Sentences with phrase «heart of his second term»

BARACK OBAMA is certainly talking the talk on climate change — promising to put the fight against global warming at the heart of his second term.

Not exact matches

On October 8, the day after that news broke, the No. 2 search on Bible Gateway — second to their typical top search term, love — was «out of the overflow heart, the mouth speaks.»
They are often hailed as being an authentic example of what the Second Vatican Council really wanted to achieve, in terms of an active and informed laity working to pass on the Faith and to bring it alive in the hearts of those to whom the Church had seemed remote and boring.
YOGA: SCIENTIFIC ANALYSIS Sirs: Regarding the discussion of yoga exercises, the issue raised by Joe David Brown (Yoga Comes West, SI, Jan. 25) and by B. K. Bagchi (19TH HOLE, Feb. 29) is a twofold one: first, whether it is a scientifically proved fact that yoga exercises exert a demonstrable effect upon the heart; second, if such an effect is demonstrable, what its physiological nature is in terms of accepted concepts of cardiovascular physiology.
But in terms of the team showing some spirit, heart and commitment, the draw was a deserved reward for... More Arsenal salvage a point despite second half Coq up
The 82 - year - old Cuomo died Thursday at his home in Manhattan of natural causes from heart failure just hours after his son Andrew began his second term as New York's chief executive.
Mario Cuomo died on January 1, 2015 at the age of 82, of heart failure, the same day his son Andrew Cuomo was inaugurated for his second term as governor.
Mr. Cuomo, 82 years old, died at his Manhattan home of heart failure on the same day his son was inaugurated for a second term.
Cuomo, 82, died of natural causes due to heart failure on Thurs., Jan. 1, just hours after his son, Governor Andrew Cuomo, gave his inaugural address for his second term as governor.
Cuomo died Thursday of natural causes due to heart failure at his home, the same day his son Andrew started his second term as governor, according to a statement released by the administration.
Gov. Andrew Cuomo announced that his second term would see the «biggest construction program in our state's history, period» — and at the heart of it would be a remade Pennsylvania Station.
A second set of experiments, in which a second heart was grafted roughly a month after rejection to give potential immune memory more time to develop, showed similar long - term acceptance.
A couple of heart - pounding chase sequences which require cat - like reflexes are welcome additions in terms of pacing, but the controls are too clunky for the kind of split - second precision that is needed to succeed in them.
Half way through the contract term, Bluecrest switched its heart screening services to the Second Defendant («Express»), one of the claimants» competitors.
As I see it, Google's free legal research services won't put a dent in LEXIS or Westlaw, at least not for a long, long time,  Instead, they pose a threat to what I've collectively termed the «second city» providers like Versuslaw, Casemaker, FastCase or Loislaw. Right now, most lawyers are able to access those services for free or cheap through deals with the bars — but will bars continue to support those subscriptions when there's a robust free option available? My heart goes out to these companies because they served as an oasis for solos when no other options, save the law library and manual research, existed. Yet I don't see all of them able to survive the Google onslaught.
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