Sentences with phrase «heat biases»

In addition, he is correcting the data for urban heat bias by the so - called population density adjustment.
«Record highs» in the surface station record aren't scientific - especially with urban heat bias.
I just don't understand how fairly plain heat biases, oil drum trash burners, A / C exhausts, etc., near thermometers are irrelevant to a given site's recorded Tmax.
Since the USHCN states its goal is to assist in detecting regional climate change, US siting issues such as systemic heat biases seem fairly relevant to me.
Combining the OAS temperatures and OAA temperatures and using the century - scale trends for each identified in the paper -LRB--0.03 K / century and +0.78 K / century, respectively), it may be concluded that instrumental temperature stations located in non-urban areas and not subjected to artificial urban heating bias produce an overall warming trend of just 0.375 K / century (0.038 K / decade) during 1900 - 2010.
Satellites are also free of things like urban heat biases.
This isnt a simple matter of lining up all the heat biases without considering the mitigating factors.

Phrases with «heat biases»

a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u v w x y z