Sentences with phrase «heart of this approach»

Yet the difference lay here — and Luther made it the very heart of his approach: «prayer» and «humility» become a matter of self - despair, part of a complete existential complex, an early version perhaps of the special German Angst.
The Faith movement has this principle at the heart of its approach to the formation of young Catholics, seeking to foster an inquisitive approach to the faith, just as in the natural sciences, and to develop such intellectual curiosity within a theological framework that is faithful to Christ's Magisterium and to our understanding of the created universe.
The experience to which she referred is the heart of our approach to both marriage enrichment and growth - centered marriage counseling.
The idea that lies at the heart of our approach is nutrient - richness, and nutrient - richness is the best starting point for understanding our meal plan.
Guiding children with love, nurturing their strengths and self image, and instilling personal responsibility are at the heart of this approach.
«At the heart of our approach is a plan to make transport work for the people who use it and for the wider economy.»
Some of the information released on Thursday came under the heading of «transparency» and Matthew Hancock, the Cabinet Office minister, said in a statement that «enhancing transparency and accountability continues to be at the heart of our approach to government».
A stakeholder model and partnership with the unions must lie at the heart of the approach of the next Labour government in reversing decades of privatisation.
That lending drive is still at the heart of his approach to business, and what he will continue to plug away at.
The idea that lies at the heart of our approach is nutrient - richness, and nutrient - richness is the best starting point for understanding our meal plan.
HP: The Daniels struck us immediately as two young men who placed freedom of expression and the pursuit of innovation at the heart of their approach to storytelling.
At the heart of any approach to professional development is an attitude about how, when and where we learn best.
At the heart of his approach lies a dedication to empower participants as pro-active & continuous learners by leveraging the latest understanding of neuroscience, technology and evidence - based learning techniques.
The heart of the approach is getting students on college campuses, taking college courses, and pointing them toward a possible associate degree along with their high school diploma.
Community - and relationship - building are at the heart of this approach, and this happens through practices such as circles, mediation and conferencing, and peer juries.
At the heart of this approach are teacher - peers observing lessons and objectively collecting data — through scripting, counting, or tracking methods.
They're at the heart of our approach to picking high return investments for Stock Pickers Digest.
At the heart of our approach is a relentless determination to deliver long - term capital growth, while preserving shareholders» capital.
At the heart of their approach are four foundation principles of clicker training:
Addressing how the post-industrial, north - east region has been shaped by migrants is at the heart of this approach.
At the heart of this approach is an integrated land use planning process that uses «ecological - economic zoning» to designate priority areas for conservation, deforestation pressure points, and suitable areas for increased production.
Respecting ecological thresholds, carrying capacity, and planetary boundaries are, therefore, at the heart of our approaches.
At the heart of her approach is that that «it is in everyone's interests that matrimonial claims should be settled by agreement rather than by an adversarial battle in court».
Mediation is at the heart of her approach as a litigator and she regularly deals with the media and press on high profile cases.
Our commitment to building long term relationships with our clients and candidates is at the heart of our approach to legal recruiting.
The heart of my approach centers on providing a warm, supportive, and nonjudgmental space to help you feel safe as you embark on your therapeutic journey.
The motto «Small Things Often» is at the heart of our approach to couples therapy.
If that's really the heart of your approach, it's everywhere, embedded in what you do.
Blending old wine with the new in twenty - first century bottles: both integration and formulation were at the heart of the approach described in the first edition of Integrated Family Therapy, but it had not anticipated gene - environment studies or epigenetics (which NIMH considers will re-shape psychiatric thinking), nor social constructionism, which forms the basis of much recent systemic thinking and practice.
At the heart of my approach is the belief that we all have profound wisdom within us.
Community - and relationship - building are at the heart of this approach, and this happens through practices such as circles, mediation and conferencing, and peer juries.
At the heart of my approach is the belief that we all have profound strength and wisdom within ourselves, and that we seek meaning and connection in our lives.
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