Sentences with phrase «heart healthy benefits»

# 2: Flaxseed Adds fiber, protein, and omega - 3 fat -LCB- good fat with heart healthy benefits -RCB-.
Consuming Omega - 3 fats can have heart healthy benefits such as lowering blood pressure, acting as an anti-inflammatory and preventing a blood clot within a blood vessel.
Available in 5oz bags (MSRP $ 5.99), Setton Farms Dark Chocolate Pistachios offer the heart healthy benefits of pistachios along with the amazing qualities of antioxidant - rich dark chocolate.
Enjoy this delicious dessert anytime and get the heart healthy benefits of antioxidants, magnesium and healthy saturated fats.
This smoothie is a simple combination of fruit and soy milk, filled with vitamins, nutrients and of course, heart healthy benefits!
So here's the bottom line: if you like the taste of dark chocolate, and you want the heart healthy benefits of plant flavanols, please enjoy this one mindfully.
Heart Healthy Benefits: Coconut oil, like other healthy oils can shift the ratio of goood HDL cholesterol to the sticky plaque forming LDL cholesterol, thus lowering the formation of plaque in the arteries and lowering the risk of stroke and heart attack.
Walnuts offer additional protein plus heart healthy benefits!
With Patriot Power Greens not only are you getting the heart healthy benefits of 40 different fruits and vegetables, but you're also getting 10 powerful probiotic strains.
Eating fish for its heart healthy benefits, such as omega 3 and 6 fatty acids or even EHA / DHA in the skins, is far outweighed by the negatives of heart health such as: trans fats, saturated fats and cholesterol.
Because cholesterol is only found in animal foods, and there's plenty of research showing the heart healthy benefits of eating more plants and less animals, it makes sense to stop worrying about cholesterol on the food label, and instead focus on including more vegetarian meals in your diet.
Always check the cocoa content when choosing dark chocolate to ensure a high flavanol level and avoid milk chocolate and low cocoa content products that contain little more than sugar to maximize the heart healthy benefits.
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