Sentences with phrase «heat of something»

Technology such as this, scientists said, may have a promising future in the identification and surgical removal of malignant tumors, as well as using near - infrared light therapies that can kill remaining cancer cells, both by mild heating of them and generating reactive oxygen species that can also kill them.
«During the heat of it, you're not thinking about it.
The end of the year is fast approaching and they are in the heat of it.
Hopefully Welbeck will take some heat of him!
However Arsene Wenger can really take some heat of himself and his team with a victory in the FA Cup final which makes it a massive game for both teams.
The pace, breath, and heat of it burned away some nerves.
Her lips are twisted in a disgusted frown and her stare is so intently disapproving we can feel the heat of it on our skin.
In the heat of it all, some of the smartest financial minds, business leaders, and politicians were certain the 1920s brought about a new economic age.
CO2 generates no heat of itself.
The massive fully - interactive arts festival that is Burning Man attracts people from around the world to experience a temporary intentional community in the heat of the
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