Sentences with phrase «heat period»

During heating periods these same, leaky return ducts draw cold air into the conditioned space, increasing heating loads.
Puppy begins to mature sexually: male begins to lift leg, and female has first heat period anywhere from 6 - 12 months.
If spayed between the first and second heat periods the risk increases to about 8 %.
Ideally, female dogs should be bred on their second or even third heat period after they have been health tested for common hereditary disorders and have demonstrated a sound temperament.
The female heat period results in about two to three weeks of obnoxious behavior that can be quite annoying if your cat is kept indoors.
Puppy begins to mature sexually: male begins to lift leg, and female that have not been spayed will have first heat period anywhere from 6 - 12 months.
Average times between heat periods is seven months but some dogs can cycle as early as every 4 months, some once a year.
The ovarian tissue will be most prominent or visible just following the active heat period.
The surgery is usually performed at 6 to 9 months of age, before the first heat period.
I advise my clients to breed their cat on its second or third heat period.
The female's heat periods result in about 2 - 3 weeks of vaginal bleeding.
None of these causes are as common as the non-regenerative anemias associated with prolonged heat periods in unspayed female ferrets.
These outdoor - to - indoor vapor pressure differences during cooling periods in this climate can be greater than the indoor - to - outdoor vapor pressure differences during heating periods in this same climate.
Fillies rarely mature as quickly as colts, and nature has provided another handicap: even for a filly with the best - regulated heat periods the schedule can vary, and although a filly can run at full effectiveness while in season, this condition can result in startling reversals of form.
In fact, it is thought this is the major process which, over millions of years, cools Earth after a major heating period.
If the ovaries are not removed, the bothersome heat periods still occur even though pregnancy is no longer possible.
Because the chances are slim that a male purebred dog found another purebred dog, of a different breed, who happened to be female, who happened to be in heat (which occurs only twice a year for three weeks), AND whose heat period was within the limited fertile window (about a week).
Therefore, heat periods no longer occur.
If CO2 levels on planet Earth also lag the cooling periods, then how can it be that CO2 levels are causally related to terrestrial heating periods at all?
Leaky return ducts located in vented crawlspaces draw significant amounts of soil gas, moisture, possibly pesticides, radon, and other pollutants into the conditioned spaces, often creating moisture problems and increasing cooling loads during cooling periods and heating loads during heating periods as well as risking occupant health and safety.
Time the surgery before its anticipated second heat period.
Spaying reduces the stress and discomfort females endure during heat periods, eliminates the risk of uterine cancer, and greatly reduces the chance of mammary cancer.
When an ovariohysterectomy (OHE) is performed prior to the first heat period in a female dog, the risk of mammary cancer later in life is less than 1 %.
I advise my clients to breed their dog on its second or third heat period.
The most common cause of non-regenerative anemia in ferrets is elevated blood estrogen levels in unspayed female ferrets undergoing prolonged heat periods (estrus or breeding cycles).
The female's heat periods result in about 2 weeks of obnoxious behavior.
«According to our measurements, mercury concentrations at Beijing are alarmingly high, especially in the heating period,» geoecologist Stefan Norra says.
Ordinarily such treatment extends the heat period.
Female dogs may attract male dogs from the start of the heat period, but she may not be acceptant of their advances for a week to ten days.
Some female dogs after a heat period experience a false pregnancy, where they act and even look pregnant, but are not.
A female is usually more nervous, irritable, and aggressive during her heat periods.
Heat periods will usually last 4 to 7 days.
My female pet needs to have a heat period and litter to round out her personality.
But un-neutered females (queens) do it too — especially when they are cycling through their heat periods (estrus).
There is no proven benefit in allowing the animal to have a heat period or a litter prior to spaying.
Your cat will have a heat period about every two to three weeks until she is bred.
Spaying your cat before she has any heat periods will virtually eliminate this possibility.
Spaying means that your cat's heat periods will no longer occur and unplanned litters will be prevented.
If spayed at any time after the second heat period, the risk of mammary cancer is about 25 % in the dog (same as in an unspayed dog).
It is pretty much universally agreed upon by vets that the best time to spay is BEFORE the first heat period.
Eliminate the risk of pyometra (life - threatening uterus infection that develops several weeks after a heat period and requires emergency surgical removal of the organ)
Spaying not only reduces the stress and discomfort females endure during heat periods, but also eliminates the risk of uterine cancer and reduces the chance of mammary cancer.
Spaying means surgically removing the uterus and ovaries so the female can't have heat periods or become pregnant.
If you plan to breed your dog, she should have at least one or two heat periods first.
In an intact dog, these heat periods (estrus) result in about 2 - 3 weeks of vaginal bleeding and discharge approximately every 6 months.
The female's heat periods, which usually begin at five to six months of age, occur every two to three weeks unless she is bred.
My ten - month - old puppy seems to have just ended her first heat period.
If she is spayed between the first and second heat periods the risk is about 8 % and if she is spayed after the second heat period the risk is 25 %, regardless of whether she is ever spayed, or not.

Phrases with «heat period»

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