Sentences with phrase «heart muscle someone»

Current drugs work at the surface of heart muscle cells to block stress hormones, such as adrenaline, that are produced when the heart is injured.
In addition, their studies also had implicated the protein in pathways that controlled cell death in heart muscle.
Many people with heart injuries from heart attacks or birth defects could benefit from the «self - therapeutic» process of injecting healthy cells into the damaged heart muscle.
It is the end result of a progressively weakened heart muscle and is one of the most serious medical conditions affecting domestic dogs.
It is critical for normal vision, normal digestion, normal heart muscle function, to maintain normal pregnancy and fetal development, and to maintain a healthy immune system.
If the affected heart muscle is damaged it can heal, but it may not be able to pump blood like it used to because of scar tissue.
This is especially critical for creating new heart muscle from support cells after a heart attack.
As heart muscles get older, they grow thicker.
The ultimate goal is to grow beating heart muscle from a patient's own cells.
Unlike a heart attack, when heart muscle dies, heart failure is a chronic condition.
And the new blood flow may have stimulated existing heart stem cells to differentiate into new heart muscle cells.
These «repair cells» can differentiate into a variety of cell types including heart muscle and blood vessels.
Other health problems found in association with periodontal disease include kidney, liver, and heart muscle changes.
A more recent study on heart muscle cells is another example.
But contrary to what some people think, a bigger heart muscle doesn't mean a stronger heart.
There is both scar tissue and weak heart muscle that remain, and eventually this leads to heart failure as tissue continues to die.
He adds that human heart muscle works in much the same way as flight muscle, and this work could eventually give insight into why hearts fail.
Helps support healthy, normal heart function, healthy heart muscle, heart rhythm, blood pressure and circulation.
Specifically, the researchers generated the tissue from human embryonic stem cells with the resulting muscle having significant similarities to human heart muscle.
The micro heart muscle addresses both of these concerns.
It isn't often that a group of scientists gets to work on something as exciting as heart muscle regeneration.
In contrary, sufficient intake of calcium can bring benefits such as healthy gum and teeth, stronger bones, obesity prevention, and and better heart muscles.
Stem cells are being tested elsewhere in the medical research world to see if they can repair heart muscle damage caused by heart attacks, for instance.
The overly - stretched heart muscle that occurs in this disease is an inefficient pump.
Their next goal is to develop heart muscle «patches» that would repair heart defects.
Previous reports have established that a significant percentage of sports competitors show signs of heart muscle injury and cardiac abnormalities after prolonged exercise.
In animals, researchers found that intermittent fasting improved heart muscle performance, reduced free radical damage, and increased the growth of blood vessels within the heart.
Cats with this problem have scar tissue instead of normal heart muscle.
When portions of the ferret's heart muscle die, the heart can no longer pump blood through the pet's body efficiently.
In addition, unlike heart muscle, skeletal muscles can perform static contractions if they are repeatedly stimulated at high frequency.
The center (red) shows heart muscle cells while the perimeter (green ring) shows a type of connective tissue.
Heart disease in cats usually involves the entire heart muscle and not just the valves.
Either form can lead to heart failure which is a backup of fluid into the lungs due to decreased heart muscle function.
Eventually, printed heart muscle might repair damage from a heart attack and help pump a living person's blood.
Now researchers have found a region of the brain that, when damaged by a stroke, appears to cause a 15 times greater risk for ensuing heart muscle injury.
It is a period when precious heart muscle is dying from oxygen starvation.
Last but not least, your own fat - derived stem cells can prevent premature heart muscle cell death.
Other issues include learning how to modify heart muscle cells in a living patient.
And any activity that makes you breathe harder and faster will help exercise that important heart muscle as well!
A heart attack happens if the flow of oxygen - rich blood to a section of heart muscle suddenly becomes blocked and the heart can't get oxygen.
Heart muscles sometimes compensate by growing stronger, but many times the heart defect becomes life - threatening.
It is a progressive and potentially fatal heart condition resulting from an enlarged and weakened heart muscle.
If this happens, it can damage heart muscle and block small blood vessels.
To make beating heart muscle, researchers needed to figure out just which cells were the ones that they needed.
The application of these therapies could range from the repair of heart muscle damaged by heart attack to the repair of sports - related bone, cartilage and muscle injuries.
Their lead research scientist also knew that the medical field has no medications that acted directly on heart muscle to improve its strength.
When heart muscle is damaged, the body is unable to repair the dead or injured cells.
Adult stem cells simply may not have the potential to turn into new heart muscle cells.
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