Sentences with phrase «heat of combat»

It's a rush, and many soldiers feel alive in the heat of combat.
At my side was once again the Iron Bull, a powerful warrior who could deal absurd levels of damage, yet often seemed overly fragile in the heat of combat.
The ability to switch between characters in the heat of combat, new combo enders and visible clothing damage, as well as the possible re-introduction of intro cutscenes for free battle (along with a new animation to go with it).
Appropriately managing one's stamina bar in the heat of combat separates new recruits from battle - hardened samurai, just like in real life.
Also not helping matters is that the block ability is a bit of a pain in the ass to use in the heat of combat.
When you're in the heat of combat, switching between modes, the screen explodes in a glorious cavalcade of rich color.
Or being surrounded by flames and screams while destroying foes in the heat of combat.
It hits the sweet spot between providing powerful weaponry and extreme vulnerability, and was our first look at the innovative tactical dismemberment concept that forces players to make split second decisions in the heat of combat.
The directional pad is utilized to swap between these styles in the heat of combat, with the down arrow in particular mapped to equipping whatever weapon players have selected in their inventory.
Here, magic clashes with technology, alliances forge in the heat of combat and cunning strategy wins the day.
It will be interesting to see if the Wii U drawing mechanic is too clunky in the heat of combat (Although you can also use the right hand stick instead of drawing).
It's the Free Fall dynamic multiplayer map we're most looking forward too though, which throws you into the heat of combat in a collapsing tower building hundreds of feet above the streets below.
We have released a brand new tutorial that covers the basics someone new to the game needs to consider when preparing for battle and the tactics they need to think about while in the heat of combat.
Various species of mushrooms provide either buffs or damage, but an unfortunate UI design that places control over the mushrooms as a series of swipes on the PS4 controller's touch pad means that in the heat of combat, it's all too frustratingly easy to pick the wrong «shroom.
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