and women works differently than we're taught by everyone else out there, and see for yourself, from the first time you try her Tools, how fast they work.
If you have to reach out to a family to give bad news — say their child was throwing things — if this is the first time [they're] hearing from [you], that message will be received differently» than if you've already created a trusting partnership with them.
Register today for the Publishers Launch Frankfurt conference, where you'll hear nine innovative executives explaining why they're doing things differently than they did before and than most of their competitors do now, and nine other presentations on the changing circumstances in the publishing world that might mean the experience in your market will be different than what we've seen happen in the US and UK.
That was the one thing I wish I had done differently, as I talked about here I hadn't heard of LendKey yet.
Some dogs who are scared of going on walks, may not have pain, but their vision or hearing could have deteriorated, making them perceive things differently than before.
Soon, you probably hear derisive comments about how things work differently in the real world vs a lab.
Both usually find themselves in the same position, apart from their children and relying on the courts, and / or CAFCASS to resolve their problems, and realise that they need to deal with things differently, as the typical delays of three months between hearing quickly results in not seeing their children for six months.
«And we are asked to do things a little differently and expedite the process and try to come to some decisions without full - blown hearings,» he said.
«The [Law Society] Tribunal will need to do things differently, too,» he said; although there was an indigenous ceremony held before the proceedings and participants sat in circle at Keshen's hearing, «they were still following the old rules of evidence... That needs to be adapted.»
If you feel stuck in a rut and just need to be heard, try doing things differently.
Working with couples and individuals healing from this pain, I so often hear the person who has been unfaithful say that they wish they could go back and do things differently, that they wish they had never met their affair partner, that they had no idea how much suffering their actions would cause to them, their partner, as well as to their children and extended families, and sometimes even communities.
I'm happy to hear that you're believing in yourself and that you're looking at what you can be doing differently to make things better.
«We often hear from our agents that we do things differently,» says Plummer.
I always love to hear about other people's favorite things or ideas on how I could maybe do something differently that I hadn't thought of before.
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