Sentences with phrase «heat exposure»

According to reports, when four dogs were discovered locked inside the vehicle, two had already died from heat exposure.
They tend to suffer from heat strokes, heart attacks, and seizures caused by heat exposure.
In fact, exposure to cold is responsible for twice as many deaths as heat exposure annually.
A team of scientists has identified two major ways to dramatically minimize the mortality rate from extreme heat exposure.
These three guidelines are: (1) minimal necessary heat exposure; (2) minimal necessary cooking duration; (3) minimal necessary food surface contact with cooking liquid.
Read the tag for product - specific instructions for drying, as heat exposure damages some items.
These three guidelines are: (1) minimal necessary heat exposure; (2) minimal necessary cooking duration; (3) minimal necessary food surface contact with cooking liquid.
«Our findings indicate that even a best - case scenario will lead to an increase in extreme heat exposure in the future, so from a planning perspective, identifying potential hotspots will help target public health efforts,» says Jones.
CARS.COM The problem: Paint on the left roof panel side frame may be blistered or damaged due to excess heat exposure during the manufacturing process.
In other words, you'll want to steer clear of hot tubs, or limit heat exposure per the APA guidelines, but an average warm bath is ok.
By matching satellite - based information on heat exposure to maps of coral death, Hughes and his colleagues learned that coral mortality began after about three to four weeks of overheating.
How will a 4 - to 6-fold increase in extreme heat exposure impact the U.S. population?
A dozen residents of the Hollywood Hills Rehabilitation Center died from heat exposure after the facility lost power to its air conditioning during Hurricane Irma in September.
The Hollywood Police Department said 12 patients at the Rehabilitation Center at Hollywood Hills were killed by «environmental heat exposure
Heat weakens steel so the less heat exposure, the better.
In other words, the coolest parts of the day are getting warmer, making it harder for people — especially those without air conditioning — to recover from daytime heat exposure.
That is because Jupiter family comets get more heat exposure, which causes volatile substances like water to sublimate and drag away other material from the comet's surface as well.
Under heat exposure up to 400 °C, tiny graphene ribbons formed on the gold surface from the precursors, including impurity atoms at specific sites.
This can be accomplished through simple heat exposure by raising the temperature of the air, as is popular in Finland and other parts of Europe.
As bonus, heat exposure ties into the creation of brain - derived neurotrophic factor, or BDNF.
Whole foods remain whole when cooked; it's the type of processing beyond heat exposure from cooking that can dramatically change the makeup of the food, and therefore its nutritional value and how we feel when we eat it.
And whilst «flushing toxins out of the body» is a bit of a misleading term, heat exposure does help to open your pores and remove impurities from the skin.
Letting your hair air dry overnight reduces heat exposure, which can dehydrate hair and also accelerate colour fade.
Right behind is south Atlantic region of Florida, Georgia, South Carolina, North Carolina, Virginia, West Virginia, Maryland, Delaware and Washington, D.C., where heat exposure is projected to increase by 2.2 billion person days.
The biggest projected increases in person days is the Texas, Oklahoma, Louisiana, Arkansas census region where by mid-century heat exposure will increase by 2.7 billion person days.
While local adaptation planners might be primarily be interested in how the patterns of heat extremes align with changes in population over their immediate community, it is equally important for decision makers to recognise the broader implications of heat exposure increases driven by future changes in where people live.
Along the way humans could expect to die in resource wars, starvation due to food systems collapse or lethal heat exposure.
Nature Letter Published online: 18 April 2018 Global warming transforms coral reef assemblages Terry P. Hughes et al Abstract Global warming is rapidly emerging as a universal threat to ecological integrity and function, highlighting the urgent need for a better understanding of the impact of heat exposure on the resilience of ecosystems and the people who depend on them.
Heat exposure during exercise can lead to intestinal ischemia due to shunting of the blood from the viscera to the skin and muscles.
Such concerning findings inlude the leaching into the soy during acid washing in metal tanks, formation of nitrates and other toxins with spray drying, and the complete denaturation of many of the potentially beneficial proteins upon high heat exposure.
Results from a study done by the College of Public Health at Wuhan University showed goji protect against testicular tissue damage induced by heat exposure, raise antioxidant activity of superoxide dismutase in the reproductive system, raise sexual hormone levels and protect against DNA oxidative damage to testicular cells.
It's an incredibly moist cake, so sitting overnight likely redampened the top, which was only dry from heat exposure.
Ultimately, a dozen residents died from heat exposure and the medical examiner determined their deaths to be homicides.
In addition to the Francos, homicide due to heat exposure is now the official cause of death for the following Hollywood Hills residents:
And on the eve of Thanksgiving, she learned through a reporter that her grandparents did in fact die from heat exposure.
This is one of the reasons why cake flour remains white after baking; it's bleached so it's not susceptible to oxidation and, hence, color changes during heat exposure.
The thermal history (the type, intensity and duration of heat exposure) of the samples will have changed the types and concentrations of the VOCs present, affecting the flavour.
They also recommend for breastfeeding mothers to «decrease their activities and heat exposure as much as possible during the fast».
But victims who die close to the fire perish either from edema (heat - caused swelling of the airways) or heat exposure, in which the organs shut down «like a super heatstroke,» Roby says.
The amount of coral death they measured was closely linked to the amount of bleaching and level of heat exposure, with the northern third of the Great Barrier Reef being the most severely affected.
Another exercise test took place after 52 minutes of heat exposure, during which the temperature of the participants» core body temperature increased («moderate hyperthermia»).
The scientists mapped the geographical pattern of heat exposure from satellites, and measured coral survival along the 2,300 - km length of the Great Barrier Reef following the extreme marine heatwave of 2016.
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